2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5(共4课时) Meeting your ancestors教案 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5(共4课时) Meeting your ancestors教案 新人教版选修8The First Period Warming up一Aims:Teaching aims 教学目标1Learning goalsHelp the students learn how to give opinion and describe objects2Ability goalsEnable the students to talk about the archaeological evidence and knowledge and learn to describe people and practice giving opinions.二ContentsLead in by talking about the ancient civilization.1. Ask them the four Great Ancient Civilizations.2. Ask them to give some account of each great civilization, for example, speaking China, they can talk about Chinas brilliant civilization, like four great inventions (papermaking, printing, gunpowder, pass)3. Ask Ss to identify each picture in this part.3. Ask them to have a discussion to plete the task listed in Activity 2 ( to plete the table),4. What is it made of? Whats its use? And todays alternatives?5. Then make a summary of this and show the PPT of the table list on the screen.S3. The Greek Goddess agreed to help and his wish was granted.NamematerialtodayAlternativeClay lameChinese chimesStone/ jade axeDeath maskHomeworkAsk the students to find some information about Zhoukoudian.*结束The Second Period Reading一Aims:Teaching aims 教学目标1. Target language目标语言:重点词汇和短语archaeology, tentative, accuracy, excavate, interrupt, ornament, assume, regardless, sharpen, cut up, scrape, ample, primitive, preserve, bead, botany, botanical, analysis, specific, seashell, specifically2. Ability aims能力目标Enable the Ss to tell the differences between modern people and Peking man and learn how Peking man lived their lives.Content:Step I RevisionCheck the homework.The Ss will how their information about Zhoukoudian Caves in the following steps.Step II Lead in1. Ask the Ss to identify the picture in the pre-reading part. (skullcap)2. Ask Ss to assume what Peking man might have done and use thousands of years ago.3. Then by showing the table following to show whether their assumptions are right or wrong.Modern peoplePeking manAccuracyPlaces of livingModern architecture, which is huge, like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass wallsCavesVery accurateFurnitureBeautiful furniture with lots of ornaments mostly made of wood or other special materialsNatural furniture made of stone or woodAccurateEntertainmentWatching TV, surfing the Internet and travelingEnjoy the nature or family get-togetherInaccurateFoodA good variety of cooked food, which tastes deliciousNatural food, such as nuts and fruitsAccurateClothingClothes made form special material, such as cotton and woodClothes made form animal skinsAccurateStep III Reading1. Play the tape once, and ask the Ss what they have learned about Zhoukoudian Caves2. Skimming (What is the text about? And three stages of the archaeologists part of the dialogue: An archeologist is showing a group of students from England around the Zhoukoudian Caves and telling them something bout the caves.)3. Scanning (Ask them to write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones. Ask them to work in pairs and discuss the questions.Homes: Peking man lived in Zhoukoudian Caves of rocks and trees.Tools: They used needle that was made of bone sharpened stone tools and scraper made by stones.Dress: They wore clothes form animal skins and they also wore necklace made from seashells or animal teeth.4. Careful readingStep IV Post-readingAsk Ss to fill in the chart on the life and habits of Peking man on page 37 and pare it with the list they made in the pre-reading. What differences are there?And then to clarify Ss difficult points in the text.Step V HomeworkWrite a brief introduction to the Zhoukoudian Cave.*结束The Third Period Language Points一Aims:Teaching aims 教学目标1.Ability aims能力目标Enable the students to use the Present Perfect Continuous tense.2. Learning ability aims 学能目标Help the students lean how to use the Present Perfect Continuous tense.Content 教学内容1. identify vt. 确认,识别,鉴别(1) sb. /sth. as sb./ sth.确认,证明某人/某物系某人/某物e.g. She identified the man as her attacker.(2) sth. with sth.认为某事物与另一事物等同e.g. One cant happiness with wealth.扩展:identification n. identification card 身份证2. alternative adj. 供选择的,其他的e.g. The way was blocked ,so we had to go by road. 这条路阻塞,我们只能走其他路。3. interrupt vt. 1) 打断,中断,阻碍The war ed the trade between the 2 countries. e.g.战争打断了两国间的贸易。Sorry to interrupt you, but I have something to say. 打断某人的话 sb. /sth. with sth. 用打扰/打断 e.g.他用一个问题打断了他的老师。 He interrupted his teacher with a question. (2) interrupt sb. 打扰某人 e.g. Dont interrupt me. I am very busy. 打扰某人4. assume vt. 假定,设想;担任,承担(1)assume后多跟 1) 名词,2)宾语+ to be + n. / adj., 3) that 从句e.g. 1. The scientist that there no animals on the moon. 科学家设想月球上没有动物 2. I d the responsibility. 我来承担责任。 3. He assumed a great man. 他假装是伟人(2) assuming放在句首,表一种猜测。e.g. Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?扩展: assumption n. make an assumption. regardless of 不管;不顾;不注意e.g. He went the risk. 他不顾危险地去了。 He is his appearance. 他不注意自己的外表。6. preserve vt.(1) 保存;保护;收藏e.g. You can meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐来保存肉或鱼。(2) 保持;维持e.g. It is one of the duties of the police to public order7.sharpen. vt /vi 使变锐利 锋利 、磨快刀sharpen a pencil with a knife.Sharpen a knife.Sharpene stone tools.n. sharpener 磨快的用具adj. Sharp 锐利的、陡峭的、激烈的、凛冽的8Preserve vt 保存、保护 、保管The city should take steps to preserve the old temple.Preserve from.保护使免于Oil preserves metal from rust.Vt.保存 、储藏 , 维持、保护Preserve fruit in sugar cans.Preserve ones strength.9Im sorry to interrupt you, but how could they live here? Im sorry, but Excuse me , but.10.We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, which suggest that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.six meters thicksix years old*结束The Forth period Learning about language and using languageTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言:重点词汇和短语look ahead, accelerate, arrest, dizzy, relief, eyebrow, cheekbone, arrowhead, axe, division, affection, affectionate, patient, skillful, exhausting2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to describe the life of early peopleTask-based method, reading and discussionContent 教学内容Step I Revision and Lead-in1 heck the homework.2Ask the Ss to recite some useful words and expression_r_rs.Step II Lead-inAsk the Ss to turn to page 43 and look at the picture, then try to describe what are these early people are doing. And imagine what their life was like.Step III Language PointsPlay the tape for the Ss to listen. At the same time, the students are asked to find the answers to the following questions.1. Which jobs did Dahu do? ( to make tools, catch fish, cut up meat, scraper the fish and wele guests)2. Which jobs did Lala do?(to collect nuts and fruit, to prepare the meat over the fire)3. Who works cooperatively and who does tasks alone? (Both men and women work cooperatively. For example, Lalas mother and aunts were preparing the meat of deer and pig over the fire. Men do tasks alone)4. Who does the most dangerous tasks?( men do the most dangerous tasks)5. Where does the danger e from? ( The danger es from the wild animals)Step IV Post Reading1. In groups discuss what the possible work division was between men and women at that time.Mens tasks: making tools, fishing, making fire, protecting the family form wild animals, cutting up meat.Womens tasks: collecting nuts and fruits, making and sewing clothes, looking after baby, preparing food, doing housework.2. Then ask them to look at the above item and try to use adjective best describe each of them.Adjectives best describe the women:caring, affectionate, safe, co-operativeStep HomeworkPracticing using two or more adjectives to describe the Saxingdui Ruins objects on page44.


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