2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Computers教案(2)新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 puters教案(2)新人教版必修2I .Content :New words and expressions in Unit 3II .Teaching aims: Master the new words and expressions.III.Main points:1.Pronounce the words and phrases correctly2.Try to remember the spelling and Chinese meaningIV .Difficult pointsUse the words freelyV .Teaching stepsSTEP1. Pronunciation correctingRead after the teacher or the tape twice. Then the teacher asks the students to read words by themselves.STEP2. Skills in memorizing the new wordsThe teacher analyses the structure and usage of the new words briefly.STEP3. Consolidation of the words and expressions单词翻译1._ vt.计算 2. _ n.计算器 3. _n.笔记本4. _a.简单的 5. _n.工艺;技术 6. _a.科技的7. _n.革命 8. _a.宇宙的 9. _a.数学的10. _a.人造的11. _n.智力;智能12. _ad.完全地13. _n.网络 14. _ad.真实地 15. _n.种族16. _n.诞生 17. _n.优势;优点 18. _n.缺点19. _v.打字 20. _vi.不同意 21. _n.选择22. _n.原料 23. _ad.亲自地 24. _vt.创造25. _n.教练 26. _n.步骤;动作27. _vi.出现28. _n.脑 29. _n.拖把 30. _vi.徘徊词组1._共有;共用 2. _依看来3. _走过;过去 4. _处理;安排;对付5. _在某种程度上6. _弥补;整理7. _毕竟 8. _在的帮助下9. _看守;监视 单词拼写1. Credit cards have brought about a _(革命) in peoples spending habits2. Im sorry to say that I _ (彻底地)forget about it.3. Look before leap. Dont be _(头脑简单的).4. With the development of _(技术), more practical machines have been invented.5. In basketball matches, American players have an obvious_(优势) in height.6. P_ speaking, Im in favor of the plan.7. In c_ with many others, she applied for a training place.8. I dont like a_ flowers, which cannot purify(净化)the air.9. A n_ puter is easy to carry.1o.Hes very clever. Hes got quite high i_ quality.选词填空In a way ,serve, whats more, in the way, make up, develop, personally, above all, share1. He lived in a poor district in a house _ with another family.2. Dont take it seriously. The story is only _.3. I couldnt get through the gate because your car was _.4. The change was an improvement _.5. Ill buy a house which modern, fortable and _ in a quiet place.6. The old man is _ in health.7. Peter works well._ he likes to help others.8. His brother _ in the army for two years.9. You shouldnt have talked about the boys _ affairs.10. Do you mind waiting a few more minutes for the photos? They _.STEP4.Using words and expressions (Ss book P20)STEP5. Homework 1. Learn all the words and expressions by heart. 2. Preview the text and finish discovering useful words and expressions. Blackboard Design: New words and expressions Translation Phrases Fill in the blanks Unit3 puters Book2Period 2 TextLiu JuanI .Content Text: Who am I?II .Teaching aims: 1. understanding the general meaning of the new text to train the reading ability of the students2. 德育目标:了解计算机的发展历程。III .Important and difficult points:1. Grasp the general idea of the text. 2. Learn about some characteristics of the English poems3. Retell the text freelyIV .Teaching steps:STEP 1. Lead in and warming up:1.Look at the pictures on p17 and discuss what they have in mon.STEP 2. Pre-readingHow have puters changed our life?_STEP3. Fast reading: Read the passage silently and quickly and answer the following questions, Youll be given 5 minutes.1)Who was the first person to devise the earliest puter?_2) What did he make and what did it do?_3) Who was the next important person to design puters?_STEP4. Careful readingTask1:Fill in the blanks according to the timeline.1642: _: The Analytical Machine wasmade by Charles Babbage1936: _1960s: _: The first family of puters connected to each other1970s:_Now: _STEP 5.InterviewAs a reporter, you will interview Mr. PUTER.STEP 6.Homework 1.Preview the second text (SB,P22)2.Reading task(WB,P58) Blackboard Design: Lead in Pre-reading Fast reading Careful reading Unit3 puters Book2Period 4 GrammarLiu JuanTeaching aim: Grasp the usages of The Present Perfect Passive Voice and use them freelyImportant and difficult points:The usages of The Present Perfect Passive Voice The Present Perfect Passive Voice现在完成时被动语态由”has/have + been + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用现在完成时被动语态要注意以下几点:1. 只带有一个宾语的动词变为被动语态时,将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。例如:We have built many houses in the past ten years.Many houses have been built in the past ten years.2. 带有双宾语的动词,如give, send, bring, take, teach, show, tell, make, sing, write, read, sell, buy, tell, pay, lend, pass, promise等,变为被动语态时,可将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个保留不动。例如:We have given him the book.He has been given the book.The book has been given to him.3. 带有复合宾语的动词变为被动语态时,只能将宾语变为主语,原来的宾补改为主语补足语。原来省略to的不定式作宾补的,被动语态中要用带to的不定式。例如:I have told them to help you.They have been told to help you.I have made her work hard.She has been made to work hard.4. 短语动词变为被动语态时,要注意保持短语的完整性,动词后原有的介词或副词不可遗漏。例如:They have referred to the books.The books have been referred to (by them). He has thought of a way of dong it.A way of doing it has been thought of.1.Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.(xx全国春招)A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose解析本句的意思是:如果工厂倒闭,那么将失去数百个工作岗位。lose a job意为”失业”。工作将被失去,要用将来时态的被动语态,因此排除答案A、C和D,答案选B。2.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by xx. (xx北京)A. has been pleted B. has pleted C. will have been pleted D. will have pleted解析宾语从句中主语all construction work for the Beijing Olympics和谓语动词plete之间有被动关系,所以谓语要用被动语态,因此排除选项B和D;by xx暗示谓语要用将来完成时态,因此答案选C。3. All the preparations for the task _, and we are ready to start.(NMETxx春招)A. pleted B. plete C. had been pleted D. have been pleted解析本句的意思是:这项工作的一切准备工作已经就绪,我们只等开始了。前半句主语和谓语有被动关系,后半句暗示说话是从现在着眼,所以用现在完成时态的被动语态。答案D。练习:单项填空1. Paper money _ for over a thousand years.A. used B. has been used C. has used D. is using2. e and sit down by the fire. Your hand _ cold.A. has been left B. feels C. is left D. has left3. Till now, three films _ in that small village this month.A. have shown B. have been shownC. were shown D. will be shown4. Do you know the thief _ by the police?A. has caught B. has been catchingC. was caught D. has been caught5. My sister is working in the power plant that _ for just one year.A. was used B. has been usedC. is used D. has used6. Is this the reason _ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in the work?A. / B. what C. how D. why7. They were all very tired, but none of them would stop _ .A. taking a rest B. to take a restC. resting D. rest8. Her face went red _ he had said.A. because that B. because whatC. because of what D. because9. Tom prefers _ rather than _ .A. stay at home; go out B. to stay at home; go outC. stay at home; to go out D. to stay at home; to go outFinish the exercise on page 21 (Discovering using structures ) Blackboard Design: GrammarThe Present Perfect Passive VoiceExercises Unit3 puters Book2Period 3 Language pointsLiu JuanI Teaching aims:Teach and study the language points to grasp and use them freely.II Important and difficult points:in mon , anyway, go by, so.that.III Teaching methods: Practising IV Teaching Steps: Language points learning1. In small groups, discuss what they have in mon? 分小组,讨论它们的共同点。要点导航 in mon 共有,公用(常与have,own等动词连用,在句中多作状语)。例如:The two brothers own the pany in mon. 兄弟俩共有这家公司。The two cultures _.这两种文化具有许多相同之处。Jane and I have nothing in mon(=I have nothing in mon with Jane).我与简毫无共同之处。思维拓展 in mon with 和一样(作方式状语)。例如: , he likes football.他和很多其他的男孩一样喜欢足球。have nothing in mon 无共同之处have little in mon 几乎无共同之处have something in mon 有一些共同之处have a lot in mon 有许多共同之处以下是从英国国家语料库中精选出来的几个例句:(1)You know, Dorothy, you and I have one thing in mon(2)We just had nothing in mon and I couldnt municate with his dull business friends(3)I suddenly felt we had a lot in monTom and I have nothing in mon.= I 我和汤姆没有共同之处。mon, ordinary和usual的区别:mon 指“共有的,公共的;共同的;常见的”。例如:He is their mon enemy.他是他们共同的敌人。The problems are mon to all societies.这些问题是所有社会的通病。mon作“普通的”讲可与ordinary换用。如“普通人”也可说成mon people。 ordinary 意为“普通的,平淡无奇的”,指没有什么特别的地方。例如:We are all ordinary people.我们都是普通人。He is in ordinary clothes.他穿着平常的衣服。usual 意思是“平常的,通常的,一向的”,含有遵循常规的、习惯性的、一贯如此的意思。例如:Tea is considered to be the usual drink of the British people.茶被认为是英国人的日常饮料。He made the usual mistakes that all beginners make.他犯的就是那些初学这老犯的错误。2. Anyway, lets go back to my history. 无论如何,让我们追溯一下我的历史。anyway adv. 无论如何,反正(句子副词,等于anyhow。用于转换话题或回到原话题时)。例如:Anyway its worth trying. 不管怎样,值得试一下。Thats not my fault, anyway. 反正那不是我的错。Anyway I must finish the work today. 无论如何,我今天必须完成工作。思维拓展 anyway adv.总之(句子副词,用于结束谈话时)。例如:Anyway, I must be going now. 总之,我现在得走了。Anyway, after three months at the clinic, shed made a full recovery.总之,在诊所治疗三个月后,她完全康复了。3. As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller. 一年一年过去了,我被制造得越来越小。此处as引导时间状语从句,表示“一边一边”、“随着”之意。go by (时间)过去,流逝;经过,走过(某处)。Several years went by before we met again.过去了好几年我们才再度见面。Dont let this opportunity _. 不要错失良机。A squad car went by (us) at full speed.一辆巡逻车以全速驶过(我们的)身旁。 拓展:go after 追求 go against 反对 go ahead 先行一步;进展go over 复习 go out 熄灭 go though 经历;经受;仔细检查go on with 继续 go in for 爱好;从事 go off 悄悄离开;食物变坏 go on进展;时间的过去(重过程 ) pass by sb从某人旁边经过 I dont _ rock n roll. Its much too noisy for my taste.(xx北京) A. go after B. go away with C. go into D. go in for go after 追求; go away with与某人一块离开; go into 进入; go in for 爱好,从事。答案为D。4.And my memory became so large that I couldnt believe it!我的记忆力变得那么大以至于我都不能相信了。 sothat 意思是”太以至于”,引导结果状语从句。 adj./adv.+ that-clause so + adj.+ a/an + 单数可数名词 + that-clause many/much/few/little + n.+ that-clauseso与many/ few/ little/ much 连用 当little修饰可数指大小时与such连用。Shes so ill that she cant get out of bed.她病得很重,都下不了床了。There were _I had to write it again. 作文中有那么多错误,我不得不重写。拓展suchthat 意为”太以至于”,也引导结果状语从句。有以下用法: a/an + adj. + 单数可数名词 + that-clause such + adj.+ 复数名词 + that-clause adj.+ 不可数名词 + that-clauseThese are such interesting books that children like to read them.这些书很有趣,孩子们喜欢读。so that 既可以表达结果,又可以表达目的,表目的相当于in order that。I stopped so that you could catch up.我停下来以便你能赶上sothat结构的so+形容词/副词位于句首时,主句要倒装。So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.他工作那么努力,几乎不回家。suchas中的as引导的是一个定语从句。1)He was such _ good speaker that he held our attention every minute of _three-hour lecture.A不填; the Ba; 不填Ca; the Da; a 考查such+a/an + adj. + 单数可数名词 + that-clause结构和冠词的用法。2). I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class(MET87)AsinceBso that Cas ifDunless 3)It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it(98上海卷) Aso unusual Bsuch unusual Csuch an unusual Dso an unusual _ 汤姆跑得如此快以致于没有人赶上他(catch up with)Its so interesting a book that I have read it many times. = Its heavy a stone no one can lift it.Its heavy a stone no one can lift.sothat和suchthat可以相互转换,请把下面的句子转换为sothat结构:It was such a warm day that they all went outing.=_ Exercises:1. How do you a car accident when is happens? A. do about B. do with C. deal with D. deal about2. Till now, three new gymnasiums in Beijing. A. would be pleted B. was being pletedC. have been pleted D. had been pleted3. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday yet. A. are not decided B. havent been decidedC. is not being decided D. hasnt been decided4. Go for a picnic this weekend,ok? - . I love getting close to nature. A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid notC. I believe not D. I dont think so5. Mr smith and his wife the housework and live happily. A. spare B. support C. care D. share6. He had little education that he cant teach a little child. A. so, such B. such, such C. so, so D. such, so7. Christmas is ing; we are in October already. A. on the way B. in the way C. out of the way D. by the way8. What happened to you last night? Why didnt you e to my party in time? - Sorry, the traffic was too heavy, and , my car broke down on the way. A. whats more B. whats the worseC. whats worse D. worst of all9. He me to e, but hasnt e yet. A. wanted B. allowed C. promised D. let10. He praises for his honesty. A. won B. beat C. defeated D. Struck Blackboard Design: Language points: in mon , anyway, go by, so.that.

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