2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection教案(3)新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection教案(3)新人教版必修2学习目标和要求(一) 语言知识Items Studying aims and demands Words名 词:wildlife, protection, enemy, loss, reserve, area, zone, peace, fur, stomach, mosquito动 词:hunt, apply, suggest, rub, contain, affect, bite, intend 形容词:wild, thick, powerful, fierce, unkind, lazy副 词:recentlyExpressionas a result (of), die out, in peace, in danger, protect from, pay attention to, e into beingFunctional items1. 谈论意图和目的(Intentions & purposes)Im going to I feel like doing I would rather notI intend/ mean/ plan to Id like to do I will doIm ready to do2. 表示道歉 (Apologies)Im so sorry that Im afraid that Thank you very much butIts a shame that It was very nice of you butGrammar现在进行时的被动语态 Animals are being hunted and killed. The environment is being destroyed.TopicWildlife protection: the importance of wildlife protection, ways to protect wild plants and animals(二)语言技能 学习用英语谈论“意愿和目的”、表示“道歉”的方法,以“野生动物保护”为话题发表意见,进行交流。在了解野生动物面临濒危的基础上,引导学生通读How Daisy learn to help wildlife这篇短文,并进行全面整体理解,引发思考,达到强化学生语言意识,积累语言经验的目的。同时学习用英语书信来表达自己的意见,逐步熟悉书信的格式和写作要点。(三)学习策略: 通过对现在进行时被动语态的学习培养学生的认知策略;引导学生对自己的学习过程、学习困难等进行分析,以培养学生的调控策略;鼓励学生用英语对“野生动物保护的重要性及保护措施”这个话题发表的不同观点和看法,以培养交际策略。(四)情感态度和文化意识正确理解“野生动物保护”的重要性,树立保护动物保护环境的意识,学会如何制约自己的行为从而与动物及自然和谐地相处,并学会如何正确表达自己的意愿与思想情感。了解互相合作对野生动物保护的重要意义和价值。教学安排课时 教学内容1Warming-up & reading()2 Reading() & prehending 3Learning about language (the passive voice using the present continuous tense)4Using language: Reading & listening5 Using language: Speaking & writing6Summing up &Assessment Teaching Design (教学设计) Period 1: Warming-up & reading()Learning Aims To talk about endangered species To read about wildlife protection Learning Procedures I. Warming up I believe we have made many friends now. And today we will go on to get some information about another friend of us. That is animals. Do you like animals? Which animal do you like best? Why? But nowadays some animals need our help. Why? What happened to them? (endangered: food, habitat, environment, human) Can you give some example?Lets look at some pictures. (Panda, Milu deer, South China tiger.) Why are they endangered? Whats the situation now? (Then show the report on P25). Reading How about other wildlife? How about their situations? Lets go with Daisy to visit some of them and learn how to protect wildlife.1.Fast-readingLook through the passage on P26 with the following two questions:1.What is the passage mainly about?Its about Daisys wonderful experience with some animals in her dream.2.What happened to the following animals?AntelopesThey are likely to disappear altogetherElephants and rhinosThey are being protected by the local government.The monkeyIt is unhappy with the way humans are dealing with environment problems.2. Careful- readingRead with the tape for detailed information.Part 1. the situation for antelopesWhat did Daisy want to see first? Why? (pictures)(Antelopes. She would like to see the animals that gave fur to make her sweater.)What happened to them? How many left?(They are killed for fur and the wood and may be all gone. 7200 of them left.)Part 2. a change of the situation for elephants and rhinosWhats the situation in the past?(They used to be hunted by farmers and became endangered in Zimbabwe.)Whats the situation now? (They are protected.)How does the change happen? (The governments great help.)Part 3. learning to help wildlifeWhy did the monkey rub itself?(He found a millipede insect and rubbed it over his body to protect from mosquitoes.)How did Daisy want to help?(She wanted to tell WWF and began producing this new drug.)3. Summary (Fill in blanks and read together.) One day, Daisy dreams a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful chair to talk with an antelope in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their fur which can be used to make sweaters like hers. In three years they may all be gone. Later, she flew to Zimbabwe where she talked with an elephant and got to know the farmers there no longer hunted them. Thats because the government decided to help and the farmers finally make a lot of money. At last she arrived at the thick rain forest where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs . ”Although finally everything was gone, she had learned so much!. Group work1. What does WWF stand for? (World Wildlife Fund)After Daisy told her experience, what would WWF do to protect the animals?(After discussion, show students ideas)2. The endangered animals must be very happy to hear our ideas. Now you are going to visit one kind of animal and tell them the good news. Discuss in a group and begin your dialogue with the appearance of a chair and the scene you saw. HomeworkMake up the text- based dialogue.Find out the useful expressions as well as the difficult points. Period 2: Reading() & prehendingLearning Aims To retell Daisys experience with a dialogue To learn about the important words and expressions Learning Procedures I. Warming up by acting a text play Good morning class. To begin with we shall put our text HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE on stage, that is, to act out our story. Now the class act out your text plays of HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE! (Ask some groups to act out dialogues.)Example text play:Daisy: (waking) Who are you? Why are you here in my bedroom? Chair: Excuse me. I am the famous Flying Chair. Daisy: What are you here for? Chair: I am here to take you on a trip. Where would you go? Daisy: Id like to see animals that gave furs to make this sweater of mine. Chair: During the history of the earth there have lived on the earth many, many kinds of animals. But many have disappeared because of various reasons. Daisy: Yes, you are right. I learned from books that tens of millions of years ago, a rare new species of dinosaur, a bird-like dinosaur, came into being. It could climb trees and was very lovely. Then it died out because something hit the earth suddenly, putting much dust into the air. So the earth got too hot for the animal to live on. Chair: But no one knows for sure what caused all those ancient animals to die out, disappearing from the earth for ever. Daisy: I shall get dressed and put on my jeans and sweater soon. Then lets fly away to Tibet China to see the antelopes. Chair: Here we are in Tibet! Turn around. There is a antelope there with a sad face. Antelope: Hello, friends. Wele to my home. You two look so friendly, unlike those who came to kill us to use our furs make sweaters. Daisy: Sweaters like the one I am wearing? Oh, I am terribly sorry. Antelope: The bad men came in groups to kill my family members for the wool. They took it from under our stomach. Chair: I shall take a picture of you and the antelope, to be shown to all the world people. Daisy: e Antelope! Lets have a picture taken together. We shall be off to Zimbabwe too see elephants there. Chair: Here we are. This is a national park for animals. People came to see them and help with them. Daisy: Look, there es an excited elephant. Hello, dear Elephant! Why are you so excited? Elephant: We are all excited because things have changed a lot here. Chair: Why? What happened? Elephant: We became endangered years ago. People came to destroy the farm and kill us for trunks. They are actually our long teeth. Daisy: I have heard of that. They take your teeth and make them into art work. Chair: Man is really selfish and disgusting. But Daisy is a nice girl. Now lets have a picture taken together. Elephant: Those bad men used to e and kill us. But now are well protected by the government and the good people. We are happy now. Daisy: Good- bye, Elephant! Chair: Take care, Daisy. We shall hurry to our last stop, the thick rain forest in South America. Daisy: Wow! Look to the right. A lovely mother monkey is there. She seems to be rubbing herself. Hi, Monkey Mother! What are you doing? Monkey: I am rubbing a millipede insect over my body to protect myself from the mosquitoes. Daisy: How intelligent you are! Monkey: It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. There are lots of plants and little animals in the rain forest here which can be helpful to man. Daisy: Is that so? I am going to take photos of all those useful plants and animals. I will show the photos to my classmates so that they understand you lovely animals and the forest better. I will apply to be allowed to work here to help you get a better living in the forest. Monkey: Thank you so much! Some unfriendly people came to catch us, to put us in the zoo in the city. We monkeys prefer living in the forest. Daisy: Good- bye, Monkey! I will report what I learned on this trip to WWF. I will invite all my schoolmates to join us in the protecting project. The future is to be bright for both you the animals and us the human beings. See you!Wonderful, thank you! If WWF can really do what we have thought of, then it can achieve its goals. What on earth has it done and what are the goals?Turn to P64, finish the passage about WWF. (Then check the answers and read together.). prehendingHere, we have e across many words and expressions from the passage. Turn back to the passage. Can you find some other useful expressions?(After asking the students, the teacher can show his own:wake up, a flying chair, get dressed, put on ones jeans, fly away to, turn around, with a sad face, useto make, killfor, takefrom under, take ones picture, take photos, apply to, huntfor, make money for, as a result, protectfrom, rubover, pay attention to)Useful expressions:1.as a result (of) : because of 由于的结果 Some of our classmates have succeeded in the vocabulary contest as a result of hard work. They were both punished as a result of smoking. with the result that:结果I was late, with the result that I missed Miss Yus lively English class. What a pity! as a result 结果Our class made noise in the last evening class. As a result, we had to stay in the classroom until 10:30. 2.2. die out : disappear pletely 灭绝Dinosaurs / dodos have died out long before.die away: (光、声音)慢慢消失;(风)停下来He hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away.The wind died away, and the leaves became silent.die off : 一一死去;先后死去The members of the family had all died off for no reason.be dying for / to do 极想,渴望I am dying to be admitted into the university.3.get dressed 穿衣 get + v.-ed迷路 get lost 受伤get hur 洗脸 get washed 被付款 get paid 结婚 get married 换衣 get changeddress sb./ oneself 帮某人穿衣/ 自己穿衣be dressed in +颜色 eg.: be dressed in redhave on: 穿着= wear 4. from under our stomachs. from +Prep.eg. When I get home, my little niece often jumps out from behind the door. what a naughty(调皮) girl!One day, I saw my uncle e out from under his bed. He said he fought with my aunt. As a result he hid under the bed to escape her attack. 5. 5. apply to sb for sth 向提出申请6. suggest sth/ doing sth. 提议; 建议I only suggest the plan. You decide.I suggest taking part in the singing petition.suggest (that) sb (should) do / be(虚拟语气)他的秘书建议我们下周再来。His secretary suggested that we (should) e next Monday.suggest还可作“表明,说明,暗示”解。陈述语气Her expression suggested that she was angry.77. protect sb from sth/sb.保护免受 protect sb against sth 防御 In this passage, we also have some difficult points. What is difficult for you?(Explain the points raised by students and that need special attention)Now, lets check what we just have learned. Do exercises 1, 2 & 3 on P28 and check them. Using words and expressionsThen how to use the words and expressions by ourselves? Lets have a try.Read an example on P63- 2, and after that we are going to write down our own about wildlife protection, using as many new words and expressions as possible.(After discussing and writing, show students works and show a piece of the teacher, if possible.). HomeworkReview the words and expressionsFind out sentences using passive voicePeriod 3: Learning about language (The Present Progressive Passive Voice)Learning Aims To discover useful structures. To learn about The Present Progressive Passive Voice Learning Procedures. Learning the structureAs we all know, many species are in danger, the reason for which is various. But anyway, humans play a terrible part in it. Look at pictures. What do they do?e.g. Picture 1: People cut down trees. Trees are cut down.Picture 2: The villagers pollute the river. The river What are they doing?e.g. Picture 1: People are cutting down trees. The trees are being cut down. Picture 2: The small boy is polluting the river. The river Picture 3: The man is hunting an elephant. The elephant Find out sentences with the same structure from the passage. Structures: Present passive voice: is/ am/ are+ donePresent progressive passive voice: is/ am/ are + being done. Practicing the structureNow try to put the following sentences into The Present Progressive Passive Voice. They are producing this new drug. Antelope is looking at her. They are killing us for the wool. They are destroying the farm. To consolidate your learning of The Present Progressive Passive Voice, turn to page 29 and do the grammar exercises 2 and 3. III. Studying Passive Voice using different tensesNow lets look at more sentences with passive voice.e.g. Fords are made in Cologne. (Present Simple)Dinner is being cooked by Susan (Present Continuous) Dubliners was written by James Joyce. (Past Simple) The house was being painted when I arrived. (Past Continuous) Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years. (Present Perfect)A new factory is going to be built in Portland. (Future simple with be going to) It will be finished tomorrow. (Future Simple) Make a conclusion about the past verb formation一般现在时:am/is/are+p.p一般过去时:was/were+p.p现在进行时:am/is/are being+p.p过去进行时:was/were being +p.p现在完成时:have/has been+p.p过去完成时:had been+p.p一般将来时:will/shall be +p.pExercise:1)用被动语态的适当形式填空: _(plant) now. _(plant) every spring. _(plant) last spring. _(plant) next spring.A lot of trees _(plant) this time yesterday. _(plant) since ten years ago. _(plant) by the end of xx.Our neighbour said a lot of trees _(plant) the next spring.2)用动词的适当形式填空:1.Dont worry about her. She _ (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives.2.He_ (operate) on twice for that disease.3.The news _(talk) about everywhere.4.English _(teach) here in China for over a century.5.A lot of tall buildings _(set) up, and people will move in sometime next year.IV. Closing down by playing a game To end this period, well make a dialogue about wildlife protection. Use sentences containing The Present Progressive Passive Voice and other tenses. Useful expressions:What has been done?I believe It is said/ reported thatWhat is being done? In ones opinion According toWhat will be done? As far as I know in the past 10 years . HomeworkReview Present Progressive Passive VoicePre- view the reading passages on P30 & 65.Period 4: Using language: Reading & listeningLearning Aims To get some information about dinosaurs and their disappearanceTo train students listening ability Learning Procedures. Warming up with Milu deerWeve learned a lot of animals are endangered. And people have done and will do a lot to help wildlife. However, as a student, what can you do to help the animals around us?Union is strength. If everyone can do what we can to help wildlife, we will certainly get the animals back. Here is an example how cooperation helps bring the animal back. Which animal is it? (Milu deer, P65) Information about Milu deer (show pictures) 1.What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good friendship. 主语从句Miss Yu说的话对我们很有影响。我们从此努力学习。What Miss had said had a good effect on us. We worked hard from then on. 2. It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild again.=People hope that It 形式主语People say that the puter began as a calculating machine.It is said that the puter began as a calculating machine.Reading about dinosaursLuckily, weve saved Milu deer. But for some animals, we can no longer help them, because they have dies out. For example? (dinosaurs)Would you like to tell me something about dinosaurs? (pictures)Read the questions in the table below and scan the text to answer them. When did dinosaurs live on earth? When did dinosaurs die out? How did dinosaurs die out? Any other animals disappeared? Say something about them.III. Listening about the dodo Have you ever heard of the dodo, an animal that has also disappeared from the earth? The Mauritius Dodo, more monly just Dodo, was a meter-high flightless bird of the island of Mauritius. The Dodo, which is now extinct, lived on fruit and nested on the ground. (Pictures)Next we are going to listen to the tape and do exercises 1&2 on page 30 Listen again and fill in the blanks:Once upon a time, I lived on earth too. I was called “dodo”. My home was an island called Mauritius. I was curious and kind-hearted and quite different from most of the other animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never quarreled. I had no enemies . My best friends were the other birds, the monkeys and all the other dodos of course. There were many of us. We were birds too but we were large and only had small wings . My favourite activity was to wander along the beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten. One day a new animal came to my island. It was called man and at first we seemed to be good friends. Man followed me everywhere and I gave him some of my insects to eat. But one day I wondered where my other dodo friends were. Several of them seemed to have disappeared . I asked the other birds and the monkeys. They all said the same thing. “Your friends are being hunted and killed while you are walking on the beach.” Had man eaten them? I could not believe it. So I asked my friend, man, if it was true. He seemed surprised. “I have not seen the other dodos lately.” he said, “Perhaps they are being killed and eaten by some other animals.”When more dodos disappeared , I set a trap. I pretended to go for my walk but instead I hid in the forest and waited. Sure enough man came along. He ran after the last of my dodo friends and I saw him kill her. I felt so angry that I rushed out straight at mans spear. He killed me too. I was the last of my species . After that there were no more dodos in the world. My advice is : be careful who you trust.Retell what happened to dodo in your own words.IV. HomeworkThe dodo seems in trouble. What can we do to help him?Period 5: Using language: Speaking & writingLearning Aims To speak about helping the dodo To write to the dodoLearning Procedures. Speaking Yesterday we learned the story about dodo, and he was in trouble there. What problems did he meet? What can you think of to help him solve the problems? (Write dow


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