2019-2020年高中英语 Module Three My First Ride on a traind教案 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module Three My First Ride on a traind教案 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module Three My First Ride on a traind教案 外研版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module Three My First Ride on a traind教案 外研版必修1Period 4Teaching Content: VocabularyReading and SpeakingGrammar 2Step 1 Vocabulary Read the places and activities. Can you remember the first experience of them? Places: cinema circus kindergarten park playground seaside sports stadium swimming pool theatre zooActivities: learning to ride a bicycle, seeing a wild animal, seeing a film, learning to draw, reading ic books, swimming, playing sports for the first time, meeting your best friendStep 2 Reading and speakinga. Lead-in Do you remember your first visit to the zoo? Did you see wild animals? What wild animals did you see?Brainstorming: ask Ss to say something about their childhood.b. Read the passage individually and then decide which are happy and which are unhappy.c. PracticeTell the others about the first time they did one of the activities.Put the Ss into groups to talk about their first experiences.Step 3 Past tense time expressionsa. Find the following time expressions that appear in “My First Ride on a Train.”Recently A ling time ago During the day A hundred and fifty years agoOne night Until the 1920sAt (about) midnight In 1925Which of them can refer to past or present actions?b. Recently: Alice went on her first long-distance train ride. During the day: She sat and looked out of the window. One night at about midnight: She watched the night sky for an hour. A long time ago: Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country. A hundred and fifty years ago: They bought some camels from Afghanistan. Until the 1920s: The camels carried food and other supplies across the street. In 1925: The government passed a law allowing people to shoot camels if they became a problem.c. Ask students to write down two sentences for during the day and at midnight. During the day:_ At midnight:_d. Practice 1. I first met Tom ten years ago. He _ in a radio factory at that time. A. had worked B. has worked C. was working D. has been working 2. His father gave up smoking for only 3 days, but then _ to his old ways. A. returned B. returns C. had returned D. has returned 3. I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I _ coffee. A. prefer B. preferred C. had preferred D. am preferringSuggested answers: C A AHomework:Write your description of a trip. Use the past tense and include some expressions, such as “On the first day”, “After lunch”, etc.

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