2019-2020年高中英语 Module Four教案 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module Four教案 外研版必修31. strength n力量,力气(1)have the strength to do有做的力气/意志力build up ones strength/body强身健体(2)strengthen v加强(3)strong adj.强壮的I dont have the strength to climb any further.我没有力气再往上爬了。He has been doing morning exercises to build up his strength.他一直进行晨练以增强体力。 Everybody has his strengths and weaknesses. 每个人都有优缺点。At present America is taking some measures to strengthen the economy.目前美国正在采取措施以改善经济。辨析:power,energy,force与strength(1)power着重指行动所根据的职权或能力,有时也指有权利的人或强国,如power station电站。I shall do everything in my power to help you.我要尽我的所能帮助你。(2)energy指物理学上的能的概念或生理上的精力。He had so much energy that he could do the work of three men.他精力旺盛,能做三个人的工作。(3)force着重指力产生的实际效果。We had to use force to get into the house.我们不得不破门而入。(4)strength指体力,强度,力量。The strength of my memory begins to fail. 的记忆力开始衰退。2. atmosphere n.(1)空气,大气The pollution of the atmosphere is very serious in this country.这个国家大气污染很严重。(2)气氛,环境Ever since their quarrel,there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office.自从他们发生口角以来,办公室里总有一种不愉快的气氛。They talked with each other in a friendly atmosphere.他们在友好的气氛中交谈。Dim lighting creates a relaxing atmosphere.昏暗的灯光营造出一种轻松的气氛。3. concerned adj.有关的(不用于名词之前);担心的;关心的;挂念的(1)be concerned in牵涉到;与有关系be concerned with与有关;关心be concerned that.担心be concerned about/for关心;挂念as/so far as.be concerned就而言/来说(2)concern oneself with/about/in关心;忙于(3)express/show concern about.对表示关心/担心have no concern with sth.和无关系have no concern for对不关心 He is concerned with the growth of the younger generation.他很关心年轻一代的成长。We are concerned about his safety.我们担心他的安全。As far as I am concerned,you can do what you like.就我而言,你想干什么就可以干什么。There is no need to concern yourself with this matter;were dealing with it.你不用管这事了,我们正在处理。What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.让我担心的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。My mother showed great concern for me.我母亲非常关心我。4. major adj.较大的,较多的;主要的;主修的;较重要的;n.主修课程;主修学生;vi.主修;专攻(1)majorminor(反义词)(2)major in主修(3)majority n大多数be in the/a majority占大多数,构成大部分a majority of 的大多 In the nursing profession,women are in a/the majority.女性在护理行业占大多数。5. plain v抱怨,发牢骚plain about/ of thatplain to sb.向抱怨(2)plaint n诉苦,抱怨,牢骚make a plaint提出投诉;发牢 She often plains about not feeling appreciated at work.她因为感到自己在工作上不受赏识而常发牢骚。At present the young always plain that their parents dont take their thoughts seriously.目前年轻人总是抱怨父母不认真对待他们的想法。If you wish to make a plaint,you should see the manager.如果你要投诉,你应该去找经理。plain后的宾语如果是名词则需用plain of/about的形式,但它后面直接跟that宾语从句。be caught in被困于,遭遇be trapped inbe stuck inbe caught doing sth.被撞见做某事(2)catch up(常与with连用)赶上catch hold of抓住,握住He was caught in the heavy snow last night.昨天晚上他恰巧赶上了大雪。I am often caught in a heavy traffic on my way to school.我在上学路上常常遇到塞车。At the moment our technology is more advanced,but other countries are catching up with us.目前我们的技术比较先进,不过其他国家正在追赶上来。The child caught hold of his mothers hand tightly in the earthquake.地震时,这个孩子紧紧抓住他妈妈的手。6. cut down砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目);驳倒cut in (on sth.)插嘴,插入cut off切断;切掉;隔绝cut out剪除,切掉,割掉;删除cut up切碎(cut.into pieces);使伤心cut sth.in half/in two将对半切 开The doctor told me to cut down on smoking.医生要我少抽烟。He was asking $500 for the car,but we cut down to $300.这辆汽车他要价500美元,但是我们把价格讲到300美元。I wish Marie would stop cutting in on our conversation all the time.我希望玛丽在我们谈话时别老是插嘴。The electricity pany is threatening to cut us off.电力公司以停电威胁我们。7. take in吸收;欺骗;包含;理解;改小;揽活在家做;收留,收容take off除去;脱掉;起飞;成功,成名;请假take on呈现;雇用take over接管;占领take up拿起;占空间;开始从事;继续take back收回(诺言);带 回It took me a long time to take in what you were saying.我花了很长时间才理解你说的话。She was not easily taken in.她不容易受骗。The farmer took in the lost travelers for the night.那个农民收留了迷路的旅游者过夜。She has taken up a job as a teacher.她当上了教师。Our school has taken on a new look.我们学校呈现出新面貌。8. give out分发;发表,公布;放出;用完,用尽give off发出give away捐赠;泄露(秘密)give in (to.)投降,屈服give up放弃The results of the examination wont be given out,so you neednt worry about it.考试结果不会公布,你不必再担心了。The flowers give out a sweet smell,which makes us relaxed.这些花散发出甜甜的味道,使我们感到轻松。My money began to give out.我的钱快用光了。The teacher gave out the exam papers.老师分发了试卷。He has given in to my views.他顺从了我的意见。9. The garbage is then taken away and,if possible,recycled.垃圾被运走,如果可能的话,会进行回收利用。if possible如果可能的话,是一个省略的从句。if so /not/ anyIf possible,I will do everything to help you.如果可能我将尽力帮助你。I will go to Beijing this week and,if possible,Ill take my girlfriend.这个星期我要去北京,如果可能的话,我要带着我的女朋友一块儿去。Ill go if you are going.If not,Id rather stay at home.你去我就去,否则我宁愿呆在家里。If so,you must go back and get it.如果这样的话,你必须回去把它拿来。There are not many novels in our library if any.如果有的话,我们图书馆的小说也不多。


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