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2019-2020年高三英语学法指导与语法难点七人教版一、完型填空题的几点说明完型填空是许多同学感到困惑的一个题型,其实明确了它的特点并认真训练是完全可以攻克这一难关的。 完型填空是外语学习中一种综合练习或测试形式。在近些年高考的试卷中,完型填空被列为一项考查考生综合运用所学词汇和语法知识能力的重要题型。 完型填空可以考查出学生阅读理解的能力如何,也可以看出他们写作技能的高低。同时又能鉴定出在一定语境下考生对词汇和惯用法的掌握情况。当然,由于做完型填空经常要借助上下文的内容进行推理判断,完型填空也是对思维能力的考核。 完型填空一般是一篇有一定情节的短文,文章长度约200词左右,挖空20个。空与空之间一般间隔是9-10个词。备选答案主要是单个的词,以实词为主,主要是动词和名词。它有四项考查重点,即缺词阅读、词语辨析、写作能力和逻辑分析。现在的完型是意思的考核代替了明显的语法知识的考核,所给的四个备选答案几乎都不错,但其中只有一个是最佳的。做完型填空练习时首先要粗读全文,了解大意。要细读第一句,因为第一句一般不挖空,可得到较多信息。第一遍做题时争取先填出有把握的空,哪怕仅三五个。第二遍做题则逐个解决,只留下个别不会的题。注意后线索的现象,答案的提示不一定在前边。决定好答案后要注意它不但应该在单句中合理、从全文看也合理。判断的依据可以是环境因素,同义词语,反义词语,动作顺序,时间地点,连接词语及构词法知识。 完型填空水平的提高取决于阅读与写作水平的提高。要练好阅读中的跳读与掠读的技术。要努力把英语句子写得通顺流畅。要重视动词名词中意义相近的同义词的辨析。还有就是学会逻辑推理,分析概括。所以,练完型不要急于求成,它是和你的读写水平一起提高的。 二、语法知识易错点1. 全部倒装。1) 介词短语表方位提前,如:in front of, in the distance等。In front of the lake lies a house.2) 做状语的副词置于句首,如:in, out, down, up, back, over, away, off以及here, there, now, then等。但是主语为人称代词时不倒装。Here es the bus.Here he es.误:In front of the house did a small boy sit.正:In front of the house sat a small boy.2. 部分倒装。1) 否定词放在句首。如:neither, nor, never, hardly, scarcely, not only, seldom, little, rarely, nowhere, by no means, not until等。Not until midnight did he e back.2) 频率状语放在句首。如:often, always, once, many a time, now and again, every other day, every two days等。Often did he talk about it.3) 方式状语放在句首。如:thus, so.I was late for school and so was he.4) only + 状语放在句首。Only in this way can you learn English well.误:Only can you do it.正:Only you can do it. 3. 在定语从句中,先行词为物的情况下,以下几种情况只能用that不能用which。1) 有序数词或最高级修饰;Its the first time that I have been here.2) 先行词为不定代词;That is all that I want to know.3) 先行词由不定代词修饰;He mentioned all the books that were laid on the table.4) 先行词有the only, the very, the last修饰;It is the very dictionary that I need.5) 先行词既有人又有物。误:He talked about the teachers and schools which he had visited.正:He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.4. 只能用which的情况有:1) 介词后面;This is the factory in which my father works.2) ,后面。I have a book, which is very interesting. 误:This is the house in that I stayed.正:This is the house in which I stayed.误:I was late for school again, that made the teacher angry.正:I was late for school again, which made the teacher angry.5. if条件句虚拟的构成。 If I were you, I would go there alone.If he had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.If I should do/were to do/did it, I would do it in a different way.误:If he took our advice, he wouldnt be in trouble.正:If he had taken our advice, he wouldnt have been in trouble.6. 主语从句的虚拟。1) It is + adj. + that sb. (should) do常见的形容词有:necessary, important, strange, naturalIts important that he take my advice.2) It is + n. + that sb. (should) do常见的名词有:a pity, a shame, no wonder, ones wishIts a pity that he be so silly.3) It is + done + that sb. (should) do 常见的过去分词有:suggested, advised, demanded, requested, required, asked, ordered, proposed, decided, desired, insisted等。Its requested that she go home as soon as possible.误:It is important that he learns English.正:It is important that he learn English.7. 宾语从句的虚拟。1) 表命令,表建议,表要求的动词,后接宾语从句虚拟。虚拟的构成为(should) do。I advise that he stay at home. 2) wish后接从句,虚拟的构成是往过去推一个时态。I wish I had watched the football match last night.误:I wish I was you.正:I wish I were you.8. 注意以下几组词或短语用于虚拟语气中。1) as if, as though误:He speaks English as if he was a native speaker.正:He speaks English as if he were a native speaker.2) otherwise, but, even though误:He was ill. Otherwise he would be there.正:He was ill. Otherwise he would have been there.3) with, without, but forWithout your help, I would have died two years ago.But for your help, I would have died two years ago.4) would rather误:Id rather you tell me yourself.正:Id rather you told me yourself.5) Its time thatIts time that you went to bed.Its time that you should go to bed.6) for fear that, in caseTake an umbrella in case that it should rain.7) Would you mindWould you mind if I smoked here?8) May youMay you be happy for ever!

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