2019-2020年高三英语 第三册 unit 3 The land down under 学案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语 第三册 unit 3 The land down under 学案 新人教版Reading The portrait of a nationI. 词汇 Read and translate the following words. 1. outback_ 2. territory _3. Portuguese _ 4. Dutch _5. claim_ 6. newer _ 7. mate _ 8. sheila _9. wilderness _ 10. billabong _11. the monwealth of Australia _12. aboriginal _13. _n海峡 14. _ n岛上居民15._ adj同伴的;同类的;同事的 n伙伴;同辈;同伙;家伙16._ n犯人;罪犯 adj犯罪的17. _ vt.& vi统治(国家等);控制;治理18. _ n省长;州长;(尤指海外殖民地的)总督19. _ vt像;类似 20._ adj. 多种多样的;不同的21. _vt改变;转变;改造 22. _ n移民23._ vt加强;巩固 vi变强 24. _vi不同;相异25._ n发音;发音方式 26._ n词汇27._ n女子;雌性动植物 adj女性的;雌的;母的28._n概念;观念II. 语篇理解Scanning1. When was Australia founded?2. How large is Australia?True or False: 1. Canberra is located between Sydney and Melbourne. 2. The Aborigines first came to the continent and created plex societies. 3. Among the Europeans, the British ships first arrived in the north and west coasts and Tasmania. 4. In 1902, Aborigines and other non-Europeans enjoyed the same rights. 5. “No worries” is Australian for “Everything will be OK.”阅读课文,完成下列各题:1.The Australian flag shows _.A. the UK flag and seven stars B. the USA flag and a large star with seven pointsC. the UK flag and six large stars with seven pointsD.the UK flag, a large star and a group of small stars2. Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?A. Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch B. Prisoners and criminals from England.C. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders D. Asian explores3 In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the _ Crown.A. British B. Spanish C. Portuguese D.American4.According to the text, Asian countries have _ on Australia culture. A.great influence B.little influence C.no influence D. no effect5.The last part of the text tells us _. A. Australian English is the same as British English B. there are differences between Australia English and British English C. all the words in Australian English have a different meaning from British words D. down under means the country of Australia to Australians6. From the text we can infer Australia came into being _ the continent began to exist.A. long before B. long afterC. at the same time when D. shortly afterIII.语句理解 词组查找1.由组成_ 2.被包围_3.过着与他们祖先相似的生活 _4.对生态系统有害 _ 5.结果 _6.剥夺 _ 7.享有相同的权利 _8. 对有强烈的影响_9.经历了社会和经济的动荡 _10.转变对的态度_ 11.改善生活条件 _12.喜欢 _ 13. 不同于_14.从中受益 _背诵或尝试翻译1In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for British crown.2Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.3Some of the vocabulary used “down under” is quite different from what you may have learnt in your English class.4Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.5Australia is a young country on an ancient continent.6. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left.Integrating skills Reading AustraliaI. 词汇 Read and translate the following words.1. koala n_ 2. dingo n_3. the Great Barrier Reef_ 4. logical adj_5.wombat n_ give birth to _6._n概念;观念 7. _ (指激烈事件) 突然发生8._ vt嚼碎;咀嚼;回味;深思 9. _ n女主席;女董事长 10._喂养;饲养 11._ adj全部的;整个的; 完全的12. _ n矿井;地雷坑道; 地雷 vi. 开矿;采矿13. _ n栅栏;篱笆;围墙 14._ 使集合在一起15._ adv在户外;在露天 16._ n出生地17._ n短途旅行;远足 18._ n汽水;柠檬水19._ n(吃烤肉等的)野餐;烧烤 vt在烤架上烤(肉等)20._vt烤(肉等) 21._ n肉排;鱼排;(尤指)牛排22._ n障碍; 屏障 23._adj. 尖的;直截了当的24._vt.vi搔;挠;刮 n爪;带爪的脚;钳,螯25._ adj. 多毛的,(似)毛发的 26._ adj. 中等的27._ adj灌木茂密的;丛生的II. 语篇理解 True or False1. It was likely that South America was once connected to Australia. 2. In area, Australia is more or less the same as the USA.3. Australia has about one-third of the worlds sheep and produces almost one-sixth of its wool. 4. Australians built a long fence to keep dingoes from attacking their sheep. 5. If you are invited to an Australian home, you will probably have a barbecue and roast a steak or fish at home. 阅读课文,完成下列各题:1.The weather in Australia encourages _.A. indoor activities B. outdoor activities C. petition D. entertainment2. Paragraph 1 of the text “Australia” mainly deals with_.A. climate B. geography C. history D. animals3. The last paragraph of the text “ Australia ”, mainly talks about Australias _.A. climate B. peoples life C. outdoor activities D. climate and peoples life4. What sport is impossible in Australia?A. Skiing B. Swimming C. Tennis D. Basketball5. From the text “Australia” we can infer that Australia is famous for its _.A. industrial products B. educational products C. agricultural products D. recreational products III. 单项选择:1. Modern Australia six states and two territories.A. is made up of B. is making up of C. is made fromD. is made of 2.For holidays many people visit the Great Barrier Reef the northeast coast of Australia.A. fromB. farC. offD. by 3.Australian English pronunciation from British English.A. different B. differenceC. differ D. differs in 4.In the early twentieth century, Australia the USA of the eighteenth century.A. is resembledB. is resemblingC. resembledD. resemblance5.He worked hard but only earned a little money, such his fate.A. areB. isC. wasD. were6.If the peasants could farm the land themselves, food production would be .A. much higherB. very higherC. much highD. very much7.Does anyone make a this book?A. claim toB. claim forC. claim onD. claim against8.Too terrible! I can not that noise any longer. It will drive me crazy.A. keepB. standC. holdD. touch9.Its difficult to a conversation with someone who only says “yes” and “no”.A. pick upB. put upC. given upD. keep up10.We should put some money for future use.A. onB. upC. awayD. out11.We are all the other teams at present.A. very ahead ofB. well ahead ofC. very head forD. well ahead for12.You should take your raincoat with you it might rain on the way.A. in caseB. so thatC. because ofD. as if13.We have a lot of food in for the bad weather.A. storeB. effectC. useD. search14.Our car got in the mud, which delayed our journey.A. brokenB. stoppedC. stuckD. lostIV.单句改错1.Australia is the only country in the world where covers an entire continent.2.Australia is a wealth country. 3.China is so old as time.4.The climate is different depend on the area.5.The seventh point stands all the territories.6.A long fence runs for hundred of kilometres across Australia.7.The workers are painted the walls pink.8.He is having his hair cutting.9.Two plus two are four.参 考 答 案Reading The portrait of a nationI 词汇(略)II 语篇理解Scanning1. In 1901.2. It is made up of six states and two territories.True or False: T F F F T 阅读课文,完成下列各题:D C A A B B (备注:第4题在文中找不到相关内容,请略过。SORRY!)III.语句理解 词组查找1.be made up of 2.be surrounded by3.live in a similar way to their ancestors4.be harmful to the ecosystem 5.as a consequence6.take.away from 7.enjoy the same rights8. have a strong influence on9.experience social and economic unrest10.change ones attitude towards11. improve living conditions12.be fond of 13. differ from14. benefit from背诵或尝试翻译 (略)Integrating skills Reading AustraliaI. 词汇(略)II. 语篇理解 True or False: T T F T F阅读课文,完成下列各题:B D D A CIII. 单项选择:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.CIV. 单句改错1. where 改为 that 2. wealth改为 wealthy3. so改为 as4. depend改为depending5. stands 后加 for6. hundred改为hundreds7. painted改为 painting8. cutting改为 cut9. are改为 is

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