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中西语言文化意识及对比研究,1,文化是一个群体(可以是国家、也可以是民族、企业、家庭)在一定时期内形成的思想、理念、行为、风俗、习惯、代表人物及由这个群体整体意识所辐射出来的一切活动。 The shared assumptions, values, and beliefs of a group of people which result in characteristic behaviors. (Craig Storti, 1999),What IS culture?,2,社会历史的原因造成民族间思想理念、价值认同、行为方式的明显差异,涉及到历史传统、哲学思想、民族心理、思维方式、生活习惯、审美情趣等方面。 不同文化背景的人交际,习惯用本民族文化观念和固有思维模式观察判断其他民族的社会文化现象,容易带来误解和联想,产生民族文化偏见,不能顺应这些差异,就会造成文化冲击和交际失误。 文化心理因素不仅影响人们的交际活动,也会决定我们思维方式的走向,中西方思维方式差异是造成语言文化差异的重要原因。,What is culture?,3,What is culture?,4,客上天然居,居然天上客 (乾隆) 人过大佛寺,寺佛大过人 (纪昀) 清水池里池水清;院满春光春满院 斗鸡山上山鸡斗;龙隐岩中岩隐龙 鸡生蛋来蛋生鸡,What is culture?,5,Mr. Kennedy apparently was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. *肯尼迪先生明显地是被目击者相信开了三枪 中的第一枪击中的。 据目击者说,凶手共开了三枪,肯尼迪显然是被第一枪击中的。 Starvation was a remote threat. *饥饿是个遥远的威胁。 他们一时不必担心饿死。,What is culture?,6,东方人与西方人的思想方式有基本分歧:我人重综合,重归纳,重暗示。西方人则重分析,细微,曲折,挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周。 -傅雷 中国的文化是向模糊、朦胧及总体的方向走,而西方的文化是向准确而具体的方向走。-杨振宁 中国人似乎更长于总体把握,而西方人长于条分缕析;中国人善归纳,西方人善演绎;中国人强调群体,西方人强调个体;中国人重悟性,西方人重理性;中国人善形象思维,西方人善逻辑思维;中国人更具诗人的气质,西方人更具科学家的头脑。 -潘文国,中西文化传统的基本差异,7,语言包含有丰富的文化内涵。在英语教学中,文化主要指英语国家的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范和价值观念等。 接触和了解英语国家的文化有利于对英语的理解和使用,有利于加深对本国文化的理解与认识,有利于培养世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 教师应根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围。 帮助学生拓展视野,提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,为发展跨文化交际能力打下良好的基础。,如何理解中小学英语的文化意识目标,8,“Helping students understand the world” Expose students to and create interest in learning English and foreign culture and customs. Create enjoyment of learning foreign cultures and customs. Make students aware of cultural differences in communication. Further enhance understanding and awareness of cultural differences Students should be able to understand the language of communication in the cultural context.,Chinese Ministry of Educations National English Education Standards,9,T or F (common stereotypes on both sides) 1. Jill eats a hamburger every day. 2. All of Jills friends carry guns. 3. Jill drives a big car and is very rich. 4. Jill sleeps with her shoes on. 5. Students can do anything in Jills class because American teachers have no rules. 6. You should go to the USA because the streets are made of gold. 7. Jill has blond hair and, therefore, is not intelligent. 8. Jill is left-handed and, therefore, is very intelligent.,What is culture?,10,Mr. Wang eats rice everyday. Every Chinese is a Kung fu master. Chinese students are all hard-working and very good at mathematics. Chinese people are strange and mysterious. Chinese people are still starving on the other side of the world. China is a country where people have no freedom. People are only allowed to have one child.,What is culture?,11,Iceberg Theory and activity,12,What is culture?,13,1895年,心理学家弗洛伊德与布罗伊尔合作发表歇斯底里研究,弗洛伊德著名的“冰山理论”也就传布于世。在弗洛伊德的人格理论中,他认为人的心理分为超我、自我、本我三部分,超我往往是由道德判断、价值观等组成,本我是人的各种欲望,自我介于超我和本我之间,协调本我和超我,既不能违反社会道德约束又不能太压抑, 与超我、自我、本我,相对应的是他对人的心理结构的划分,基于这种划分他提出了人格的三我,他认为人的人格就像海面上的冰山一样,露出来的仅仅只是一部分,即有意识的层面;剩下的绝大部分是处于无意识的,而这绝大部分在某种程度上决定着人的发展和行为,包括战争、法西斯,人跟人之间的恶劣的争斗,如此等等。 所以弗洛伊德把他的精力主要用于对人的无意识的研究,这点也受到了后来人的批评。,冰山理论,14,1. Knowing aboutcultural information Facts Knowledge Customs 2. Knowing howcultural practices Actions Behaviors Skills Body language Eye contact,Cultural Knowings framework (Pat Moran, 2001),15,1. Every country has its own culture. 2. Western culture is quite varied, just like Eastern culture. 3. Theres also much variation within one culture. 4. Learning the culture is important to learning the language. 5. Its important to understand our own culture. 6. Our own culture affects how we see other cultures. 7. We need to try to understand other cultures and go deeper. 8. We need to use critical thinking (批判性思维) to distinguish between facts, opinions, and stereotypes. 9. No culture is BETTER than another, just similar in ways and different in others.,Cultural awareness:,16,案例一:北师大版教材必修模块4第12单元Culture Shock ,5个阅读片断,描述不同文化背景的人在异国他乡经历的困惑和尴尬。 教学目标:语言知识,情感态度了解文化差异,尊重不同文化,做到入乡随俗。 Discussion and presentation: compare the cultural differences In China In western countries Talking loudly in public No! Yes! wont get you more food when you dont ask more. Yes! No!,Cultural awareness:,17,We can accompany our guests to the station to see him (her) off. Not in the west! When we say nice things about them, they feel very happy and say thanks. Not quite so in China! What really accounts for all these differences? What are the deep-rooted reasons for way of doing things? What are the different values and beliefs behind cultures? How can you accommodate the cultural differences? Think critically and highlight your aims of teaching in every way possible!,Cultural awareness:,18,What can we summarize from our lessons? (深化文本主题信息 培养创新思维精神) Chinese: enjoying the close relations between people, being friendly and a good host, caring and considerate, filial and family-oriented, group-orientation, hospitable and generous(face culture), modest and hard-working, thrifty, strict in parenting, etc. Westerners: right to privacy, individuality, independence, carefree and adventurous, practical, punctual, egalitarian=equalitarian, civic-minded, civic rights, being grateful, open-minded, respectful of other peoples rights, etc.,Cultural awareness:,19,西方学者认为,Westerners prize and value individualism, rationalism, independence, democracy, freedom, equality, justice, competition, self-motivation, beauty, human rights, the pursuit of excellence, etc. which created a remarkable civilization. People in the United States get a sense of identity from work and generally separate work from play. Americans are efficient, practical, and see progress and change as a good thing. Americans also have a unshakable belief in equality. They do not believe that everyone is the same, but they do believe that everyone does or should have the same opportunities as everyone else. This is the basis of the American dream. What is the basis of the Chinese dream? As President Xi points out that Do we share something in common? 中西核心价值理念的对比-语言-文化-思辨能力-批判性思维,Cultural awareness:,20,案例二:北师大版教材模块5第13单元Culture Corner 涉及个性和国民特征内容,列举了英国、美国、德国、意大利、西班牙、澳大利亚和中国人正反两方面的特点,可以用来开展渗透跨文化意识的口笔头交际活动(小组讨论、课后查资料写小报告, 口头陈述等)。 为什么说人的个性与国民特征有关? 中国人与西方人的个性差异表现在哪些方面? 中国人“要面子”的心理有何利弊? 对西方人的特点能一概而论吗? 其他国家的国民与以上国家的人有哪些相同和不同的特点?,Cultural awareness: What can we do about cultures in our class?,21,可以在课后布置深度扩展阅读、写作、口头陈述等交际任务。参考资料: 辜鸿铭 The Spirit of the Chinese People 译为中国人的精神 林语堂论中外的国民性,My Country and My People译为中国人 易中天闲话中国人 美国学者Arthur Henderson Smith(明恩溥)中国人特性 英国科学家李约瑟(Joseph Needham)的中国科学技术史等,What can we do about cultures after our class?,22,辜鸿铭认为,“欧洲人认为人生的目的在于运动,而我们东洋人认为人生的目的在于生活。西洋人为运动而生活,东洋人则为生活而运动,他们是为赚钱而活着,我们则是为享受人生而创造财富,我们不把金钱本身作为人生的目标,而是为了幸福而活动。孔子说:仁者以财发身,不仁者以身发财,意思是好人为了生活而创造钱财,恶人则是舍身去赚钱。西洋人,尤其是美国人,为了赚钱连命都不要,这就是东西方人的差异之处。也就是说,西洋人贪得无厌不知足,而东洋人则是知足者常乐。”,What can we do about cultures after our class?,23,林语堂认为中国人的性格特点主要有:“老成温厚,遇事忍耐,消极避世,超脱劳猾,和平主义,知足常乐,幽默滑稽,因循守旧,酷爱自然,多生多育,耽于声色,稳健,单纯,勤劳,节俭,热爱家庭生活。” 易中天认为,“的确,中国人是不大容易看懂的。比方说,中国人耿直却又圆滑,坦诚却又世故,多疑却又轻信,古板却又灵活,讲实惠却又重义气,尚礼仪却又少公德,主中庸却又走极端,美节俭却又喜排场,守古法却又赶时髦,知足常乐却又梦想暴发,烧香算命却又无宗教感,爱抱团儿却又好窝里斗,爱挑刺儿却又会打圆场,不爱管闲事却又爱说闲话,懂得只争朝夕的道理却又主张慢慢来,等等,等等。,What can we do about cultures after our class?,24,明恩溥( Arthur Henderson Smith) 这样看待中国人的特性:“面子要紧,节俭,勤劳,客气,缺乏时间观念,缺乏精确习惯,好误解人意,好兜圈子,温顺而又固执,思维紊乱,麻木不仁,蔑视外国人,有私无公,因循守旧,不求舒适与方便,生命力顽强,富有耐性与毅力,知足常乐,孝顺,仁慈,缺乏同情心,好争斗,重责守法,互相猜疑,缺少信用,多神论、泛神论与无神论;同一而又多样,裙带关系,社会裙带关系,善于吸收,好吃,好名利,好轻信,温和,怕得罪人,安于寄生,忽视基础,不会保存古迹,重视中介人,缺乏利他主义”。,What can we do about cultures after our class?,25,Role play the following situations: Task one: You re going to meet a foreign teacher whose name is Jill Kester at the airport. How should you introduce yourself and greet her after a ten-hour tiring journey? Task two: You met Jill right at the lift. You were being polite and wanted her to go ahead. But she asked you to take it first. How would you speak to her properly? Task three: Your principal(headmaster )is going to introduce Jill to faculty members at school. You are his interpreter. Jill is a young pretty American teacher with a doctor degree and some experiences in teaching English as a foreign language in Asian countries. What do you think your principal(headmaster )should include in his introductory remarks?,Cultural awareness:,26,Task four: 朋友新婚,说一声“恭喜”“Congratulations!”。英语交际文化中对新郎(bridegroom) 可以说,对新娘 (bride) 也可以说吗? Task five: 英语Cheers/ Bottoms up和汉语“干杯”在词义和形象上有对应关系,但在使用程度、交际场合方面有差别吗? 注意:现代汉语正式语体和非正式语体之间的差别不如英语那样明显、严格。要注意不同文化、不同语言在交际情景里(语域)的风格特点。,Cultural awareness:,27,“Congratulations!” 对新娘(bride)就不能说了,此字英文是对通过努力而获得成功的人说的,用它来对新娘祝贺,含义是,“多方努力有了回报,到底还是抓住了一个男人,祝贺你的成功!”试想,新娘能高兴吗? 得体的说法:I hope youll be happy! I wish you every happiness! 电影红舞鞋(The Red Shoes) 里恭贺女孩子新婚的说法可以借鉴:All my love and best wishes for your happiness! I wish you the greatest happiness with your new partner!,Cultural awareness:,28,案例三:第一幕:一位外语学校校长这样向教师们介绍 新来的美国老师: Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA with a lot of teaching experience. 对这番话,美国女教师显出一脸难堪的样子。 你认为校长这样介绍外宾有什么问题吗?,What is culture?,29,文化差异: 中国人介绍来宾,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞。但美国人认为,初次结识,相互介绍,不必评头论足。凡是主观臆断性的评论,尽管是美言,也会给人唐突、强加于人的感觉。 对以上那番话,美国女教师感到难堪的是 pretty 和 good两个词。在那种场合,介绍应该突出被介绍人身份、学历、 职务等,而不应该是外貌和抽象的评论(political correctness)。相比之下,如果把 pretty 和 good 改成实际教育背景和经历,就比较客观,容易让外国人接受。,What is culture?,30,比较下面改变措辞的介绍: Ladies and gentlemen, Im delighted to introduce to you a new teacher from the USA, Miss Ann Brown. She is a doctor of American Literature with experience of teaching English as a foreign language. 特别忠告:介绍客人要介绍客观事实,不要主观评论。 要注重身份、教育背景和个人经历,不要只着眼外 貌 (中国女作家毕淑敏在美经历)。,What is culture?,31,In individualist cultures such as the United States, for example, when meeting a new person, you want to know what that person does. You tend to define people by what they have done, their accomplishments, what kind of car they drive, or where they live. One of the most fundamental beliefs of people in the United States is individualism. Associated with this belief are the ideas of self-motivation, competition, and responsibility for ones actions.,What is culture ?,32,A brief introduction Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are honored to have Professor Hans Anderson from Harvard University as our guest. Professor Anderson is a world-famous expert on computer hacking, and often advises government on how to protect their computer systems from hackers. He has published many books and articles on computer use and misuse, and though he is a first-class scholar, he is particularly popular with young audiences. His topic today is “New Threats to Security in Todays World”. After his speech youll have time for questions. Im sure hell rouse your interest in this topic. And now, Professor Anderson, please!,What is culture?,33,第二幕:一位美国同事感冒了,中国同事表示关心 : Chinese: You look pale. Whats the matter? American: Im feeling sick. Have a cold, maybe. Chinese: Go and see the doctor. Drink more water. Did you take any pills? Chinese medicine works wonderful. Would you like to try? Put on more clothes. Have a good rest. American: You are not my mother, are you?,What is culture?,34,文化差异:美国人比较看中个人的独立性。受人照顾往往被视为弱者。给对方出主意或提建议时,不 能使对方认为是在小看他的能力。 美国人对上面第一句话的反应通常是:“Take care of yourself. I hope youll be better soon.“不必教人怎么做。 中国人则以出主意提建议表示关心,而且常常以兄 弟姐妹或父母亲人的口吻,或以过来人的口气说话, 这对美国人行不通。,What is culture?,35,特别忠告:对病人表示关心,不必尽提建议。 可以使用下列句型: (1) Im sorry to hear that (youve got a bad cold). (2) I hope youll be all right very soon. (3) Take extra care of yourself. (4) Thats too bad. Whats the matter? (5) How are you feeling now?,What is culture?,36,第三幕:有空来坐坐 一位美国教师在中国任教,中国同事总是对她说: “有空来坐坐。” 可是,半年过去了,美国同事从来没有上过门。中国同事又对她说:“我真的欢迎你来家里坐坐。如果没空的话,随时打电话来聊聊也行。” 一年下来,美国同事既没有来电话,也没有来访。奇怪的是,这位美国人却常为没人邀请她而苦恼。,What is culture?,37,文化差异:中国亲朋好友和同事之间的串门很随便,邀 请别人来访无需为对方确定时间,自己去探访别人无需郑重其事征得同意。 美国人则没有串门的习惯。一年内遇到重大节日,亲朋 好友才到家里聚一聚。平时如果有事上门,事先要有时 间确切的预约。没有得到对方的应允,随时随地随便上 门是不礼貌的行为。 因此,美国同事对 “有空来坐坐” 这句话只当作虚礼客套,不认为是正式邀请。无事打电话闲聊也是美国人视为打乱别人私人时间和活动安排的行为。若想邀请美国人上门,应当诚意的与对方商定一个互相都方便的时间。,What is culture?,38,特别忠告:有心约会要主动约具体时间地点 可以使用下列句型: (1) Id like to make an appointment with you. When will you be free/available? (2) Lets get together some time next week. What date do you suggest? (3) How about coming to my place for dinner this Saturday? (4) Id like to. What time would be convenient for you?,What is culture?,39,(5) Would. suit you? (6) I wonder if we could arrange a meeting. (7) Do you happen to be free on.? (8) Have you got any plan for this weekend? How about.? (9) I am having some friends around during the weekend. Would you like to join us?,What is culture?,40,中国哲学、艺术和语言注重的是心理时空,主体意识较强。尤其偏重于时间的逻辑事理性,即使是谈到空间,也常常表现为流动性的。 西方人在哲学、艺术和语言上更注重自然时空,强调客体作用。,尤其偏重空间的自然真实性。,中西语言文化差异在句法层次上的表现,41,在句法层次上的表现是汉语“流水句”竹节式的时间型态,印欧语言树型空间构造。连动句、流水句是汉语的特点,复合句是英语的特色。 这是因为汉语句子没有一定的主谓框架限制,没有谓语动词和非谓语动词的区别,几个动词结构可以连用,几个名词性短语也可以连续铺排。,中西语言文化差异在句法层次上的表现,42,表达比较复杂的意思时,汉语句子一般是按时间顺序或事理逻辑顺序逐步交代,层层铺开,连成一体,句子结构呈螺旋型模式。 英语偏重直线型思维,注重演绎,习惯先点名主题、交代要点,然后再逐层细叙、分析推理,追溯因果。,中西语言文化差异在句法层次上的表现,43,由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快地重新实现访问。这使我感到特别高兴。 I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.,Chronological Sentence Order 流水记事法,44,我原打算今年1月份访华,后来不得不推迟,这使我深感遗憾。 Direct Chinese translation: I had intended to pay a visit to China in January but then I had to postpone it; this was a keen disappointment to me. Original English version: It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. (Speech by Edward Heath),Chronological Sentence Order 流水记事法,45,It is a rare moment in human history when great music becomes an instrument in restoring friendly relations between two great nations separated by decades of hostility and misunderstanding. Such a role was played by the Philadelphia Orchestra on the occasion of its path-breaking visit to the Peoples Republic of China in 1973. (By Henry A. Kissinger),Chronological Sentence Order 流水记事法,46,这是人类历史上少有的时刻,伟大的音乐成为促进两个曾经长久敌视和误解的国家重建友好邦交的推进因素。当费城交响乐团于1973年前往中华人民共和国进行其开创性访问时,它扮演的正是这样的角色。,Chronological Sentence Order 流水记事法,47,如果表达多层逻辑思维,句子包含叙事和表态的内容, 中文往往是先叙事, 后表态, 时间顺序和逻辑关系常按照由先到后,由因到果,由假设到推论,由事实到结论的次序安排。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,48,叙事部分可以很长, 表态部分较短,廖廖数语就可以表明自己的感受或态度,句子重心放在前面。 英文则是先表态(判断、结论、心理感受等), 后叙事(事实、描写等), 即先总提后分述,先讲结果后叙述过去。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,49,英语句式表态部分较短, 叙事部分较长, 句子呈现为后重心的结构。这类句式中,英文常用 It isto的结构, 把短的放在前面,长的放在后面,更加符合英语表达的特点。如:Its fun to, Its interesting that, It remains to be seen whether 请看下面的例句:,值得注意的语言运用规律:,50,1. Therefore, it is very important that we establish a constructive relationship with China. 因此,我们同中国建立建设性的关系是很重要的。 2. It is no easy task to try to carry out reforms on this kind of a basis in China. 中国要在这样的基础上实行改革,不是件容易的事。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,51,3.It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash.(implying that he did survive) 驾驶员在飞机坠毁以后,居然还能活着,这看来是不可想象的。 4. There was nothing inherently wrong with the sentence you said, but it was wrong of you to speak without taking notice of the setting at the time. 你说的那句话本身并没有错,但是,你说话不注意当时的场合是不对的。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,52,表达思想时,英美民族的思维更直截了当,他们习惯把语义重心放在句首说出,然后再把其他次要成分一一补进;汉民族习惯“从众归一”的思维方式,往往将次要的语义部分放在句首,最后才点出话语的信息中心。这是英汉句子内部结构的一个明显区别。 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife(JAusten,Pride and Prejudice) 译文1:有一条举世公认的真理,那就是,凡有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太。 译文2:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。 从语义中心的位置来说,第二种译法比起第一种译法更符 合汉语的思维方式和表达习惯。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,53,表达多层逻辑思维关系时,英语可充分利用语法上的三大手段形态变化、词序和虚词,常用它们包孕许多修饰成分、含有各类从句的复合句或长句,句中各部分的顺序比较灵活,相互间的修饰、限定关系比较严密。 汉语表达同样意思时,主要借助词序和虚词,常用短句,分句,流水句(chronicle sentences),按照一定的时间和逻辑顺序,有先有后,有主有次, 逐层叙述, 线性展开。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,54,试比较中英文组织运用语言的方式: 人教版英语必修2第3单元Computers 有这样一句: But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network. 但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到二十世纪六十年代初,人们才给了我一个用网络联成的家庭。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,55,英语句子呈现句首封闭、句尾开放(right-branching)的特征。修饰语、插入语可以后置,关系词与被修饰语连接,句子不断向句尾扩展、延伸。常用代词“It”,把真正的主语或宾语移到后面。 汉语句子则呈现句首开放、句尾收缩(left-branching)的特征。居首虽可开放、延伸,但扩展的长度和程度受到限制,不能像英语那样层层环扣、不断扩展。汉语句子长度不如英语,显得简短、零散。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,56,语篇结构也有明显区别: 英美人偏重直线式(linear)思维,演绎推理,注重追溯因果;汉人偏重迂回式(cyclical)思维,直觉领悟,总揽整体。英美人习惯开门见山,点明主题、交代要点,再逐层细叙、分析推理,从一般到细节、从概括到具体、从整体到个体的原则。 汉人习惯从多方面说明事情的来龙去脉,迂回曲折,螺旋环绕,语句之间常带有“弦外之音”,让读者自己悟出言者的语意,最后点出要旨或主题。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,57,Soccer is a difficult sport. A player must be able to run steadily without rest. Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head. Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others. They must put up with aching feet and sore muscles. 英语首句是主题句(topic sentence),其他4句依次说明主题。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,58,汉语中,我们则习惯于“前因后果”的表达方式: 足球运动员必须能不停地奔跑,有时得用头顶球, 愿意撞别人或被别人撞,必须忍受双脚和肌肉的 痛苦,所以说,足球是一项难度大的运动。,值得注意的语言运用规律:,59,由于汉语文化重意念而不重外在形式,句型在形式上很难像英语那样以谓语动词为中心去划分。 汉语主谓结构只占50%,另外50%左右是话题结构,即话题(topic)+ 说明(comment)。英语注重主语(subject-prominent), 汉语注重话题(topic-prominent)。 请看例句:,Topic-Comment 主题-述题结构,60,1. This is the first time in my life that Ive experienced the masses voting on rewards for cadres. 群众投票给干部发奖,这是我有生以来经历 的第一次。 2. Iv got lots and lots of stories about the places Ive been and the people Ive met. 我去过的地方和见过的人,要说的事多着呢。,Topic-Comment 主题-述题结构,61,3. He isnt interested in things like watching TV, listening to songs, or dancing. 看电视、听歌、跳舞这类活动他都不感兴趣。 4. Why waste tanks doing what the air force can accomplish at minimal cost? 空军花很少代价就能办到的事,何必要浪费坦克去做呢? 5. There may be some problems with canceling all at once. 一下子都取消,可能还有一些问题。,Topic-Comment 主题-述题结构,62,English Chinese Hypotaxis Parataxis 形合法 意合法 “形合”借助语言形式(词汇和形态手段)实现词语和句子的连接;“意合”不借助语言形式手段而借助词语或句子所包含意义的逻辑联系来实现它们之间的连接。前者注重语言形式的接应(cohesion),后者注重行文意义上的连贯(coherence)。,中英句式组合方式的差异 Propositions in English and Chinese:,63,他来,我走。 How do you say it in English? How many different sentences can you make in English? Can you make at least as many as five or six sentences? How are they different syntactically?,中英句式组合方式的差异,64,If he comes, Ill go. When he comes, lll go. After he comes, Ill go. Because he comes, Ill go. Once he comes. Ill go. Since he comes, Ill go. As he comes, Ill go. As soon as he comes, Ill go. The moment he comes, Ill go. Now that he comes, Ill go.,中英句式组合方式的差异,65,姐姐在等我,我得走了。 My sister is expecting me, so I must be off now. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 他不来,我不走。 I shall not go until he comes. 群众齐心了,一切事情都好办了。 When the masses are of one heart, everything becomes easy. 有事和群众商量。 Consult the masses when problems arise.,中英句式组合方式的差异,66,试比较以下句子的形态差异: It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. (Speech by Mr. Edward Health) 汉语意合法组织句子:I had intended to pay a visit to China in January but then I had to postpone it; this was a keen disappointment to me. 中西语言思维机制差异在那里? 篇章衔接、连贯有何特点?,形合与意合 (Hypotactic vs. Paratactic),67,I was all the more delighted when, as result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly. 由于贵国政府的提议, 才得以这样快地重新实现访问。这使我感到特别高兴。 We are very glad that Mr. Heath, an outstanding British statesman, has come to China for a friendly visit at the invitation of the Chinese Government. 希思先生是英国卓越的政治家,应中国政府的邀请, 前来进行友好访问,我们感到十分高兴。,形合与意合 (Hypotactic vs. Paratactic),68,At most of the hours of the day or night there are hundreds of motor vans leaving the newspaper offices with their heavy loads, some for the railway stations and others off to news-agents throughout London. (British Scene) 看上去这是一个极普通的英语句子,但却是一个极好的句子。句子里的 “ there are leavingforoff to” 好像是一个框架将句子的结构搭建起来,这几个动词成分分布在句子的各个部位,是那样的简单,又是那样的匀称;句子里的量词和代词“hundreds ofsomeothers” 与动词成分的配合又是那样的协调。句子以时间状语开头,地点状语结束,看起来读起来都很舒服,是我们摹写的榜样。,形合与意合 (Hypotactic vs. Paratactic),69,I dont think theres much to choose between the two, but on the whole I prefer yours. Oh, I think its a wonderful place. There always seems to be something interesting to do. Its not that I smoke a lot, but

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