2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》教案2 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》教案2 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》教案2 外研版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6Films and TV Programmes教案2 外研版必修2I. 教学内容及目标要求学生能够识别出时间状语(表频度)和地点状语,并了解这类状语在句子中的位置;了解通常情况下时间、地点和方式状语在同一个句子中的位置关系。II. 教学过程设计Part 1. Grammar 1Step 1. look at the underlined words in these sentences .Ask them to tell the types of the adverbs. Read through the following sentences with the class.1. The children went out of the public library happily.2. He promised that he would e here before five oclock.3. They havent yet finished the experiment.4. I make telephone calls to my parents twice a week.5. Luckily all of them passed the driving test .6. The girl did fairly well in the speech contest.7. Why was he late for the meeting ?8. Do you remember the day when your brother joined the army?Answers: 1. 方式副词2.地点副词时间副词频度副词句子副词程度副词疑问副词关系副词Step 2. Finish Activity 2,decide which words and phrases tell us how often something happens and which phrases tell us where something happens.Answers :hw often Occasionally,now and then, three times a week , seldom, from time to time, once a week ,rarely , every two dayswhereIn the west , between the houses , at the end (of the road), through the airPart 2: Grammar 2. Adverbs and adverbial phrasesStep 1. Tell the students some rules of adverbs order in the sentences.Give the students some example sentences and have them understand the location of adverbs.1. I hardly ever heard him singing .2. You must always keep this in mind .3. He was born in Beijing in the year 1980.4. He doesnt quite agree with you .5. She does everything carefully.Step 2. Do the exercises in Activity 3.Put the words in the sentences below in the correct order.Answers :1. I spent a lot of money at the supermarket yesterday.2. The man walked quickly down the street .3. You played well yesterday.4. The students have worked hard today.5. Think carefully before you talk to her.6. The boys were talking loudly in the corridor yesterday.7. They drove to the airport early in the morning.Step3. Homework : Additional exercises referring to Grammar in the module.

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