高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Section One Warming Up and Reading2课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Section One Warming Up and Reading2课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Section One Warming Up and Reading2课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Section One Warming Up and Reading2课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第3页
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Unit 4 wildlife protection,wildlife: animals or plants which live or grow in natural conditions,wild animal,Warming Up,rhinoceros,Name the animals, and try to tell their main food and their habitats:,panda,bamboo,genus Achatinella 夏威夷蜗牛,crocodile,Water, and land,milu deer,antelope,grassland,elephant,Do you know what endangered animals are dying out in China?,South China tiger,白鳍豚,panda,Why are these animals in danger or dying out?,Discuss in groups. Please give as many reasons as you can.,losing food supply,losing habitat,too much hunting,pollution,climate change,for farmland/ new houses,cut down trees for wood/ burning forests for farmland,eat them / kill them for their skin/bones, etc. for money,pour wasted water / give off poisonous gas,pollute the environment,panda,antelopes/ milu deer/,The Brazilian new forest,everywhere,the whole globe,小嘴狐猴(Mouse lemur): The smallest monkey in the world.,A REPORT ON SOME WILDLIFE IN CHINA,Animal,Problem,One home in China,No. before concern,No. after concern,Not enough food; loss of bamboo growing areas,Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province,Nearly all disappeared,About 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow,Disappeared from China,Nanhaizi Milu Park,Beijing,None,About 500 after brought back from UK,Too much hunting in the 1950s,Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone,Zhejiang Province,Very few,About 30-60 after being left in peace with no hunting,Pre- reading,1. What other endangered animals do you know of ? 2. Why are they in danger of disappearing?,Only 20 of them are left in the wild,苏门答腊虎,People kill them for their _ .,skin,People keep them in cages for_ .,fun,On holidays, so many people take photos with them until they are too tired to move.,A large number of antelopes were killed.,Water pollution cause the death of fish.,Factories give off a great deal of poisonous gas.,Too many trees were cut down and forests were destroyed for wood or farmland,rubbish contaminate,How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife,Reading,Tibet: Daisy began to cry.,Zimbabwe: Then she smiled.,Thick rain forest: Daisy was amazed.,The antelope told her they were hunted because of their_ which can be used to make_ like hers. Many of their friends were killed for the _ taken from under their _.In three years, they may all _.,fur,sweaters,wool,stomachs,be gone,No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.,Fast reading : read the passage quickly and try to fill in the table below about Daisys journey,antelope,Tibet,elephant,Zimbabwe,Rain forest,monkey,Read it again ,then fill in the form.,Daisy,Tibet,Zimbabwe,Rain forest,_ used to make sweater,killed for _,fur,wool,_ used to hunt them,now farmers _ them,farmers,like,A _ insect affects mosquitoes,No _,no _and no _,rain forest,animals,drugs,millipede,Reading-II-skimming (3m),Read: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.,1.Daisys sweater is made of sheep fur. ( ) 2.The antelope has been protected by fur.( ) 3.The elephant used to be well protected. ( ) 4.The rhinos have been well protected now. ( ) 5.There are no animals or no drugs in rain forests.( ),F,F,F,T,F,Daisy longed to _ species of wildlife. One day she _ up and found a flying carpet by her bed. Daisy asked it to take her to a _ land. There Daisy saw an antelope _ sad. It said their fur is being killed for the _ beneath our stomach. The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in _. There they said some animals could be _ only a certain number of animals if people paid the farmers. That is good news. It showed the _ of wildlife protection.,Fill in the blanks.,help,woke,distant,looking,fur,Zimbabwe,hunted,importance,Read the text quickly and silently and get the main idea of the text, and tell us what each paragraph mainly talk about.,paragraph 1 Daisy visited Tibet where antelopes have been over-hunted.,paragraph 2-3 Daisy visited Zimbabwe where elephants have been over-hunted.,paragraph 4-5 Daisy visited a rain forest which needs to be protected.,Detailed reading,Read the passage again, and answer the following questions. (p.27),Reading-II-detail reading (3m),1.Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope?,2.Why are humans part of this problem?,Read the passage again, and answer the following questions.,3. How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?,4.How did it improve for the animals?,5.In what way does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?,6.Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?,7.What must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?,Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope? 2. Why are we humans part of this problem? 3.How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?,People are hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope.,People who buy sweaters made with Tibetan wool are encouraging more people to go out and kill the animals.,The farmers got money when the government asked the tour companies to pay them to visit and hunt the animals.,4. How did it improve for the animals?,The animals were no longer killed by the farmers for destroying the crops.,5.In what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?,Looking after the rain forest helps wildlife protection because it contains many medicines and drugs that we do not know. These drugs may save lives.,No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. 没有雨林,就没有动物,也就没有药物了。,7.What must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?,*People must not stop destroying the habitat (home) of animals. *People must not kill animals but try to live in harmony with them. *People must stop using animals to make luxury goods(奢侈品).,6. Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?,They can win more sympathy.,


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