高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 方法措施课件.ppt

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方法措施,这类要点中常含有“怎么办” “如何/怎样做(应对、处理、解决)” “采取什么措施”“对解决,你有什么建议”等字眼。,常用句式,1. 要解决这个问题,有各种各样的方法。首先其次最后只有通过,我们才能 To solve the problem of there are various ways. First of all Whats more Finally Only by doing, can we,2. 为了,我想给你提供一些建议。一是,二是 To do, I would like to offer you some suggestions. For one thing, For another (thing) 3. 为了我向请教/我按照所吩咐的那样去做,确实有效。 In order to I turned to sb. for help/I did as I was toldand it did work.,4. 当谈到 我建议 一则 二则 When it comes to I suggest that For one thing For another 5. 依我看,解决这个问题,有许多办法。第一第二最后只有我们才能 In my opinion, there are many steps that can be taken to settle this problem. Firstly Secondly Finally Only if, can we,6. 依我看,为了必须刻不容缓采取有效措施。 From my point of view, to,effective measures should be taken without delay. 7. 个人认为,我们应当采取一些有效的措施以首先再者此外 Personally speaking, we should take some effective measures to In the first place, Whats moreBesides,8. 可能的方法如下。首先此外最后 The possible ways tocan be suggested as follows. To begin with Moreover Finally 9. 关于的一些建议如下。 Some suggestions oncan be listed as follows.,10. 这有一些可行的/有效的措施来处理首先其次 最后 只有通过共同努力,我们才能 Here are some workable /effective measures to deal with First of all Whats more Finally Only by joint efforts can we,11. 关于如何的建议如下。首先,其次,最后但一样重要的是 只有当的时候,我们才能 Some suggestions on how toare as follows. To begin with Besides Last but not least Only when doingcan we 12. 只有通过采取以上措施,我们才能 Only by adopting the above measures can we.,高考链接,你(或你朋友)是如何应对(想家)的。(2011广东高考) To solve the problem of homesickness, a number of measures were taken. First of all, I turned to my head teacher for help and chatted with him. Besides, I took part in more activities and did more sports to relax myself. Whats more, making new friends and sharing my feelings with others were also good ways to release my homesickness.,1. 你认为怎样才能更好地保护野生动物以免灭绝? 首先,写出主题句,引出建议:保护野生动物以免灭绝,可行的办法如下。 然后,列举建议,拓展主题句:stop hunting animals/pass laws/punish those who harm animals/set up special preserve,要点特训,The possible ways to protect wildlife from disappearing can be suggested as follows. To begin with, people must stop hunting animals for their fur or skin. Besides, the government should pass laws to punish those who harm animals or trade animal fur or skin. Finally, the government should set up special preserve for animals to live safely in order to protect them from dying out. Only by making joint efforts can we protect animals.,2.你或你朋友是如何化解某一次与同学之间的矛盾的? 开门见山,说出方法:为了打破僵局,我迫使自己写信向我同学道歉。 继续列举做法:to write a letter to say sorry/ask for forgiveness/invite her to dinner,In order to break the deadlock, I forced myself to write a letter to my classmate to say sorry for my rudeness to her and asked for her forgiveness. Besides, I invited her to dinner together to strengthen our friendship. By doing this, she finally accepted my apology and we became good friends again.,3.怎样提高自身的心理素质。 首先,写出主题句:说到如何提高心理素质,我给你提供以下建议。然后,列出24个方法或建议(show your courage / keep calm / learn more skills)。,When it comes to how to improve the psychological quality, I will offer you the following suggestions. First of all, you are required to show your courage whenever you have the opportunity to show your talents in class. Whats more, you ought to learn to keep calm whenever you meet with any emergency and in the meantime you should think of some workable measures to deal with it. Finally, try to learn more skills in case of any possible emergency so that you will be more confident.,仿真模拟,The article tells us that a strong storm called Usagi hit Shantou, Guangdong, affecting 3.5 million peoples life and causing 25 deaths. In the meantime, the police and volunteers tried hard to rescue those in danger. After reading the article, I felt really sorry for the deaths and realized the big power of natural disasters which might bring us great harm in our life.,Without such kind of disasters, our life would be happier and more colorful. However, our life would be tough when we have to meet with strong storms or other disasters. For example, last Monday, a strong typhoon called Tiantu hit Guangdong, which caused great damage to our life. Because of the strong wind, heavy rain poured down and the roads were flooded with many trees blown down.,Whats worse, electric power was cut off and motor vehicles couldnt be controlled normally, which led to many accidents and injuries on the road. To avoid being hurt in such kind of disasters, I would like to offer some good suggestions. For one thing,wed better stay at home.,For another, we should learn some useful skills and prepare some rescue facilities in case of first aid. Besides, some good measures, such as building a powerful water-draining system, predicting possible disasters accurately and timely forecasting the relevant news, should be taken. Only by fully preparing can we reduce our losses to the least.,


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