高考英语二轮复习 语言知识及应用(十)课件.ppt

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第一节 完形填空,A Californian woman divorced her husband because he played computer games at night and slept during the day,which affected her sleep greatly. Another was arrested after 1 her husband with a knife because of his snoring(打 鼾). Both examples involve a serious but rarely discussed field for 2 :sleep disharmony.,1. A. providing B. presenting C. meeting D. hurting 2. A. wives B. husbands C. families D. couples,Research by the Sleep Council has found that half of us are regularly 3 about six times a night by our partners, 4 if they snore or fidget (动个不停). A psychologist says that it often results in relationship 5 . The problem is so great that more people seem to be taking single 6 .,3. A. doubled B. hurt C. woken D. shaken 4. A. generally B. particularly C. occasionally D. actually 5. A. disharmony B. disappearance C. agreement D. disagreement 6. A. beds B. rooms C. quilts D. meals,The Sleep Council says that one in four of us regularly retreats to a 7 room or a sofa for a comfortable nights sleep, and the National Association of Home Builders 8 that by 2015 more than 60 percent of traditional houses will have double master 9 . This is the right approach,say all increasing number of psychologists and 10 experts.,7. A. lonely B. spare C. big D. small 8. A. predicts B. insists C. means D. realizes 9. A. kitchens B. toilets C. studies D. bedrooms 10. A. rest B. sleep C. marriage D. family,In a world where sleep is increasingly 11 , single beds may represent the future. 12 is the most obvious cause of bedtime tensions. About a quarter of us15 million peopleare snorers, according to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association,and may be depriving (剥夺) their 13 of two hours sleep a night.,11. A. expensive B. Valuable C. precious D. worthy 12. A. Snoring B. Sleeping C. Sneezing D. Dreaming 13. A. friends B. enemies C. partners D. children,Besides the bed, 14 sleep cycles can be just as disruptive (扰乱的). Every one of us has a different body clock with some of us preferring the 15 hours (known by sleep experts as larks) and some late nights (known by sleep experts as owls).,14. A. similar B. regular C. different D. strict 15. A. morning B. afternoon C. late D. early,文章通过两个不幸婚姻的例子阐述了夫妻睡眠不和谐的现状及其原因,并且提出了一些解决的方法,例如分床睡等,是未来的一种发展趋势。 1. D 由句中的was arrested及with a knife可推出填hurting。hurt与knife是词语同现。 2. D 根据前面的两个例子及关键词sleep可推出填couples。 3. C 根据句中的if they snore or fidget可推出填woken。woken与sleep是词语同现。 4. B 由句意可知这里需填表递进关系的副词(particularly),故选B。,5. A 第一段最后一句中的sleep disharmony有提示。与disharmony是原词复现。 6. A 根据句意及本文的关键词sleep可推出。bed与sleep是词语同现。 7. B 由空后的与之并列or a sofa可推出填spare(多余的;闲置的)。 8. A 根据句中的by 2015可推出填predicts。 9. D 根据句中的houses及本文的关键词sleep可推出填bedrooms。bedrooms与houses是词语同现。,10. B 根据语境及本文主题可知。与sleep是原词复现。 11. C 由句意及常识可推出填precious(宝贵的)。 12. A 根据下句中的snorers可知填snoring。snoring与snorer是同根词复现。 13. C 根据第二段第一句中的by our partners可知。与partner是原词复现。 14. C 下句中的has a different body clock给了提示。与different是原词复现。 15. D 由句中的与之形成对比的late nights可推出填early。early与late是词语同现。,第二节 语法填空,An old gentleman 16 _ eyesight was failing came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of wine in his hand. On the wall there was a fly which he took 17 _ a nail. So the moment he 18 _ (hang) them on, the bottles fell broken and the wine spilt all over the floor. When a waitress discovered what had happened, 19 _ showed deep sympathy for him and decided to do him a favour. So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she hammered a nail exactly 20 _ the fly had stayed.,whose,for,hung,she,where,Now the old man entered his room. The smell of the spilt wine reminded him 21 _ the accident. When he looked up at the wall, he found the fly was there again! He walked to 22 _ carefully and slapped it with all his 23 _ (strong). On hearing a loud cry,the kind-hearted waitress rushed in. 24 _ her great surprise, the poor old man was there sitting on the floor, his teeth clenched (咬紧) and his right hand 25 _ (bleed)!,of,it,strength,To,bleeding,这个笑话故事说明了这样一个道理:好心未必能办好事。 16. whose 引导定语从句,作定语,表示“这个绅士的”视力下降了。 17. for 固定搭配,takefor“误把当” 18. hung 根据前后句谓语动词时态可知,用一般过去时。hang 作“悬挂”解,过去式为hung;若作“绞死”解,过去式为hanged。 19. she 指代前面的waitress。,20. where 引导地点状语从句,表示“在的地方”。 21. of 搭配,remind sb. of“提醒某人”。 22. it 指前句中的the fly。 23. strength 作介词的宾语,用名词。 24. To 固定搭配,to ones surprise“让某人惊奇的是”。 25. bleeding 因his teeth clenched(咬紧) and his right hand 25(bleed)是并列的独立主格结构,作状语;hand与bleed是主动关系,用现在分词。,

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