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第一节 完形填空,Nowadays, youll find numerous job-hunters competing with one another for jobs in the competitive society. When applying for a job, many people, school graduates in particular, have to have an interview with the employer before they are 1 the job. Many graduates, however, do not know the 2 of succeeding in such an interview. The following are some of the rules to 3 .,1. A. responded B. offered C. achieved D. demanded 2. A. challenges B. intentions C. techniques D. functions 3. A. follow B. seek C. acquire D. complete,To succeed in an interview, the applicant should demonstrate certain personal and professional 4 , such as diligence, honesty and generosity. Since much of the first and lasting 5 of a person is the clothes he wears, the applicant should take care to appear well but modestly 6 , avoiding too elaborate(精心的) or too 7 clothes.,4. A. symbols B. qualities C. hobbies D. characters 5. A. introduction B. information C. suggestion D. impression 6. A. behaved B. performed C. dressed D. examined 7. A. formal B. casual C. luxurious D. costly,Besides, he is supposed to pay particular attention to his 8 of speaking, which should be brief, friendly, straightforward and grammatically accurate. Apart from that, he should be well 9 to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the 10 for which he is applying in relation to his own professional experience and interests.,8. A. manner B. direction C. voice D. intention 9. A. arranged B. prepared C. known D. informed 10. A. condition B. company C. position D. interview,And finally, a truly 11 applicant must convey a sense of self-confidence and 12 for work, a factor that all interviewers 13 highly.,11. A. typical B. educated C. thoughtless D. impressive 12. A. expectation B. consideration C. passion D. preparation 13. A. advertise B. trust C. promote D. value,The applicant who displays these characteristics and bears the above 14 in mind, with just a little luck, will certainly 15 it in the interview.,14. A. messages B. topics C. skills D. symptoms 15. A. make B. apply C. attempt D. win,本文是说明文,主要介绍求职者在竞争激烈的职场上取胜的一些技巧和注意事项。 1. B 前后搭配。结合句意,在提供(offer)工作给求职者之前,雇主必须对他们进行面试。offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.(提供某物给某人)。故选B。 2. C 词语复现。下文说的是求职者要注意的事项和技巧,故选C,它和rules是同义复现。 3. A 前后搭配。句意:以下是一些要“遵守(obey)”的规则,故选A。seek (寻求),acquire (获得;获取) 和complete (完成)皆不符合语境。,4. B 词语复现。由句中的such as可知,所填的词是上义词,diligence (勤奋),honesty(诚实) 和generosity (大方) 是它的下义词,它们是上下义的关系。故选B。 5. D 常识推断。由常识可推知,求职者的穿着打扮给面试官留下的第一印象(impression)很重要,也很深刻。故选D。 6. C 词语复现。由上一句的the clothes he wears可知,求职者应该关注外表,但是穿着打扮(dresses)要注意适中,故选C。其中clothes和dressed是同义复现。,7. B 词语同现。由句中的or和extremes(极端)可知,前后存在相反的关系,所填词和elaborate意义相反,故选B。 8. A 词语复现。由句意可知,所填词是上义词,brief,straight等是下义词,因此是说话的风格/方式(manner of speaking),故选A。 9. B 上下文语境。由句意可知,求职者还应该作好充分的准备(well prepared), 而well arranged(做好安排),well known(著名;出名)和well-informed(消息灵通)皆不符合语境,故选B。,10. C 词语复现。the position for which he is applying for,此处的position和第二行的job是同义词,它们是同义复现,故选项C是最佳选项。 11. D 逻辑推断。一位有自信心和激情的求职者,必然会让面试官印象深刻(impressive),故选D。而typical(典型的),educational (有教育意义的)和thoughtless (不假思索的)皆不符合语境。 12. C 词语同现。由and可知,所填的词和self-confidence意义接近,再对比四个选项,可知最佳选项的C,passion(激情/热情)和self-confidence是近义同现,而expectation(期待;预期),consideration(考虑)和preparation(准备)皆不符合题意。,13. D 常识推断。面试官往往高度重视(value)求职者对待工作的态度。其他advertise(推销做广告),trust(信任)和promote(提升;晋升;促销)皆不符合语境。 14. C 词语复现。由句中bear the above 14 in mind以及纵观全文可知,第二、三和四段讲的都是rules,故选C。rules和skills是同义复现。 15. A 前后搭配。句意:只要求职者牢记上述的技巧,再加上一点运气的话,肯定会成功(make it),故选A。make it=succeed,两者都意为“成功”。,第二节 语法填空,China is considering building an 8,000-mile high-speed rail link to America. It would take less than two days to take the journey including 16 _125-mile undersea tunnel(隧道). Traveling 17 _ around 217mph, the train would leave the north-east of the country, run through Siberia and enter a 125-mile tunnel under the Bering Strait, the 18 _(short) crossing between Russia and Alaska.,a,at,shortest,It would then resurface and head south through Canada, 19 _ reaching its destination in America. It is unclear 20 _ the American, Canadian or Russian governments have agreed to these plans. But engineers claim it would provide a 21 _ (practice) alternative to air travel. If 22 _(complete) , it would be 2,300 miles longer than the Trans-Siberian Railway, 23 _ ( make) it the longest train route in the world.,before,whether,practical,completed,making,The underwater passage would also be four times the length of the Channel Tunnel, 24 _ connects France and the United Kingdom. Even though the plans have not been finalized, it is believed that the project would be developed and financed by the Chinese, who have become global leaders in high-speed rail travel. So far, the country 25 _ (construct) the worlds longest bullet train network with more than 6,200 miles of routes in service.,which,has constructed,中国考虑修一条八千英里长的高铁到美国。 16. a 名词前应填限定词;又因意指“包括一条125英里的海底隧道”,表示“一条”用不定冠词,数字125中的one的读音以辅音开头,用a。 17. at 意思是“以每小时217英里的速度行驶”,表示“以”多大的速度,用介词at。 18. shortest 在冠词与名词(crossing)之间,要填形容词,short本身是形容词,可考虑比较等级,由the提示和常识可知,用其最高级形式,表示“穿越阿拉斯加和俄罗斯之间最短的距离”。,19. before 在不作主语、宾语、表语的名词或动名词前面,可考虑填介词,即该名词或动名词是作介词的宾语;根据逻辑意义,应是指“在到达目的地美国之前,往南行,穿越加拿大”,表示“在之前”用before。 20. whether 由前面的unclear可知,表示不确定,又由后面的or提示,可知填whether,引导主语从句,意为“美国、加拿大、俄罗斯政府是否同意这些计划还不清楚”。 21. practical 在冠词与名词(alternative)之间应填形容词。,pleted 因连词if与动词complete之间没有主语,可见是“连词+非谓语动词(-ed或-ing形式)”;因complete(完成)与其逻辑主语it (air travel)是被动关系,故用过去分词(-ed形式)。 23. making 表示自然结果,用现在分词短语(-ing形式)作状语。 24. which 引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是the Channel Tunnel,用which。 25. has constructed 在主语后是谓语动词,由so far可知用现在完成时,表示到目前为止“已经建造了”世界上最长的高铁网络。,

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