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工作总结范文/工作总结 上海世博会园区参观须知(中英对照) 欢迎参观中国20XX年上海世界博览会(下称“上海世博会”)。为了保护参观者的合法权益,维护安全、有序的参观环境,上海世博会组织者(即上海世博会事务协调局,下称“组织者”)制定本须知。article 1 scope of application第一条 适用对象article 2 operation time第二条 园区运行时间the operation time of the expo site shall be 9:00 24:00. the opening hours of the pavilions shall be 9:30 22:30.园区的通常运行时间为9:00至24:00,园内展馆的通常开放时间为9:30至22:30。article 3 orderly entry第三条 有序入园visitors shall go through ticket pre-check, security check and ticket verification in an orderly fashion before entering the expo site. those who refuse to cooperate may be denied entry by the organizer.参观者应依次排队,经预检、安全检查和门票查验后进入园区。参观者不接受检查的,组织者可拒绝其入园。for the purpose of public health and disease prevention and control, the organizer may conduct necessary health examination on visitors entering the expo site.为公共卫生和疾病防控需要,组织者可对进入园区的参观者采取必要的健康检测措施。visitors with special admission tickets are required to present a valid id at the time of ticket verification (see annex hereto for types of valid ids).门票查验时,持优惠票的参观者须同时出示相关有效证件,具体证件类型见本须知附件。children eligible for free admission and other visitors with mobility difficulties may only enter the expo site when accompanied by adults. those under the influence of alcohol and the persons suffering from mental disorders are not allowed to enter.免票儿童及行动不便的参观者应由成年人陪同入园参观。醉酒人员及精神异常人员谢绝入园。

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