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求职离职/面试技巧 一女子的自我介绍和求偶标准 某网站看到如下一女子的英文自我介绍及求偶标准,感觉不错,额翻译了一下拿来欣赏 自我介绍:self-introduction Dont know what word to use to describe myself. describe:描述, 我女儿今天问到我这个单词 不知该用什么词来描述自己 think of me as a bottle of quality wine.rich in content.with body.a feel that you can hardly forget. 你可以认为我是一瓶优质葡萄酒,馥郁醇厚,它带给身体的那种感觉。真的很难忘记。 think of me as Oolong tea, bitterly tasty, with a long and sweet after taste.if you know tea 你可以认为我是一杯乌龙茶,爽口的苦涩,绵长而后味甘甜。若你懂得茶道 think of me as colours. deep red like wine, darkbrown like rosewood, or rich green like summer leaves.or.but never plain. 你可以认为我是油彩,。深红得像葡萄酒,深紫得像黑檀木,嫩绿得像夏日里的树叶。或者说像。,但是,无论如何从不平淡。 well travelled. sofisticated(应为sophisticated) yet naive. calm yet passionate.more interested in brain than muscle. will consider relocation but prefer China. 阅历丰富,。,老道却不乏天真,。平静而充满激情,。与肌肉(蛮力)相比,对头脑(智慧)更有兴趣,。,可以考虑换换地方,不过在中国更好。 我的理想对象: (My Dream Partner) your eyes glow with wisdom 你的眼睛闪烁着智慧的光 your heart is warm with passion 你的心给人以温暖 you are confident yet humble 你自信却不骄傲 sophisticated yet simple 你老练却简单 you maybe as bald as Winston Churchill 你的头或可以秃得像丘吉尔 as long as you are healthy and tall 只要你健康而高大 you are excited talking about your business 你可以兴奋的谈论你的事业 but also enjoy taking your dog for a long walk (please you must love dogs) 但也要喜欢带着狗遛弯(首先请你得爱狗:看来该女士对狗很钟爱) you are comfortable in a posh restaurant with silverware 你可以在使用银器的豪华餐厅享受舒适 but prefer the coziness of a gentle oil massage at home 可是也更喜欢在家享受推油的舒适 you are still opening the door for ladies你依然还会为女士打开门 you still care to say morning instead of mornin 你依然还小心谨慎地说“你早”而不是仅一个“早”字了事 you dont show off your Porsche or muscle or whatever you may have 你不炫耀你的保时捷或肌肉或任何你拥有的物件 because you know the quality of a man is from the inside 因为你懂得一个男人的品质来自于内心 you dont look into the mirror more than 3 times a day 你不会一天里照镜子的次数超过3次 but you call your woman often when travelling without her 可是一旦外出没带老婆,你会想起来给她打电话 Although you occasionally get grumpy for reasons 尽管偶尔也会脾气暴躁 you never really get burnt by a last minute change 你永远不可能在临时变卦时真正发火 you make mistakes 你会犯错 and you appreciate that others do the same 你知道别人也会这样 you are here to find your Asian lover 你在这儿找你的亚洲情人 but not to buy a little plastic doll 却不会去买那种塑料的玩意儿

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