七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining Section B(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining Section B(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining Section B(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 It’s raining Section B(1a-2c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Section B 1a-2c,Unit 7 Its raining!,1. Key Points Learn to describe the weather in different areas or places. 2. Sentences (1) Hows going? (2) Im having a great time doing sth./in sp. (3) Im so happy to see them again. (4) Its warm and sunny, and its very relaxing here.,3. Words and Expressions (1) dry, cold, hot, warm, visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country (2) having a great time doing sth./in sp.(做某事或在某地玩得很愉快), on (a) vacation(度假), write to(给写信),a. summer vacation,b. juice,c. mountain,1a-1b. Match the words with the picture. Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a.,Its dry.,Hows the weather in picture d?,1c. Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to Hows it going, What are you doing and Hows the weather.,1e. Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric.,2a. Talk about the pictures below with a partner. Hows the weather? What are the people doing?,Its sunny and hot.,Hows the weather?,Shes drinking orange juice.,What is she doing?,Hows the weather?,Its cloudy and cool.,What are they doing?,They are climbing the mountains.,Hows the weather?,Its raining.,What is she doing?,Shes writing a letter.,2b. Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.,Dear Jane, Hows it going? Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. . Su Lin,Dear Jane, Hows your summer vacation going? Are you studying hard or are you having fun? . Dave,2c. Fill in the chart with information from the postcard in 2b.,1. have a great time doing sth.做某事过得愉快 We have a great time singing and dancing. 我们载歌载舞,玩得很开心。 She has a great time playing games with us. 和我们一起玩游戏,她玩得很尽兴。,2. by在旁边。它所表示的位置比 near 更近一些。 All the children are sitting by the table. 所有的孩子们都坐在桌子旁边。 Do you live near your school? 你家住在学校附近吗?,3. work vi.(机器)运转;活动 But my phone isnt working. 但我的电话坏了。 My watch doesnt work. What time is it now? 我的手表坏了,现在几点了?,4. visit n.参观;访问 v.参观;访问;拜访;看望;探望 visitor n.参观者;访问者;来宾;游客 I visited my friend in the hospital yesterday. 昨天我去医院探望了我的朋友。 We had a visit to the Great Wall. There are many foreign visitors. 我们去游览长城了,那里有许多外国游客。,5. cold (1) cold1 adj.寒冷的(hot adj.炎热的) (2) cold2 n.感冒;寒冷 have/catch a cold着凉;伤风 be cold to sb.对某人冷淡 He had a bad cold yesterday. 他昨天患了重感冒。 I cant tolerate the cold winter and hot summer. 我不能忍受寒冷的冬天和炎热的夏天。,Review the new words and phrases related to the weather. Retell the first postcard in 2b with your own word.,Exceed and excel, strive for perfection.,

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