九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Teenage problems VOCABULARY》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Vocabulary,Unit 3,Studying aims,1.To learn the different meanings of get. 了解 “get” 的不同意义; 2. To be able to write a letter to talk about their problems with “get” phrases. 能够用“get”词组写一封信描述自己的问题; 3. To learn to help each other by sharing problems and giving advice . 通过相互倾听烦恼并提建议学会彼此帮助。,Free talk,A : Have you got a problem ? B : Yes . A : What is it ? B :Eating too much makes me unhealthy. What about you ? A: ,1 Getting too many tests and exams 2 Not doing enough exercise 3 Being too noisy at home 4 Having no communication with family members 5 Having no close friends 6 Not having enough time to do my homework,get a bus,get home,get low marks,get angry,get to sleep,get a letter,get / _a bus,take,get/_low marks,achieve,get/_angry,get/_ a lot of homework,become,have,get / _home late,arrive,get / _a letter,receive,Task1 Fill the blanks,1)How much did you get that skirt? 2) Go and get your breakfast. 3) I got a lot from the story. 4) Every day we get a lot of homework to do. 5) Li Ming doesnt study hard, so he often gets low marks. 6) You should get your friends to help you. 7) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He got there last night.,buy,eat,learned,请用英语解释划线的单词,have,achieves,ask,arrived,知识 宝库,1.get up 起床 2.get away 滚开 3.get back 取回 4.get down 下来,放下 5.get through 通过 6. get on / off 上/下车 7.get together with sb 和某人聚在一起 8.get on well with sb 与某人相处得好 9.get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 10.get a cold 得了感冒/伤风 11. get sth done= have sth done 叫别人做某事 12.get sth for sb 为某人拿/取某物,拓展延升,选用所给词组的适当形式填空 get on well with, get off ,get through, get together, get to, 1) Are you _ your new classmates? 2) Next week we _ in Nanjing Library. 3) Please tell that old woman _ the bus at Hanzhongmen. 4) As soon as I _ school tomorrow, I will call you. 5) The street isnt wide enough for the car _.,getting on well with,will get together,to get off,get to,to get through,Dear Tommy How are you? Im very busy at the moment. I usually (1) _ to do every day. I know homework is important, but I _ when theres too much to do because I wont have time for my hobbies. I usually join in some activities after school, and then I (3) _ home. Theres always a lot of traffic on the road and I usually (4) _. I dont have much time to revise for tests. Sometimes I dont (5) _, and I feel sad then. Do you have any problems with your schoolwork? Tell me about them! I hope I will (6) _ soon. Yours Amy,get angry,get a bus,get home late,get a high mark,get a letter,Task 2- Completing the letter,get a lot of homework,Write a letter about your problems with “get” phrases.,用“get”词组写一封信,谈谈自己的烦恼。,Task3- Writing,get sth done= have sth done 叫别人做某事 例如:I must have/ get my hair cut. 我必须把我的自行车请人修一下。 _ 2. I must get my work _ today. A. do B. did C. done D. to do She got a new coat _. A. make B. makes C. made D. to make,I must get my bike repaired.,C,C,get sb sth = get sth for sb 去取来(一去一来) bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 拿来 (只强调来) take sb sth = take sth to sb 拿去 (只强调去 -Tom, youd better _ your homework here tomorrow. - OK, Miss Cao. A. bring B. get C. take D. catch 2. Theres no chalk. Who would like to _ some for me? A. bring B. get C. take D. catch,A,B,A: If you cant get enough sleep, what will you do? B: If someone laughs at you, what will you do?,Discussion:,Dear Tommy How are you? Im very busy at the moment. I usually (1) _ to do every day. I know homework is important, but I _ when theres too much to do because I wont have time for my hobbies. I usually join in some activities after school, and then I (3) _ home.,get a lot of homework,get angry,get a bus,Sharing problems,Theres always a lot of traffic on the road and I usually (4) _. I dont have much time to revise for tests. Some- times I dont (5) _, and I feel sad then. Do you have any problems with your schoolwork? Tell me about them! I hope I will (6) _ soon. Yours Amy,get home late,get a high mark,get a letter,Sharing problems,词性变化 1.There _ (be ) often a lot of traffic on the road. 2.Daniel looked _ ( pleasure ) after school. 3.The dog has made the man _ ( anger). 4.I cant work out the math problem. Can you give me some _.( advise) 5.They dont agree with me, and I need your _. ( support) 6.He has no friends, so he feels very _.( alone) 7._ (not get) on well with parents is no good. 8.You like football, basketball, pingpong and volleyball. You have a lot of _. ( hobby),Is,pleased,angry,advice,support,lonely,Not getting,hobbies,( ) 1. The teacher told us the earth _ around the sun. A. would move B. will move C. moves D. moved ( ) 2. Mr Read asked me _ I was going to study abroad and I said “yes”. A. how B. when C. why D. whether ( ) 3. - Do you know Jack well? - Certainly. We _ friends since ten years ago. A. were B. have made C. have become D. have been ( )4. Dont open the window,_? A. shall we B. wont you C. do you D. will you ( ) 5. The workers were made _ the whole day. A. work B. to work C. worked D. working ( ) 6. Jim sat _ to his mother with his eyes half_. A. closed, opened B. close, open C. closely, opening D.closely, opened ( ) 7. Theres no chalk. Who would like to _ some for me? A. bring B. get C. take D. catch ( ) 8. Its October. The weather is getting _. A. cool and cool B. cool and cooler C. cooler and cooler,1.I will _ at next bus stop. 2.You should _ your bad habits. 3.Yesterday he _, so he doesnt come to school today. 4.Please _ the important notes in time. 5.Daniel _ home late every day, so his motehr is very angry. 6.Susan doesnt work hard at study, so she _ at the time. 7.Lucy _ when she heard the bad news. 8. _ others makes me happy.,get down, get a cold, get off, get on well with, get back, get low marks, get rid of 改掉, get sad.,( )1.Theres no chalk. Who would like to _some of me ? A.bring B.get C.take D.catch ( )2.I must get my work_today. A.do B.done C.to do D.did ( )3.Im sorry to get you_for a long time. A.wait B.waits C.to wait D.waiting ( )4.The teacher had the noisy boy_up. A.to stand B.stand C.standing D.stands ( )5.-Did you _? -Yes, I _for three days. A.catch a cold, had a cold B.catch a cold, have had a cold C.got a cold, got a cold D.caught a cold, caught a cold,B,B,C,A,B,( )6.The cat climbed the tree and could not get_. A.from B.down C.out D.away ( )7._low marks_nothing. What you have learnt is _. A.Having,is,important B.Taking,are ,more important C.Getting,is,more important D.Making,are,important ( )8.We are going to _with some friends for a picnic this weekend.Would you like to come? A.get on B.get away C.get along D.get together,B,C,D,( )9.The headmaster told us to _the Science Museum on time. A.arrive at B.arrive in C.arriving at D.arrive ( )10.-Computer is very useful. -Yes, with the help of computers, news can_every corner of the world. A.get B.return C.arrive D.reach,A,D,猜得出下列句子的意思吗? 1. Ann got a doll for her birthday. 安收到一个玩具娃娃作为她的生日礼物 2. She got nothing but trouble for her efforts 她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦. 3. Get me a cup of tea, please. 请给我一杯茶。 4.He got his information out of an encyclopedia. 他从百科全书中查到了资料。 5. Peter always got high marks in math and science. Peter数学和自然科学总得高分 6. When did you get home? 你什么时候到家的?,1. Read and recite Part B on Page 48. 2. Finish period 4 in the workbook. 3. Translation,Homework,翻译句子 1. 我的健康有问题,我得多休息,否则我会 生病的。 2老师不想让我们中的任何一个人迷路。 3冬天来了,天气变得越来越冷了。 4Jim如此的忙以至于他没有足够的时间留给 自己的兴趣爱好。 5如果你在考试中得了很低的分数,你父母 会不高兴的。 6我能经常收到朋友的来信。,


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