2019-2020年高二12月段考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二12月段考英语试题 含答案单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Cathy, _, I have just e out on top in the singing petition! Congratulations! A. guess what B. in factC. it depends D. tell you what2. Keep on doing that and youll _ in serious trouble.A. end up B. hold up C. grow up D. stay up3. _ the movie already _ when you arrived at the theatre? Yes, we got there too late.A. Does; begin B. Did; beginC. Has; begun D. Had; begun4. On hearing the bad news, Benny suddenly _ tears.A. burst into B. looked into C. broke into D. developed into5. Students soon get _ if you criticize them too often.A. discouraging B. encouraging C. discouraged D. encouraged6. _ I saw her, I knew she was the woman the police were looking for.A. Even though B. Now thatC. As if D. The instant 7. My car has broken down. Ill have it _ immediately.A. repair B. to repairC. repairing D. repaired8. Unfortunately, Mr. Baker got AIDS while _ in Africa.A. he is traveling B. traveledC. travels D. traveling 9. He used to visit his teacher regularly, but now he still sees her _.A. at the time B. from time to timeC. at one time D. on time10. According to the radio, the hurricane resulted _ ten deaths.A. to B. in C. from D. by11. What _ fun party it was! Yes. We met many old friends at the party, having _ fun.A. 不填;a B. a; 不填 C. the; a D. a; the 12. You cant imagine what trouble I had _ this English article into Chinese.A. to translate B. translatedC. translating D. been translating13. He opened the door only to find many teachers _ at the back of the classroom.A. seatingB. seated C. were seating D. seat14. I know nothing about him _ he has been abroad for several years.A. except when B. except thatC. except D. besides15. His stepmother is kind to him, _ whom she has a deep love.A. with B. at C. of D. about完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas 16 for her father. She 17 that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was 18 satisfied with perfume(香水). 19 , shopping at this time of the year was a most 20 job. People 21 on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost 22 you over in their hurry in order to 23 something cheap ahead of you. Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on 24 . They are 25 silk, the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to 26 her to buy one. But Edith knew from past 27 that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, 28 where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the 29 were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father 30 smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was 31 to please him. When she got home, with her small but 32 present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already 33 table. Her mother was in great 34 . Your father has at last decided to stop smoking, she told her daughter happily. Edith was so 35 that she could not say a single word. 16. A. thing B. gift C. suit D. card17. A. wished B. hoped C. supposed D. believed18. A. scarcely B. never C. seldom D. always19. A. Fortunately B. Besides C. Finally D. Therefore20. A. careful B. exciting C. tiring D. unhappy21. A. lifted B. stood C. walked D. stepped22. A. brought B. knocked C. turned D. hit23. A. find B. grasp C. sell D. watch24. A. duty B. time C. show D. board25. A. poor B. exact C. real D. cheap26. A. ask B. force C. persuade D. hope27. A. things B. books C. school D. experience28. A. found B. stopped C. saw D. asked29. A. shapes B. shop C. money D. cigarette30. A. nearly B. only C. never D. always31. A. possibly B. certainly C. hardly D. impossibly32. A. well-chosen B. expensive C. ready-made D. cheap33. A. at B. on C. by D. beside34. A. anger B. sadness C. disappointment D. excitement35. A. excited B. glad C. happy D. surprised阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ALate that afternoon I took the train back to Sydney. There I found another surprise waiting for me. My room at the hotel had been given to somebody else and they had no room for me. Harkin had known my travel plans and had planned everything. How could he have booked the room only for three days? There was nothing to be done but to find another hotel. The waiters were happy to find me a new hotel, and when I said that I was happy to stay at the airport, thinking it might be cheaper than staying in the city, they suggested the Holiday Inn at the airport. There was one small matter: the room rate was 300$ per night. The best hotel in Katoomba had wanted only 145$. I asked if there was anything cheaper they might suggest but they warned that most hotels would already be full by this time.The hotel was far from the train station, so I had to take a taxi, as 25$. On the way to the Holiday Inn, we passed a hotel just two blocks from the Holiday Inn that advertised a room rate of 104$. At the desk I asked if their room rate could go down a lot. “No, this is a 4star hotel,” the waiter told me. “In that case,” I replied, “Ill just walk the two blocks to the cheap hotel.” But she warned me that they were probably full and that if I didnt take the room, it might not be available when I came back. Finally, I decided to take the room.The room itself was big, but the air conditioning couldnt keep up with the Australian heat. I couldnt get to sleep until about 1:00 am.36Why did the writer have to look for another hotel?AHe was short of money. BHe wasnt well received.CHe didnt book early. DHarkin made a mistake.37How did the writer feel when hearing the room rate at the Holiday Inn?ASurprised. BRelaxed.CNervous. DHappy. 38What was the weather like at that moment?ACold . BHot.CCool. DWarm. 39Why did the writer take a room in the Holiday Inn finally?AIts a 4star hotel.BIts around the station.CIt was midnight then.DThe room was in great demand.40What does the text mainly talk about? AAn unforgettable day.BA warmhearted waiter.CAn introduction to hotels. DA hotel hunting experience.BIt is 7 oclock in the morning. You check yourself in the mirror, adjust your collar, and consider the busy day ahead. But at least you know that the stress wont damage your health, for this is no ordinary set of clothes you are wearing. Set within the fabric are numerous sensors, constantly monitoring your vital signs. If danger signs are detected, the garment is programmed to contact your doctor and send a text message telling you to take it easy. Garments that can measure a wearers body temperature or trace their heart activity are just entering the market, but the European project BIOTEX weaves new functions into smart textiles. Miniaturised biosensors in a textile patch can now analyse body fluids, even a tiny drop of sweat, and provide a much better assessment of someones health.Jean Luprano, a researcher at the Swiss Centre for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), coordinates the BIOTEX project. “One of the most obvious applications for smart fabrics is in the medical field,” he says. “There has been a good deal of progress with physiological measurements, body temperature or electrocardiograms(心电图). But no one has yet developed biochemical sensing techniques that can take measurements from fluids like sweat and blood. We are developing a suite of sensors that can be integrated into a textile patch. The patch is a sensing and processing unit, adaptable to target different body fluids and biochemical species. At the very least, some basic biochemical analyses could plement the physiological measurements that can already be monitored. In some circumstances, fluidic analysis may be the only way to get information on a patients health status.”41What is the text mainly about? AHow to make your day stress free.BBiochemical sensing techniques.CSmart clothes that track your health.DNew advancement in the medical field.42The first paragraph is written to _.Aintroduce the topic of the passageBtell us to have a smooth start of our dayCpredict the new garments to appearDdescribe a mon scene in peoples life43The new function of the smart garment is that it can _.Atake ones body temperatureBtake electrocardiograms of a patientCtake measurements from fluidsDmake physiological measurements of a patient 44Garments mentioned in the passage are probably most useful in the field of _.Aenvironment Bfashion Ceducation Dmedicine 45The underlined word “Miniaturised” is closest in meaning to _. Asensitive Bsmart Cvisible Dtiny CThe “Neighborhood Watch” scheme all started a few years ago in the quiet village of Mollington after a number of burglaries in the village and the surrounding area. The villagers came up with the idea that they themselves could keep an eye on their neighbors possessions while they were away on holiday. Since then, and with the support of the government and police, more than 50,000 “Neighborhood Watch” schemes have been set up all over the country.The object of each “Watch” group is to reduce the opportunities that criminals have in any particular street or area. Each villager who is a member of the scheme will call the police whenever they see something suspicious. It is the police who actually check out each report and look into what is happening. Villagers who are part of the “Watch” are not supposed to act as police or put themselves in danger.When a new “Neighborhood Watch” scheme is set up in an area, one benefit is that most burglars dare not take a chance on breaking into someones house because they know that there is a high risk of being seen by neighbors keeping a lookout. Burglars also know that people are more likely to have fitted good locks to their doors and windows.Another benefit is that, since the “Neighborhood Watch” schemes came into existence, there is growing evidence of a new munity spirit. It is bringing people together as never before, and encouraging people to care for each other. New friendships are being made, and contact is often established with old people living on their own, who are often the most frightened and the most at risk.46The “Neighborhood Watch” scheme in Mollington started _.Aafter 50,000 burglaries in the areaBbefore any others in the countryCbecause the police could not protect people Dbecause some villagers wanted to go away for a holiday47When members of a “Watch” group see suspicious individuals, they should _.Atry and arrest them Bcall the other membersCcontact the police Dtry and frighten them away48When a new “Watch” scheme starts in an area _.Athe police send fewer officers to the areaBvillagers put signs on the indoorsCburglars are less likely to break into housesDpeople fit new locks to their doors and windows49Another benefit of the “Watch” schemes is that _.Aa new munity spirit is growingBold people are no longer frightened of crimeCmembers of the “Watch” look after old peopleDdifferent kinds of people are attracted to live in the area50In general, the author seems to think that _.Athe police should do more to protect peopleB“Watch” schemes are not very useful in reducing crime Cthe “Neighborhood Watch” schemes have been successfulDit is hard to have any privacy in a “Neighborhood Watch” areaDpetitors who wear red win more than those that are dressed in any other color, according to study in Germany. 71 Experts believe that red could make individuals and teams feel more confident as well as being perceived by others as more aggressive. 72 . On the other hand, the results could suggest that the success of those teams has given those that wear the red color more confident.The study, by German sports psychologists at the University of Munster, was reported in New Scientist magazine. They showed video recording of taekwondo matches to 42 experienced referees. One fighter wore blue and the other wore red. They then showed them the same recordings but digitally manipulated the clothing to exchange the colors. _73 . “If one petitor is strong and the other is weak, it wont change the oute of the fight.” said Norbert Hagemann, who led the study, “ 74 ”In xx scientists at Durham University also looked at how color influenced sporting petitiveness. They analyzed Olympic contest sports such as boxing, taekwondo, and freestyle wrestling and found that nearly 55% of which were won by the petitor in red.“ 75 ”said Robert Burton, one of the researchers.A. Researchers found that those who wear red tops, jackets or clothing score 10 percent more in any petition than if they were in another color.B. The findings could explain why Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal have been so successful.C. But the closer the levels, the easier it is for the color to tip the scale.D. It is the color of fire and is often associated with energy, danger, strength, power, and determination.E. The fighters wearing red were given an average of 13 percent more points than when they wore blue.F. The study shows that football shirts from worldwide teams such as Arsenal, Liverpool, sell successfully.G. It is reasonable that wearing red makes individuals feel more confident, although this hasnt yet been tested.姓名_ 班级_ 考号_ 分数_ 装 订 线 短文改错(共10处错误,满分10分)It was fine in April 8, xx. That day all the students in our class went to plant tree. On arriving at our destination at 8 oclock, the teacher asked each of us plant at least five trees. Then we set about digging, planting and watering. All of us tried hardly to finish our task, afraid of fall behind. Our monitor set good example to us. In spite of his illness, he accepted his task and finish it ahead of time. Then he went on to help others. After a while, she was wet all over. He looked pale, but he was full of joy. Look at the young trees, we smiled pleasantly, forgetting our tired. 装 订 线 书面表达(满分25分)你的好友李华在一次车祸中受到重伤导致下肢瘫痪,但他并没有被病魔吓倒,而是以积极乐观的态度与病魔抗争。请你根据李华的经历写一篇100词左右的英语短文。姓名李华基本情况今年17岁,出身在中国南部的一个省份,小时候遭遇车祸导致下肢瘫痪。主要事迹尽管他身有残疾,但他却以乐观的态度笑对人生,在学校里乐于助人,学习成绩突出;在网络上发表文章,激励那些和自己一样身患残疾的人。你的看法_

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