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,Language and cultural identity,Hamster,Language decides cultural identity 1.1 Terms introduction 1.2 How does language group people Cultural identity reflects in language 2.1 how does English define different nations 3. The significance of understanding language and cultural identity,Language and cultural identity,Structure of the presentation,Cultural Identity,Cultural identity is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as one is influenced by ones belonging to a group or culture. Cultural identity,可译为文化身份或者文化认同。是跨文化传播学(intercultural communication)术语, 主要用于文化与文学研究中的民族本质特征,如探讨具有某个民族的文化背景的人在另一民族的土壤中是如何维系自己的文化身份等。,Cultural identity can be expressed through external attributes,Language and cultural identity,1.1 Terms introduction,Read the following dialogues and then find out the social status the speakers may belong to.,1.2 How does language group people,Language and cultural identity,A: It would be a great comfort to your people. and would help them with their grief. B: Their grief? If you imagine Im going to drop everything and come down to London before I attend to my grandchildren whove just lost their mother. then youre mistaken. I doubt there is anyone who knows the British people more than I do, Mr. Blair, nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgment. And it is my belief that they will any moment reject this. this “mood“, which is being stirred up by the press, in favor of a period of restrained grief, and sober, private mourning. Thats the way we do things in this country, quietly, with dignity. Thats what the rest of the world has always admired us for.,Language and cultural identity,1.2 How does language group people,A: There! I might a thought of that closet. What you been doing in there? B: Nothing. A: Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that truck? B:I dont know, aunt. A:Well, I know. Its jam - thats what it is. Forty times Ive said if you didnt let that jam alone Id skin you. Hand me that switch. B:My! Look behind you, aunt!,Language and cultural identity,1.2 How does language group people,这是三十来年前的事。当时的青年,如今都已留下胡子,家里大半又都是子媳成群,所以除了几个老光棍,差不多都没有那些闲情到三仙姑那里去了。三仙姑却和大家不同,虽然已经四十五岁,却偏爱当个老来俏,小鞋上仍要绣花,裤腿上仍要镶边,顶门上的头发脱光了,用黑手帕盖起来,只可惜官粉涂不平脸上的皱纹,看起来好像驴粪蛋上下上了霜。 -小二黑结婚,Language and cultural identity,1.2 How does language group people,秋天的黄昏,一人独坐在沙发上抽烟,看烟头白灰之下露出红光,微微透 露出暖气,心头的情绪便跟着那蓝烟缭绕而上,一样的轻松,一样的自由。不转眼 缭烟变成缕缕的细丝,慢慢不见了,而那霎时,心上的情绪也跟着消沉于大千世界, 所以也不讲那时的情绪,而只讲那时的情绪的况味。 -林语堂秋天的况味,Language and cultural identity,1.2 How does language group people,Language and cultural identity,1.2 How does language group people,What group do they belong to ( (00:00:3000:01:12) (00:14:25-00:15:00),Every nation has made its distinctive impression on English. What follows are English phrases about different nation. Some are of prejudice, others just reflect English perspective towards other nations.,Language and cultural identity,2. Cultural identity reflects in language,Dutch auction (降价式拍卖,开价很高,但不得不一路降价,最终以很低的成交价卖出。讽刺荷兰人的贪婪) Dutch courage (醉酒之后的勇气。讽刺荷兰人的虚伪) Dutch cap (女性避孕套。讽刺荷兰的尖顶女帽) Dutch treat (各自付款的聚餐。讽刺荷兰人的吝啬),Language and cultural identity,2.1 How does English define different nations,Dutch uncle (严厉训斥者。讽刺荷兰人的粗鲁) Dutch wife (竹制抱枕,夏天睡觉用。暗示荷兰女人) Beat the Dutch (了不起。把打荷兰人看作是了不起的事) Get in Dutch (处境困难。讽刺与荷兰人不好相处) Im a Dutchman, if . (如果我.,我就是 ),Language and cultural identity,2.1 How does English define different nations,French leave 擅离职守,不辞而别 French kiss 热吻 French letter (condom) Spanish athlete 胡说八道的人 Chinese copy 天衣无缝的仿品 Chinese puzzle 复杂难懂的事物 Roman holiday 残忍打斗的娱乐项目 American dream 机会均等,追求财富 Russian Roulette 逞能冒险举动, 用只装一发子弹 的左轮手枪对准自己头部扣动扳机,Language and cultural identity,2.1 How does English define different nations,Understanding others makes a better knowledge of oneself Understanding and valuing cultural diversity are the keys to countering racism. Language is fundamental to cultural identity, for this reason, it is important that people keep their own language alive.,Language and cultural identity,The significance of understanding language and cultural identity,Try to find out what is our Chinese cultural identity.,Language and cultural identity,Hints: Chinese cultural heritage Chinese traditional culture Chinese English Mass media committed to spreading Chinese culture in foreign world,Language and cultural identity,Recommended Films,喜宴 面子 吃一碗茶 少女小渔 千年敬祈,Language and cultural identity,Hamster,The end !,

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