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2019年高三上学期期末考试英语试题第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听第1-5段材料,回答第1-5题1. Where are the two speakers going?A. To a restaurant. B. To a zoo. C. To a shop.2. When did the woman and Anna meet? A.At7:53. B. At 7:58. C. At7:57.3. What is the woman going to do this evening?A. Go to dinner. B. Visit her sister. C. Go to the airport.4. How much was the TV set?A. $60. B. $120. C. $90.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman had a photo shop of her own.B. The woman developed her photos all by herself.C. The woman did part of her own film developing.第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. What is Mr. Smith doing?A. Answering the phone.B. Having a meeting.C. Working in the office.7. When will Mr. Smith return to the office?A. After two oclock. B. In an hour. C. At three oclock.8. What can we infer from the dialogue?A. The man will take a message for Mr. Smith. B. Anne will ring the office again.C. Mr. Smith will ring Anne back.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。9. What was the weather like last week? A. Nice and sunny. B. Too warm。 C. Neither hot nor cold.10. What season is it now?A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Autumn.11. What does the man think the weather will be like this weekend?A. He thinks itll rain.B. He doesnt think itll rain.C. He thinks itll be cloudy.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where is the woman?A. In First Street. B. In Main Street. C. At the bus-stop.13. Where is Burns Park?A. At the first crossing.B. On the other side of Main Street.C. At the corner of Lincoln and fifth.14. How can the woman get to the park when she is at the crossing of First Street and Lincoln Street?A. Turn right and go straight.B. Go along First Street for a few minutes.C. Turn left and walk two blocks.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. How much does the woman pay for what she buys?A. $215. B. $385. C. $170.16. Why does the woman change the first overcoat?A. Its too expensive. B. Its too large. C. Its a bit small.17. What color is the overcoat?A. Blue. B. White. C. Grey.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. What is true about the school? A. It was built on a farm.B. It was built in the woods.C. There were fewer than twenty pupils.19. Why did the girl laugh at the speaker when she first came to school?A. Because she did not smoke.B. Because she was too young.C. Because she used herleft hand.20. How old is the speaker now?A. 60. B. 67. C. 70.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(满分15分)21. It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? .A. No, thanks B. Yes, my pleasure C. No, never mind D. Yes, I do22. Students should be encouraged to use _Internet as _resourse.A. ,the B. the,a C.the,the D.,a23. _is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior schools_increasing.A.Which,is B.As,is C.That,are D.It ,are24. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please?A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever25. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There be twelveA. should B. would C. will D. shall26. His sister left home in xx, and since then.A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard ofC. had not heard of D. has not heard of27. I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt _.A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through28. She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.A. them B. who C. whom D. these29. Edward, you play so well. But I you played the piano.A. didnt know B. hadnt known C. dont know D. havent known30. I was about to go out _someone knocked at the door.A.when B.which C.that D.while31. Without heat and sunlight,plants on the earth_well.A.would not grow B.will not grow C.had not grow D.would not be grown32. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to them too hard.A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push33. I hate _when young people speak to the elderly in a rude way.A.this B.that C.it D.one34.The bridge _will connect Ningxia with Inner Mongolia(内蒙古).A.is being built. B. is built C.building D. being built 35. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? -Yes,Ive never been to _one before.A.The more excited B.the most exciting C.a more excited D.a more exciting第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my _36_, it was the same score. Later that evening, I _37_ told Frank what I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agree that we knew our _38_ much better than an IQ(智商) test. We _39_ that Michaels score must have been a _40_ and we should treat him _41_ as usual. We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year. He got _42 _ grades in the school, especially _43_ biology and chemistry, which was a great fort. Michael _44_ Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student, soon afterwards, his teachers permitted him to take more courses than _45_. In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine, Yale University. On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I _46_ the ceremony (典礼) at Yale. After the ceremony, we told Michael about the _47_ IQ score he got when he was six. Since that day, Michael sometimes would look at us and say _48_, “My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldnt be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!” It is his special way of thanking us for the _49_ we had in him. Interestingly, Michael then _50_ another IQ test. We went to the same clinic where he had _51_ the test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be _52_. Children often do as _53_ as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, _54_ of them. That is, tell a child he is “ _55_”, and he may play the role of a foolish child. 36. A. joy B. surpriseC. dislikeD. disappointment37. A. tearfully B. fearfullyC. cheerfullyD. hopefully38. A. student B. sonC. friendD. doctor39. A. argued B. realizedC. decidedD. understood40. A. joke B. mistakeC. warningD wonder. 41. A. specially B. strictlyC. naturallyD. carefully42. A. poor B. goodC. averageD. standard43. A. in B. aboutC. ofD. for44. A. visitedB. choseC. passedD. entered45. A. allowedB. describedC. requiredD. offered46. A. missedB. heldC. delayedD. attended47. A. high B. sameC. lowD. different48. A. curiously B. eagerlyC. calmlyD. jokingly49. A. faith B. interestC. prideD. delight50. A. looked for B. asked forC. waited forD. prepared for51. A. received B. acceptedC. organizedD. discussed52. A. imperfect B. impossibleC. uncertainD. unsatisfactory53. A. honestly B. muchC. well D. bravely54. A. hear B. learnC. expectD. speak55. A. wise B. rudeC. shyD. stupid第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)A It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas xx. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone. The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live. People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting. 56. Why was the bike so important to the couple? A. The mans job was bike racing. B. It was their only possession. C. It was a nice Kona 18 speed. D. They used it for work and daily life.57. We can infer from the text that _. A. the couple worked 60 hours a week.B. people were busy before Christmas C. the stranger brought over the bike D. life was hard for the young family.58. How did people get to know the couples problem? A. From radio broadcasts. B. From a newspaper. C. From TV news. D. From a stranger.59. What do the couple learn from their experience? A. Strangers are usually of little help. B. One should take care of their bike. C. News reports make people famous. D. An act of kindness can mean a lot. BToday about 70 countries use Daylight Saving Time (DST). Daylight Saving was first introduced during World War I in Australia. During the world wars, DST was used for the late summers beginning January 1917 and 1942, and the full summers beginning September 1942 and 1943. In 1967, Tasmania experienced a drought(干旱). The State Government introduced one hour of daylight saving that summer as a way of saving power and water. Tasmanians liked the idea of daylight saving and the Tasmanian Government has declared daylight saving each summer since 1968. Persuaded by the Tasmanian Government, all states except two passed a law in 1971, for a test use of daylight saving. In 1972, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria joined Tasmania for regular daylight saving, but Queensland did not do so until 1989.The differences in daylight saving in Australia continue to cause serious problems in transport and many other social activities. It also reduces the number of hours in the working day that are mon to all centers in the country. In particular, time differences along the east coast cause major differences, especially for the broadcasters of national radio and television. 60. Daylight Saving Time was introduced in Tasmania _. A. to stop the drought in 1967 B. to support government officials C. to pass a special law in the state D. to save water and electricity61. According to the text, which state was the last to use DST? A. Victoria. B. Queensland. C. South Australia. D. New South Wales. 62. What can we learn about DST in some Australian states? A. It doesnt have fixed dates. B. It is not used in festivals. C. Its plan was changed in xx. D. It lasts for two weeks.63. What do we know about the use of DST from the last paragraph? A. There exist some undesirable effects.B. It helps little to save energy. C. It brings about longer working days. D. Radio and TV programs bee different.CThe very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens. Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid(出价). Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgeralds son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention. When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled(敲槌)the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgeralds will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son. The poor-quality painting didnt receive any bidders. except one-the old servant who had served the son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid. As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will: “Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection. ”Then the auction was over. 64. The English Baron Fitzgerald was _.A. a museum director B. a master of art C. an art collector D. an art dealer 65. Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgeralds son? A. He was devoted to the family. B. He saw that no one bid for it. C. He knew the content of the will. D. He found it cheap for him to buy. 66. Fitzgeralds will showed _. A. his desire to fool the bidders B. his invaluable love for his son C. his sadness at the death of his son D. his regret of having no children to take over his wealth DThe African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth , is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big plant-eater, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna(大草原)surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat(栖息地). It is the elephants great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters. Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests bee suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well. What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has bee an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem. 67. What is the passage mainly about? A. Disappearance of African elephants. B. Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants. C. The effect of African elephants search for food. D. The eating habit of African elephants. 68. What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean? A. Fixing the time. B. Worsening the state. C. Improving the quality. D. Deciding the conditions. 69. What do we know about the open spaces in the passage? A. They result from the destruction of rain forests. B. They provide food mainly for African elephants. C. They are home to many endangered animals. D. They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds. 70. The passage is developed mainly by._ A. showing the effect and then explaining the causes B. pointing out similarities and differences C. describing the changes in space order D. giving examples 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A tragedy or a blessingYears ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, but they had finally saved enough money and had gotten passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to the United States.71 . however, seven days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy and hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks door. 72 . the familys dream were washed. 73 . the father ,filled with disappointment and anger, treaded to the dock to watch the ship leave- without the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune.Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland-the mighty Titanic had sunk. 74 . the Clark family was to have been on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland. 75 . He thanked God for saving their lives and turning what he had felt was a tragedy into a blessing.A Because of the possibility of rabies(狂犬病), they were being isolated for fourteen days.B The unsinkable ship had sunk, taking hundreds of lives with it.C This is a surprising disaster in the world at that time.D The entire family was filled with anticipation and excitement about their new life.E When Mr Clark heard the news, he hugged his son and thanked him for saving the family.F They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planed.G The father is furious with his son for not traveling to America as planed.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Last weekend we go mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning could not prevent us go. Setting Off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road were green fields and some farm house. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our laughter. At noonwe reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most there was the beauty of the scenes. After having short rest there and sharing with the food we had brought, westarted going down. It had rained even harder. We werewet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.第二卷第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Last weekend we go mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning could not prevent us go. Setting Off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road were green fields and some farm house. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our laughter. At noonwe reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most there was the beauty of the scenes. After having short rest there and sharing with the food we had brought, westarted going down. It had rained even harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是Tom,你的好友Jack因两次考试成绩不理想而烦恼,发来e-mail向你倾诉。请根据下列提示写一封e-mail作为答复。1. 不必沮丧,认真分析失败的原因。2. 增强自信心,避免犯同样的错误。3. 失败是成功之母,只要努力,不放弃,迟早会成功的。要求:1.不要逐字翻译。2.词数为100个左右。Dear Jack,_ Best wishes and good luck! Yours Tom高三年级第一学期期末考试卷答案阅读56-60DDBDD 61-65BAACA 66-70BCDDA 71-75DAFBE改错76 go-went 77. gogoing 78. extremeextremely 79. everyeach/ either 60. househouses 81. mixingmixed 82. ThatWhat 83. short前加a 84. 去掉with 85. 去掉had 86. and butCol

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