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江苏省泗阳中学2011xx学年度第一学期2019-2020年高三英语模块十第三单元单元检测一、词组、句子运用部分(共计20分)(一)用下列短语的适当形式填空(每题1分): apart from be involved in at risk have access to subscribe to1. She has always _the view that children should be given responsibility from an early age. 2. _ going swimming occasionally, I dont get much exercise. 3. A billion people in the world will not _ clean drinking water if water pollution is not forbidden. 4. Women are more _ from the harmful effects of alcohol than men. 5. More than 30 software firms _ the important project. (二)用所学过的词组改写句子(每题1分):6. Ajanis father died of Aids two years ago, and now his mother has died of the same disease.Ajani _ their father _Aids two years ago, and now his mother has died of the same disease.7. Unprotected sex is the most mon way that virus is spread, making up 75 per cent of adult infections worldwide. Unprotected sex is the most mon way that virus is spread, _ _ 75 per cent of adult infections worldwide.8. More than a few people approved that HIV and Aids are an African problem. More than a few people _ _ the view that HIV and Aids are an African problem.9. In some cases, LSD users may kill themselves because of what they see or hear. In some cases, LSD users may _ _ because of what they see or hear.10. Many drug users wish their lives could go backward and start over again. Many drug users wish they could _ _ _ and start over again.(三)翻译句子(每题1分)11尽管医生尽了一切努力来治她的病,但三个月后她还是死了。 The doctors did everything they could her, but she died three months later. 12. 我们不同意这种看法。We did not the view. 13. 蚊子作为许多病毒的携带者而闻名于世,有些病毒可能造成致命的死亡。 Mosquitoes are known as carriers of many viruses, _ _ some can cause deadly death. 14. 我们必须采取措施来防止爱滋病的蔓延。 We must take some measures to Aids .15. 据估计, 自xx年起,已有超过5佰的儿童死于爱滋病。It is that more than 5 million children have died from Aids since xx. 16他的兴趣范围广泛,从下象棋到集邮无所不包。 His interests _ _ playing chess _ collecting stamps. 17. 我早上一到六点就醒,这习惯改不掉了。I cant _ _ _ the habit of waking up at six in the morning.18. 他们立志把自己全部身心献于这项任务。They are determined to wholly _ their bodies and souls _ the task.19. 部长提出了一个供议会注意的问题。The minister_ a matter to the_ of the parliament.20. 目前还有少数孩子与学校的规章制度作对。At present, few children _ _ school rules and regulations.第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Many people have family members to cancer. A. lost B. devoted C. subscribed D. submitted22. Helen, here is good news for you. Your husband Charles has been _ to senior manager.A. promoted B. risenC. liftedD. switched23. He lost his job three months ago; _, he was seriously injured in an accident last week.A. in the first place B. on the contrary C. to make matters worseD. in other words24. “The key _ good business is to try to satisfy all our customers,” said the market manager.A. to doB. of doingC. to doingD. doing25. .It was _ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go26. There was_ time _ I hated to go to school. A. a, that B. a, when C. the, that D. the, when27. There are two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger of that D. the larger of which28. I would rather _ to see a film than _ at home watching TV.A. go, stayB. going, stayingC. went, stayD. go, staying29. The final examination is ing up soon. Its time for us to _ our studies.A. get down toB. get outC. get back forD. get over30. _ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.A. AttractingB. AttractedC. To be attractedD. Having attracted31. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _ such a beautiful place. A. can you findB. you could find C. you can findD. could you find32. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days?A. the restB. the otherC. anotherD. the others33. .It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been founded. A. because B. which C. since D. that34. Scientists say it may be five or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A. since B. after C. before D. when35. The old man, _ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从3655各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A store owner was putting a sign above his door that read “Puppies For Sale”. Signs like that have a way of 36 small children, and 37 enough, a little boy appeared under the store owners sign. “ 38 are you going to sell the puppies for?” he asked.The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30 39 $ 50.”The little boy 40 in his pocket and pulled out some 41 . “I have $ 2.37,” he said. “ 42 I please look at them?”The store owner 43 and whistled and out of the kennel (狗窝) came a lady, who ran down the aisle (过道) of his store 44 by five puppies. One puppy was 45 . Immediately the little boy singled out the puppy and said, “Whats 46 with that little dog?”The store owner explained that the veterinarian (兽医) had 47 the little puppy and had discovered that it didnt have a hip socket. It would always walk slowly and with difficulty. It would always be lame. The little boy became 48 “Thats the little puppy that I want to buy.”The store owner said, “No, you dont want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, Ill just give him to you.”The little boy got quite upset. He looked 49 into the store owners eyes, pointing his finger and said, “I dont want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and Ill pay 50 price. In fact Ill give you $2.37 now, and 50 cents a month 51 I have him paid for.”The store owner answered, “You really dont want to buy this little dog. He is 52 going to be able to jump and play with you like the other puppies.”To his surprise, the little boy reached 53 and rolled up his pant leg to show a badly twisted, crippled (残疾的) left leg 54 by a big metal brace (支架). He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, “Well, I dont run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who 55 !”36. A. absorbingB. attractingC. bargainingD. greeting37. A. sureB. luckilyC. surprisinglyD. interestingly38. A. WhatB. How eC. WhenD. How much39. A. onB. atC. toD. between40. A. putB. arrivedC. reachedD. filled41. A. coinB. noteC. valueD. change42. A. CanB. ShallC. WillD. Must43. A. performedB. smiledC. disagreedD. announced44. A. appliedB. guidedC. followedD. linked45. A. falling behindB. setting footC. lending a handD.putting forward46. A. the priceB. the matterC. the weightD. the name47. A. testedB. studiedC. examinedD. experimented48. A. excitedB. shockedC. worriedD. disappointed49. A. straightB. deeplyC. closelyD. totally50. A. halfB. lowerC. higherD. full51. A. unlessB. afterC. untilD. once52. A. alwaysB. oftenC. noD. never53. A. upB. downC. outD. over54. A. supportedB. assistedC. adjustedD. surrounded55. A. encouragesB. cooperatesC. understandsD. recognizes第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项 。AThe latest United Nations report on the AIDS spread paints a sad picture. It concludes that the regions of the world most affected by AIDS will experience rapid increases in deaths among young adults. This will have serious social and economic results.The spread of AIDS and the virus that causes it, HIV, is particularly destructive in Africa. It is estimated that in sub-Saharan Africa, over twenty-four million adults and children are now living with HIV. In sixteen sub-Saharan countries, according to the UN, at least ten percent of the people between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine are HIV positive(阳性). In South Africa and Zimbabwe, half the people between those ages may die of AIDS. In Botswana, about one in three adults is infected, and some two-thirds of the countrys fifteen-year-old boys may die before they grow up.As a result, agriculture, business, education, and healthcare are already suffering serious loss. The United States is spending millions on prevention campaigns and making AIDS treatment more affordable. Money is also being used to reduce mother-to-child transmission rates, support home and munity-based care, and provide care for children orphaned by AIDS. The Peace Corps will soon make an all-out effort to bring AIDS education to the countries most at risk. It is important that the governments and citizens of those nations most affected by AIDS do their parts to fight against it. Some, like Senegal and Uganda, have already begun programs for disease prevention. These countries are experiencing falling or stable HIV rates and less suffering. But for other nations, much remains to be done.56. The report shows that _.A. more deaths are caused by AIDS B. more places are affected by AIDSC. more young adults are dying of AIDS D. the spread of AIDS can never be controlled57. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The spread of AIDS is getting worse and more dangerous in Africa.B. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, 50% of the population may die of AIDS.C. In sub-Saharan Africa, 90% of the population are not affected by AIDS.D. In Botswana, about one-third of the children are infected with AIDS.58. The money used to fight against AIDS doesnt include that for _.A. children orphaned by war B. reduction of mother-to-child transmissionC. home and munity-based care D. prevention and treatmentBIt is now monly known that AIDS is a deadly disease. It does great damage to human beings immune system, weakening resistance to disease and leading to death due to utter(彻底的) weakness. To this day, there are no existing drugs that can kill the AIDS virus. It is a deadly battle between science and AIDS.This is only one side of the story. Although it cannot be cured, AIDS is preventable. For those who have not caught the disease, the knowledge of preventive measures seems to be the most powerful weapon at hand.Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985, the number of HIV carriers is on an alarming rise in China and statistics show that young people are the more likely victims of AIDS. Nationwide there are 214 million people between the ages of 13 and 22, most of whom are students. If no measures are taken to protect these young people, it is almost certain that the threat of AIDS will be very real to them. There has been a great deal of misinformation concerning the transmission of AIDS.One of the most misleading myths is that AIDS can be transmitted by casual physical contact such as kissing, shaking hands or sharing food container. Surveys and investigations conducted in some universities and colleges show that half of those people questioned are not clear about how AIDS is transmitted, not to mention how it is prevented.This is the driving force behind the State Education Departments decision to spread AIDS awareness information among college students and later to high school students and primary school students.59. Why does the passage say that AIDS is a deadly disease?A. Because it destroys the immune system of the human body.B. Because the AIDS patients cannot resist diseases and will die.C. Because the doctor can find no medicine to cure AIDS.D. All of the above.60. By writing “This is only one side of the story”, the author suggests that _.A. although we cant cure AIDS, we can manage to prevent itB. AIDS is very dangerous, but we should not be scared of itC. AIDS is not curable, but doctors should not give up fighting against itD. although the doctors cannot cure the disease, they can help improve the patients health61. What can be concluded from the surveys and investigations mentioned in the passage?A. No college students know people bee AIDS victims.B. 50 percent of college students do not know how to prevent AIDS.C. Many college students are not aware how people bee AIDS victims.D. Many college students did not mention AIDS prevention in the surveys and investigations.62. What is the best tile for this passage?A. China Fights AIDS B. Young People - Most Likely AIDS VictimsC. AIDS Information Is Necessary D. AIDS - A Deadly DiseaseCOn September 22, 1986, Jay Brunkella, a police officer in the Rogers Park district in Chicago, was shot during a drug arrest and died. Shortly afterwards, fellow officer Ken Knapcik, a 20 year veteran (老警官)of the force, returned home after work to find a note from his 15 year old daughter on the dinning table.Dad “This poem came directly from my heart. I love you so much! It scares and amazes me that you go out every day and risk everything to provide us with all that we have. I wrote this to express how much I love you and how much lost Id be without you Laura. P.S.: Hey, lets be careful out there.”Titled “The Ultimate Cop”, Lauras poem was dedicated “To all the cops in the world who have daughters who love them with all their hearts. And especially to my dad.” It was about a police officers daughter who sees on the night time news that her father has been shot. Part of poem: “Daddy, my Daddy, can you hear me cry? Oh, God, I need my Daddy, please dont let him die.”Ken Knapcik stood alone as he read the poem. “It took me several minutes,” he said. “Id get through part of it and have to stop before I could go on. I was weeping. She had never told me she was scared.” He took the poem to work the next day and showed it to his fellow officers. “Ive never seen so many grown men cry. Some could not finish it.”Knapcik keeps Lauras poem in the pocket of his police jacket. He takes it with him every time he leaves the house for a new shift. “I dont want to be out there without it,” he said, “Ill probably carry it with me forever.”63. Laura wrote the poem._.A. in memory of her father who was shot in the drug arrestB. to show her great sorrow in losing her fatherC. to show her respect to all the cops who lost their livesD. to tell officer Ken Knapcik how much she loved him64. All the officers cried because_.A. Jay Brunkella was shot and died B. they were greatly touched by the poemC. the poem was so sad that they could not hold back their tearsD. they thought of their dangerous life65. Knapcik keeps Lauras poem in his pocket_.A. to treasure her daughters love and to value his own life B. to keep it from missingC. because he cant go out without itD. to mourn over the death of officer Jay Brunkella66. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Poem for a cop B. An officers deathC. Daughters love D. Love my job, love my daughter DSour throats, runny noses and body aches all mean misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or the flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts, because the drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter (OTC非处方药) remedy, the sooner relief will e.The mon cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses flu A,B and C. There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine (疫苗),which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu.But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and mon cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for.Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and sour throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, painful throat and body aches e on suddenly and are more worrying than cold symptoms. It may be particularly difficult to tell when babies and preschool-aged children have the flu. It advises parents to call the doctor if their small children have flu-like symptoms.Both cold and flu symptoms can be eased with the OTC medication as well. However, children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of a rare but serious condition affecting the liver and central nervous system.There is, of course, no vaccine for the mon cold. But frequent hand washing, and avoiding close contact with people who are having colds can reduce the probability of catching one.67. According to the writer, knowing that you are having flu will help _.A. you know the effects of medicine B. you obtain cheaper drugsC. shorten the time of being illD. prevent you from catching cold and flu68. We learn from the passage that _.A. delayed treatment of the flu will harm the liver and central nervous systemB. OTC drugs can be taken to ease the misery caused by a cold or fluC. aspirin should not be included in the medicines for the fluD. one doesnt need to take any medicine if he has a cold or flu69. According to the passage, to fight against the flu effectively, one should _.A. consult a doctor as soon as possible B. identify the virus which causes itC. remain watchful when the disease if spreadingD. receive the vaccine before catching the disease70. If children have flu-like symptoms, their parents _.A. should watch out for signs of a terrible conditionB. are encouraged to take them to hospital for vaccinationC. are advised not to give them aspirinD. should prevent them from being mixed with people running a fever第四部分 任务型阅读(满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词,不得用文章中的单词。Blood Drive at Civic CenterThe local university blood center had a blood drive today at the Civic Center auditorium. Almost 300 people showed up, but about 50 were turned away for various medical reasons. Fifty others left because the lines were moving so slowly. The event concluded at 6 pm, three hours after the scheduled close. It was a long day for everyoneadministrators, nurses, and donors. But there were plenty of chairs and tables, and many people brought their own books, magazines, or newspapers.The first thing the donors had to do, of course , was fill out the donor registration and screening form. When they finished filling out the form, they waited until a nurse called them to her desk. The average adult body contains 8 to 12 pints of blood. Donors can give one pint at a time. It takes your body 2 to 4 weeks to replace this amount. Most donors filled up the pint bag within 5 to 10 minutes.Before leaving, the donors received a sheet of instructions including: Do not lift any heavy objects for 12 hours. Leave your pressure bandage on for 23 hours. Do not smoke for at least 30 minutes. Avoid alcohol for the rest of the day. Do not do any laborious activity for 24 hours.“I wish I could hug and kiss all the volunteers that are here today,” said Martha, the blood ce

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