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2019-2020年高中毕业会考英语试卷考生须知1考生要认真填写座位序号。2第卷包括四道大题,共8页。要认真审题,按要求作答。3第卷各题均须按规定要求在“机读答题卡”上作答,题号要对应,填涂要规范。4考试结束后,考生应将试卷和“机读答题卡”一并交监考老师收回。一、听力理解(共2节,14小题,20分)第一节:听对话及对话后的问题,从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共8小题,每小题1分)1.A. Boating.B. Skating. C. Swimming.2.A. In a shop. B. In a school. C.In a restaurant.3.A. A teacher. B. A worker. C.A doctor.4.A. A hotel. B. A post office. C.A hospital.5.A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.6.A. Next Sunday. B. Next Monday. C.Next Saturday.7.A. England. B. America. C. France.8.A. To see a flim. B. To go to a concert. C. To have a walk.第二节:听下面三段对话或独白,从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共6小题,每小题2分)听下面对话,回答第9题和第10题。9. Where is Jack now? A. In a book shop. B. In the library. C. At the swimming pool.10. Who will give the talk? A. Dick. B. Jack. C. Mr. Hopkins.听下面对话,回答第11题和第12题。11. When will the man see the film? A. At two oclock. B. At four oclock. C. At six oclock.12.How much did he pay for the tickets? A. $5 B. $15 C. $20.听下面独白,回答第13题和第14题。13 . What does the boy wish most?A. He wishes to grow up fast.B. He wishes to be with Jimmy someday. C. He wishes to have nice games and CDs. 14. What is the boy mainly talking about? A. How hes getting on with his brother. B. What he thinks about his mother. C. How his family treat him.二、单项填空(共14小题,14分)15.-Do you have _ English-Chinese dictionary?-Yes. _ one on the desk is mine. A. an; A B. the; The C. an; The D. the; A 16. _ shoes were where they left them. A. The three players B. The three players C. The three players D. The three player17. There are _ stories about the place and many people visit it every year. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of18. Football is now _ with the school girls than before in China.A. popular B. more popularC. most popular D. the most popular19.This dinner looks _ to me, and I like it. A. terrible B. good C. badly D. nicely20. _ pleasant daywe have today!A. HowB. How aC. What D. What a 21.Can we _ at your house and then go to the party together? A. e B. pass C. begin D. meet22. I _ a book at home when I heard a loud noise outside the building.A. have read B. was reading C. readD. had read23. I must go now. I promised _ late.A. not to beB. not beingC. to not beD. being not24. The report said that another school _ set up here the next year.A.hasB. wouldC. has beenD. would be25. Im sorry I didnt hear you clearly. _ you repeat that, please?A. CouldB. MayC.MustD. Need26. The news _ you told me yesterday is not true.A. whoB. whomC. 不填 D. whose27. We got to know each other when we were _ holiday.A. inB. onC. during D. dy28. -Can you lend me your Walkman for a while? Mine has gone wrong.-_.A. Yes, you couldB. With pleasureC. No, I couldntD. As you like三、完形填空(共15小题,15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从29-43各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。Terry wasnt feeling well, so she left work early. Maybe she was just worried about the child that was missing from her neighborhood.As Terry was passing Lauras 29 , she wondered if she should try to talk to her again. The two women used to be good friends, but 30 Laura had pulled away from Terry. “Well, shes had a 31 time of it,” Terry thought. First her little girl died in a car accident. And then her husband left her. She has a 32 to be by herself if thats what she wants. Terry 33 suddenly when she beard a noise from within. Why, it sounds like a small child crying, she thought. But that cant be. It 34 be the TV.The next day, Terry met Laura when she was 35 the mail and asked, Do you have a child 36 with you?”A child? No, no. There s no child. I have to 37 . With that, Laura hurried off, but not 38 Terry saw the fear (害怕) in her eyes.Terry knew that something was 39 . She walked to Lauras flat and knocked on the door. Laura 40 the door. Be quiet, she said. You will 41 my little girl. The missing child was lying on the bed where Lauras child 42 .Terry put her arms around her friend as Laura started to cry. She was still crying an hour later when Terry 43 the phone to call the police.29. A. door B. desk C. carD. chair30. A. hardly B. nearly C. easily D. recently31. A. pleasant B. bad C. set D. suitable32. A. fortune B. right C.power D. design33. A. stood up B. stopped C. smiled D. fell down34. A. should B. will C. must D. would35. A. putting away B. sending out C. looking over D. picking up36. A. staying B. playing C. talking D. waiting37. A. listen B. go C. sit D. see38. A. because B. immediately C. before D. until39. A. important B. special C. wrong D. interesting40. A. opened B. shut C. fixed D. locked41. A. wake B. hurt C. frighten D. trouble42. A. was living B. was sleepingC. used to live D. used to sleep43. A. held on B. put down C. took over D. reached for四、阅读理解(共13小题,26分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (A)Gun ControlAnyone who wants to buy a gun in California will have to wait for 2 weeks. Four people waited 17 days to buy guns. Then they broke into a store and shot 3 people. The government of the country is now trying to pass a law that will make everyone wait to buy a gun. Many people do not want this law. Others are glad it might happenCalifornia has one of the longest waiting times for someone to buy a gun. A gun seller said that this waiting time does not seem to do much good. He has not seen crime(犯罪) go away because of it.One good thing that has happened with the waiting time to buy a gun is lower suicide rates (自杀率) . A lot of suicides are with a gun. In California, there are fewer suicides by gun than in other places.One reason to make people wait to buy a gun is to make sure the guns are not sold to criminals (罪犯) . Last year, this check stopped 2,400 guns from being sold to them. However, this check does not stop anyone else from buying a gun.Many criminals buy guns on the street but not in a store. Some people think that a law like this will not do any good. But other people think that if only one person is stopped from getting a gun, then this law is worth it.44. How long must people wait to buy a gun in California?A.l7 days.B. l4 days.C. 10 days.D. No need to wait.45. What did the four people do in the store?A.They were waiting to buy a gun.B. They were checked by the police.C.They killed themselves.D. They shot 3 people.46. One good thing about the waiting time to buy a gun is _.A.more gun sellingB. higher death ratesC.lower suicide ratesD. fewer car accidents47. What can we learn from the passage?A. Criminals can still get gunsB. Criminals can never buy guns.C. People cant buy guns in stores.D. People cant sell guns in California.(B)Youre driving home from work. You re tired, and the thought of shopping for food and cooking dinner makes you even more tired. Suddenly you see a brightly lit sign: Hamburgers! Fries! Shakes! Your hands are holding the wheel. Which way are you going to turn?If you turn toward the hamburgers, you ll find much of what you re looking for. You wont have to do any shopping, and you wont have to do any cooking. Not only that, but you wont even have to clean up after youve eaten.Of course, the fast food will he about three times as expensive as food you buy in a store and maybe half as nutritious (有营养的) as food you cook at home. That s because you ve got to pay for someone else to buy the food and cook it, and for those unpleasant containers that save on cleanup Fast food is also less nutritious because the meals are not as balanced (均衡的) as those you can prepare at home. Fat content and calories are high, and the meals don t have enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Fast-food restaurant owners, who always care about money, also may cut corners on quality of foods.Worst of all, those hamburgers will be the same old hamburgers as youve had a million times before. With home cooking, you can eat anything you want, not just what you can find in fast-food restaurants.The choice is yours, of course. However, if you want to be healthy, wealthy. and wise, try cooking at home.48.When you think of _ , you feel even more tired after work.A. eating the fast foodB. preparing the fast foodC. shopping and cooking dinnerD. turning toward the hamburgers49.The fast food will be about three times as expensive as_.A. the food in a storeB. fresh fruits and vegetablesC. the food you cook at homeD. the food in other restaurants 50. What does the writer try to tell us?A. She advises us to eat more fast food.B. She tells us how to choose fast food.C. She encourages us to cook dinner at home.D. She tells us where to have dinner when we are tired.51.What s the best title for the passage?A. You are what you eat!B. You eat what you need!C. Fast, delicious and convenient!D. Cheap. nutritiously-unbalanced and fresh!(C)A Guide To MotoristsThis leaflet explains in general terms the Driving Offence Points System.What is the Driving Offence Points System?After the introduction of this system, certain traffic offences will earn the driver points besides other punishment. If a driver makes any of these offences, the points will be recorded. When the driver gets. a certain number of points, he will be forbidden to drive for a certain amount of time.What are the purposes of this system?This is a system designed to make roads more safe. It can improve standards (水平)of driving and reduce the accident rates.Which traffic offences will result in Driving Offence Points?Of course, not all traffic offences are covered by this system. Only those that have direct effect (影响) on road safety are included. There are altogether fourteen. items.CodeOffencePoints1Causing death by dangerous driving102Dangerous driving103Careless driving54Driving after drinking or taking drugs105Driving over the speed limit by more than 15km/hour36Driving in a motor race on the road107Failing to stop after an accident38Failing to give information after an accident39Failing to report an accident310Failing to obey directions of police officers311Crossing double white lines312Failing to obey traffic signals313Failing to give way to walkers at a crosswalkFailing to stop for people walking314Failing to stop at school crossing3What will happen if you have got up to 10 points?If you have got 10 points or above, but still less than 15 points, you will receive a warning letter from the Transport Department. This letter will tell you your record of Driving Offence Points and remind you of the result of getting more points - It is hoped that this warning will change your driving behavior for the better.What will happen if you have got 15 points?If you have got 15 points or more within two years, a court will take away your driving license. The first time you are found guilty (有罪的) you will not be able to drive for 3 months. but if you are caught a second time, you will not be able to drive for 6 months.52. Offence in this Leaflet means_。A. a driving habitB. an official of road safetyC. an action against the traffic lawD. bad behavior in the office53.The Driving Offence Points _A. are points earned because of dangerous drivingB. is a system that helps to improve the driving standardsC. shows traffic offences of different kindsD. is a guide dealing with traffic offences54.How many points will you earn if you drive through a red light? A. 3 points.B. 5 points.C. 8 points.D. 10 points.55.What will happen to you if you have got 13 points?A. You will be punished for the points.B. Your driving license will be taken away.C. Your record will be sent to the Transport Department.D. You will get a warning letter from the Transport Department.56.What will happen to you if you are caught driving dangerously and two months later you are caught driving after drinking?A. You will be taken to court.B. You will be reminded by the court.C. You will riot be able to drive for 6 months.D. You will riot be able ro drive for 3 months.北京市xx年春季普通高中毕业会考英语试卷第卷(非机读卷 共25分)考生须知1考生要认真填写密封线内的区(县)名、学校名、姓名、报名号、考场号和座位序号。2第卷包括二道大题,共2页。答题必须用黑色或蓝色钢笔、圆珠笔。3要认真审题,按要求作答。答题时字迹要工整,卷面要整洁。一、短文填空(共10小题,10分)阅读下面短文,根据上下文和空白处单词首字母的提示填写单词,使短文内容完整,逻辑清楚合理,语言结构及单词拼写正确。将所缺单词完整地填写在短文下方相应题号后的横线上。Hector opened his eyes at the sound of the bell. After sitting i 1 the room for over a week, it was a good change to have something to do. The special sound told Hector t 2 make supper for the family.On his way to the kitchen, he saw t 3 was ice on the window. Another bell told him that he h 4 better turn the heat on before the family got home. For now, though, he had to get the supper c 5 The first thing Hector did was to get the big pot h 6 on the wall. Then he put some water in the pot and put it on the stove (炉子). He used one of his hands to cut up a chicken and added the p 7 to the water to make a good soup.At 6:30 he turned the heat on, 1 8 the table and turned on some lights. At about 7:00 the whole family came home. They all felt c 9 when they got in.The soup smells great, Jim, said Diane. You really know how to tell Hector w 10 to do.”Hector is one machine that really saves the family a lot of work.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _二、书面表达(共15分)本题包含可供选择的(A)和(B)两道题,考生可任选其中一题。根据(A)或(B)所提问题限定的内容写出一篇连贯完整,80词左右的短文。短文必须包括括号中的全部信息。(A)1. What do you like doing in your spare time?(read books in English) 2. What do you do first, read the titles or look at the pictures, when you read a book in English? (the titles)3. Do you look up all the new words in a dictionary immediately while you are reading? (no) 4. What do you do with them? (write. down, look. up later)5. Have you tried any new methods (方法) to improve your reading skills? (yes)6. What methods have you tried?7. Do the methods work well?(B)1. How often do you have English tests? (once a month)2. When do you usually begin to prepare for a test?(after the teacher tells us about it)3. How do you prepare for them?(try to remember, words and phrases, look through, notes)4. What do you do if you have questions?(ask the teacher)5. Have you tried any new methods to get better results?(yes)6. What methods have you tried?7. Do the methods work well?_北京市xx年春季普通高中毕业会考英语试卷参考答案阅卷须知:1保持卷面整洁,严格按试卷答案阅卷,认真掌握评分标准。2一律用红钢笔或红圆珠笔批阅,字迹要求清楚。3阅卷人员将各大题得分填入左边得分栏内,并签名。4复查人员须在复查人员栏内签名。第卷(机读卷 共75分)一、听力理解(共14小题,20分。1题-8题,每小题1分;9题-14题,每小题2分)1B 2A 3C 4B 5C6A 7B 8A 9C 10C11A 12B 13A 14C二、单项填空(共14小题,14分。每小题1分)15C 16A 17C 18B 19B20D 21D 22B 23A 24D25A 26C 27B 28B三、完形填空(共15小题,15分。每小题1分)29A 30D 31B 32B 33B34C 35D 36A 37B 38C39C 40A 41A 42D 43D四、阅读理解(共13小题,26分。每小题2分)44B 45D 46C 47A 48C49A 50C 51A 52C 53B54A 55D 56D第卷(非机读卷 共25分)一、短文填空(共10小题,10分。每小题1分)1.in/inside2. to3. there4. had5. cooked6.hanging7. pieces8. laid9. fortable10. what二、书面表达(共15分)(A)I like reading books in English in my spare time. When I read a book in English, I read the titles first. While Im reading, I dont look up all the new words in a dictionary immediately, but Ill write them down and look them up later. In order to improve my reading skills, Ive tried some new methods. I often pay attention to the first sentence of a passage because it often tells the main idea. After reading, I often ask myself some questions about the passage to check my understanding. With the help of these methods, I have made great progress and now I can read faster and with a better understanding.(B)We have English tests once a month. I usually begin to prepare for a test after the teacher tells us about it. I often try to remember as many words and phrases as I can and look through my notes. If have any questions, I will ask my teacher. In order to get better results I have tried some new methods. For example, I try to understand and practise the grammar rules in real situations. I do more reading and more exercises after class. Besides, I always talk to my classmates in English before tests and sometimes work together with my friends so that we can help each other. With the help of these methods, I have made great progress and got better results.书面表达评分标准:1第一档:(15-14分)(很好)完全完成试题规定的任务。应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,些许错误为尽力使用较复杂的语法结构和较高级词汇所致,全文结构紧凑,逻辑清楚、合理。2第二档:(13-11分)(好)完成试题规定的任务。应用的语法结构和词汇基本准确,些许错误为尽力尝试较复杂语法结构和较高级词汇所致,全文结构比较紧凑,逻辑清楚、合理。3第三档:(10-9分)(及格)基本完成试题规定的任务。应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求,有一些语法与词汇错误,但不影响理解。全文内容连贯,逻辑清楚、合理。4第四档(8-5分)(较差)未恰当完成试题规定的任务。语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。有语法与词汇错误,影响对内容的理解。全文缺少连贯性,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。5第五档:(4-0分)(差)未完成试题规定的任务。语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。有较多语法与词汇错误,影响对内容的理解。全文不连贯、信息未能传达给读者。6书写或标点符号不规范在4处以上(含4处),或字迹潦草,在得分中再扣除1分(第四、五档文不扣此项分数)。重复错误只扣一次分数。北京市xx年春季普通高中毕业会考英语试卷听力录音材料一、听力理解(共2节,14小题,20分)第一节:听对话及对话后的问题,从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共8小题,每小题1分)1. WOMAN: What S your favorite sport, Peter? MAN: Skating. I often go skating with my friends. QUESTION: What s Peters favorite sport?2. WOMAN: Good morning. Can I help you? MAN: Yes. I bought this radio here last week, hut there seems to be something wrong with it. Now, it doesnt work . Id like you to change it. QUESTION: Where are the two speakers?3. WOMAN: What can I do for you, David? MAN: Ive got a headache and a cough. WOMAN: Well, let me examine you. Its nothing serious. Youve got a cold. Take this medicine three times a day and have a good rest. Youll soon be all right. QUESTION: What does the woman do?4. WOMAN: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? MAN: Im sorry I dont know. Youd better ask the policeman over there. WOMAN: Thank you just the same. QUESTION: Where does the woman want to go?5. MAN: Which season do you like best, spring, summer. autumn or winter? WOMAN: I think I like autumn best because its harvest time. QUESTION: Which season does the woman like best?6. MAN: Hi, Paula! Nice to meet you. WOMAN: Hi, James! Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you e to my birthday party? MAN: Oh, thanks. Id love to, QUESTION: When is Paulas birthday?7. WOMAN: Is Mrs. Brown English? MAN: No, shes not. WOMAN: Where is she from, then? MAN: America. QUESTION: Where is Mrs. Brown from?8. MAN: Are you free on Saturday afternoon? WOMAN: Oh, yes.

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