2019年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language课时作业(含答案分析)新人教教版选修8.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language课时作业(含答案分析)新人教教版选修8.doc_第3页
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2019年高中英语 Unit 1A land of diversityUsing Language课时作业(含答案,分析)新人教教版选修8.单词拼写1The snow always _ (标示) the ing of winter.2He _ (滑倒) and fell down the stairs. 3No ordinary families can afford to _ (雇用) servants.4Theres _ (无处) else I really want to go.5She assisted her husband to escape _ (处罚) for the crime.6The _ (改革) have gone through in spite of opposition from teachers.7It soon became _ (明显) that the pany was losing money.8Farmers drove _ (牛) along major roads as a protest against high taxes.9We have been denied _ (公平) for too long.10The English translation is _ (插入) between the lines of the text.单项填空1Another terrible earthquake_in Japan on April 7,xx.AoccurredBwas happenedChad taken place Dbreaks out2(xx定远高二检测)Peter has been out of work for half a year,so he wants to_a job in this pany.Aprepare for Bapply forCsuperior to Dobject to3(xx新课标全国卷)Its an eitheror situationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do_.Aothers BeitherCanother Dboth4There are_wonderful books and I dont know which to choose.Which of the following is WRONG?Aa great many of Ba great manyClots of Dplenty of5Many streets in this city have been _for cultural protection.Astretched out Bmarked outCleft out Dstood out6(xx抚顺高二检测)His words_that he was not satisfied with your work.Aadvised BwishedCinsisted Dindicated7It is_to me that he is against the plan.Aapparent BconvenientCavailable Ddependent8You can_another classmate if you want.Aget along with Bcatch up withCteam up with Dput up with9(xx铜陵高二检测)This year,he wants to_a flat near his pany.Ahire BrentCtake Demploy10These teenagers dont know much of the world yet.Thats why they were so easily_.Ataken in Btaken upCtaken on Dtaken off.阅读理解Miami has worn many tags(标签) through the past decades.But art was never high on the list.But,in xx,Art Basel made Miami Beach its American home,bringing with it an international scene of lots of art dealers,collectors,critics and art lovers.This art fair lasts less than a week a year but it is one of the biggest in the world.“Art Basel gave Miami the power to believe in itself,and thats always a problem with regional(地方性的) art places,”said Mera Rubell,a Miami collector who,along with her husband,Don,owns the Rubell Family Collection.“The influence that it has all year round is really quite great.”Art Basel has little to do with local galleries(美术馆)Just 3 of the 260 galleries invited this year are from Miami,and only a handful of local artists are showing in the fair,which begins on Thursday.But since Art Basel started 10 years ago,dozens of new galleries have opened,and scores of artists have moved here,attracted by the low rents and,partly,by Art Basel itself.The fair gives artists,collectors and gallery owners a rare chance to see worldclass art but,more important,to learn from the leading players of the international art world.The artist Christy Gast said she moved here in xx partly because the yearly art fair made the city seem like one of the rare places an artist could succeed in.“From the outside,Basel has created the idea that Miami is a city where being an artist is a right thing to do,”said Ms.Gast.The city,for its part,has used Art Basel to show the world that it is no cultural backwater(闭塞的地方)Along with galleries and artists,Miamis stock of private art collectors has also risen in the last decade.1According to the passage,Art Basel of Miami _.Aused to be very famous in the worldBstarted in xx at Miami BeachCis the biggest art fair in the worldDtakes place every two years2What is the problem with a regional art place?ANot believing in itself.BNot lasting very long.CThe little influence.DNo enough local artists.3What is the main reason why many artists have moved to Miami from other places?AArt Basel has a lot to do with local galleries.BMost of the local artists can attend Art Basel.CThey are attracted by the low rents in Miami.DThey can learn from the worldclass artists.4The main idea of the passage is that _.AMiami has bee an art city nowBArt Basel is one of the biggest art fairsCMiami has a great influence on artDartists in Miami are realizing their dreamsBJust a little walk in the city of New York or Chicago,for example,would make any foreigner realize the presence of people of various races walking down the street: probably blacks,African Americans,Spanish,Asians,and so on.Or for another example,on school campuses in America,both the teachers and the students usually consist of people from a number of countries rather than only one.Indeed,the variety of ethnicity (种族渊源) in America is often claimed to be the best mix in the world.Thats why the famous term “melting pot” arises.Its basic idea presents the whole nation as one large pot.Anyone who enters the United States is automatically thrown into this “pot”All the cultural aspects that one brings into are mixed together,or melted,to form a new culture.In parison with the “melting pot” theory,there is a “salad bowl” theory.This idea shows a pletely separate view that newers bring different cultures,where each of these cultures is kept as an essential part to make up the whole.Every distinctive culture or belief is considered to be one of the tastes or ingredients (成分) that contribute to forming the whole.Therefore,its original shape and characteristics are maintained.The ideas,of the “melting pot” and the “salad bowl”in America both show an ideal to many people and are often admired.Having a close look at the reality of the country,such as the existing ethnic segregation (分离),the fact of the white population fleeing from the minority,and the trend of the minority group forming their own group,one can see that the “melting pot” theory is merely a myth.Despite its long fame,it is more suitable to label America as a “salad bowl”5What would be the BEST title for the passage?AAmerica:“melting pot” or “salad bowl”?BWhy many people e to America?CThe development of American cultureDThe ways to adapt to American life6The purpose of the first paragraph is to tell us the fact that_.Aa foreigner is likely to experience culture shock in AmericaBAmerica is a country of a wide variety of ethnic minoritiesCpeople of various races live in big cities in AmericaDits easy for a foreigner to stand out in America7According to the “melting pot” theory,people who enter the United States_.Aare eager to change the new cultureBcan adapt to the new culture more easilyCtry to prove the importance of their cultureDlose their own identities to form a new culture8We can learn from the last paragraph that different ethnic minorities in America_.Aare pletely equal in societyBtend to live segregatedCstrictly keep their own culturesDhave mixed together.翻译句子1我同意他所说的大部分,但不是都同意。(not all)_2这就是我为什么要申请这一职务的原因。(apply for)_3这个推销员发现老太太们容易上当受骗。(take in)_4我们公司已跟政府合作一起来解决这个问题。(team up with)_5很显然, 你是不可信赖的。(apparent)_课时作业(二).1.indicates2.slipped3.hire4.nowhere5punishment6.reforms7.apparent8.cattle9justice10.inserted.1.A地震发生在xx年4月7号,故选用一般过去时态,排除C、D两项;happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,排除B项,所以只能选A。2B句意:彼得失业已有半年了,因此他想在这家公司申请一个职位。prepare for意为“准备”;superior to是形容词短语,意为“比优越”;object to意为“反对”。只有apply for“申请”符合本题要求。3D题干的意思是:“这是一个二选一的情况我们要么今年买一辆新车要么去度假,但是鱼和熊掌不可兼得。”分析题意可知,这是在两者之间进行选择,所以排除A、C两项。both“两者都”;either“(两者中的)任何一个”。根据句意知应选D项。此处not.both实际上是部分否定。4Awonderful books前面没有限定词,故a great many后不需介词of。5B句意:为了进行人文保护,这个城市画线标出了许多条街道。mark out画线标出,符合句意。stretch out伸出;leave out省去;stand out引人注目。6D句意:他的话表明他对你的工作不满意。indicate在此作“表明;表示”讲。advise“建议”,wish“希望”和insist“坚决要求”都同句子的意思不符合。7A句意:我知道他反对这个计划。convenient“方便的”,available“可得到的,可用的”和dependent“依靠的”都不符合句意。8C句意:如果你愿意,你可以跟你的另外一个同学合作。get along with“与相处”,catch up with“赶上”和put up with“容忍”都与句意不符合。9B句意:今年他想在他的公司附近租一套房子。表示“长时间租用某物”时,常用rent。又如:rent a house/holiday cottage租房子/度假小屋。表示“雇用某人”时或短期“租用,租借”某物时,常用hire。employ表示“雇用”,宾语只能是人。故选B。10A句意:这些十几岁的孩子们对外界了解还不多,那就是为什么他们容易受骗的原因。take sb.in欺骗某人;take up从事,占用(时间、空间);take on雇用,显现;take off起飞,脱掉。.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。迈阿密是一个有着众多标签的城市,以前艺术总是与迈阿密无缘,但xx年Basel艺术节开始在迈阿密海滩举办以来,这里已经成为世界最大的艺术中心之一。它之所以能吸引世界各地的艺术家们来此的主要原因是:Basel艺术节给了艺术家、收藏者们以及艺术馆主人们一个宝贵的机会去接触世界级的艺术品,更给了他们一个与世界顶尖艺术大师学习的机会。1B细节理解题。根据第一段可知,xx年,Basel艺术节开始在迈阿密海滩举办,给这里带来了国际化的艺术氛围。大量的艺术品交易商、收藏者、评论家以及艺术爱好者来到这里。它每年的持续时间不超过一周,却是世界上最大的艺术节之一。故答案为B。其他选项与第一段内容不相符。2A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话可知,一个地方性艺术中心所存在的问题是不自信。故答案为A。其他选项找不到依据。3D推理判断题。根据第四段可知,艺术节给了艺术家、收藏者们以及艺术馆主人们一个宝贵的机会去接触世界级的艺术品,更给了他们一个与世界顶尖艺术大师学习的机会。故答案为D。A、B项与文章第三段内容不一致;C项不是艺术家们来迈阿密的主要原因。4A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文的中心话题是:以前艺术总是与迈阿密无缘,但xx年Basel艺术节开始在迈阿密海滩举办以来,这里已经成为世界最大的艺术中心之一。故答案为A。5A主旨大意题。综合全文可知,作者主要围绕美国到底是熔炉还是色拉盘展开论述。6B写作意图题。第一段叙述,在美国无论是在城市还是在大学校园,你都会遇到各种种族的人,因此本段的目的是告诉读者美国是一个多民族融合的国家。7D细节理解题。根据第二、三段可知,色拉盘不同于熔炉,在于各种族在美国文化中是否保留了自己的文化特点,熔炉理论是说人们在美国的大熔炉中丧失了自己的特点。8B细节理解题。贴近美国现实观察一下,存在着种族分离现象。白种人脱离少数民族,所以不同种族的人居住在不同的地方。.1.I agree with most of what he said,but not all.2.Thats why I applied for this position.3.The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.4.Our pany has teamed up with the government to work on the problem.5.Its apparent that you cant be trusted.


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