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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习单元检测卷29Unit4Globalwarming新人教版选修.阅读理解AThey may be tiny, and live for just three months, but ants could be the key to solving climate change. Rough harvester ants have been found to “weather” minerals in sand to produce calcium carbonate, also known as limestone(石灰岩)When the ants make this limestone, the process traps carbon dioxide in the rock, ultimately removing it from the atmosphere. It is uncertain how the minerals are changed, however, and theories vary a lot from ants licking the sand to excreting (排泄) the substance. Professor Dorn buried sand at six sites in the Catalina Mountains in Arizona, and Polo Duro Canyon in Texas, 25 years ago. Every five years, he measured the minerals in the sand, and discovered the ants broke down minerals up to 300 times faster than sand left undisturbed.Professor Dorn believes the ants collect calcium and magnesium(镁) and use these elements to make the limestone. This may occur when ants lick sand grains to stick them to the walls of their nests. Alternatively, the limestone could be created from bacteria in the insects gut before it is excreted. This process is similar to whats known as carbon sequestration(隔离)Natural carbon sequestration is the process on Earth that manages the carbon dioxide expelled by animals and humans. Trees and the oceans help trap this carbon dioxide.Another method is geological sequestration where the carbon dioxide is pumped into underground chamber, or into areas full of calcium and magnesium. Carbon dioxide reacts with these elements to form limestone. It is this latter method that Dorn believes the ants perform naturally.But Professor Dorn claims it is still unknown how much atmospheric carbon is removed by the ants.语篇导读本文为说明文。多恩教授认为,蚂蚁也许是应对气候变化的关键因素。他通过实验证明蚂蚁能够吸收空气中的二氧化碳,但是具体能吸收多少至今尚未确定。1The fifth paragraph is mainly about _.Ahow ants break down limestoneBhow ants change minerals into limestoneChow ants decorate their nests with sandDhow ants use sand to kill bacteria解析 B主旨大意题。本段大意:多恩教授认为蚂蚁舔沙砾把它们粘在巢穴的墙上时,可能会收集钙和镁制造石灰岩。或者,石灰岩可以从蚂蚁的肠道细菌中产生,再排泄出来。这都是关于蚂蚁如何制造或产生石灰岩的,故选B 项。2What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “expelled”?ASent out.BTaken in. CBroken up.DGiven away.解析 A词义猜测题。本句句意:地球上自然碳汇是处理动物和人类expelled的二氧化碳的过程。根据常识可知,动物和人类排放二氧化碳。send out放出;take in 吸收;break up打碎,结束;give away泄露(消息、秘密等),故选A项。3According to Dorn, scientists still dont know _.Athe effect of CO2 on ants survivalBthe method of ants removing CO2Cthe amount of CO2 removed by antsDthe time when ants absorb CO2解析 C细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,多恩教授目前尚不清楚蚂蚁吸收了多少大气中的碳,故选C项。4The main idea of the passage is that _.Aants build their nests to keep CO2 out Bants use limestone to absorb a great deal of CO2Cants are pioneers in solving global warmingDants may remove CO2 from atmosphere解析 D主旨大意题。第一段说.but ants could be the key to solving climate change,后面介绍了多恩教授的实验,最后多恩教授称目前尚不清楚蚂蚁吸收了多少大气中的碳。因此全文主要讲蚂蚁可能会吸收大气中的二氧化碳并介绍相关实验,故选D项。BDuring a research experiment a marine(海洋) biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small fish into the tank. 5._The marine biologist then inserted a strong piece of clear fiberglass(纤维玻璃) into the tank, creating two separate parts. She then put the shark on one side of the fiberglass and a new set of small fish on the other.Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark hit the fiberglass divider and bounced off. 6._ Meanwhile, the small fish swam around unharmed in the second part. Eventually, about an hour into the experiment, the shark gave up.This experiment was repeated several dozen times over the next few weeks. 7._ Eventually the shark got tired of hitting the fiberglass divider and simply stopped attacking altogether.The marine biologist then removed the fiberglass divider, but the shark didnt attack. 8._ So, they swam wherever they wished, free from harm. Like the shark in the story, many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. 9._ In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when no “real” barrier exists between where we are and where we want to go.AAt the same time, the shark tried again and again.BWe believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful.CThe shark was trained to believe a barrier existed between it and the small fish.DIt kept repeating this behavior every few minutes fruitlessly.EWe should keep on trying even if we meet obstacles.FEach time, the shark got less aggressive and made fewer attempts to attack the small fish.GAs you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish.语篇导读本文为议论文。大鱼吃小鱼是自然法则,也是鲨鱼的生存法则。然而,当鲨鱼与小鱼之间多了一块透明纤维玻璃后,鲨鱼又会做出怎样的举动呢? 5解析 G顺承关系。上句讲到:在一项实验中,海洋生物学家将鲨鱼放入一个大型水槽,并在水槽中放入了几条小鱼。承接上句,空处应讲到放进小鱼的后果,即G项:正如你所想的,鲨鱼迅速在水槽中游动,袭击并吃掉小鱼,故选G项。 6解析 D顺承关系。本段共分为三个部分,第一部分讲到鲨鱼像上次一样进攻小鱼但被纤维玻璃弹开,第三部分讲到结果是鲨鱼放弃了吃小鱼,因此中间的一部分是承上启下,讲述鲨鱼一遍遍尝试的过程,故A、D两项符合题意,然而A项中的at the same time与下文中的meanwhile重复,故选D项。 7解析 F递进关系。上句讲到这项实验在接下来的几个星期里重复了好几十次。下句交代了实验结果:鲨鱼最终疲于撞击纤维玻璃挡板,因此停止了攻击行为。在此之前,实验中所显现的过程如F项:每一次实验,鲨鱼的攻击性越来越弱,袭击小鱼的尝试越来越少,这与最终的结果构成递进关系,故选F项。 8解析 C诠释关系。上句讲到:海洋生物学家取出了纤维玻璃挡板,但鲨鱼还是没有攻击(小鱼)。空处则对鲨鱼这一举动作出解释,即C项:鲨鱼已经被训练得去相信挡板依然存在于它和小鱼之间,故选C项。 9解析 B顺承关系。上句讲到,与故事中的鲨鱼一样,我们许多人在经历挫折和失败后,就总想放弃并且不再尝试。B项(因为过去有失败的经历,因此我们就认为自己总是会失败),承接上文并与下文表达同义,故选B项。.完形填空Jaguar(美洲虎) is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 in the world _1_, one of which is now living in the national zoo of Peru. In order to _2_ this jaguar, Peruvians _3_ a pitch of land in the zoo for it, where there are flocks of animals for it to eat. Anyone who has visited the zoo praised it to be the “Heaven of Tiger”. However, no one has ever seen the jaguar hunt the animals. _4_ people could see is its lying in house eating and sleeping.Some people thought the jaguar felt too lonely so they rented a female tiger to _5_ it. Nonetheless, it did not make much _6_. The jaguar just sometimes went out of its house with its “girlfriend” and stayed in the sun for a while.“It is _7_ for the jaguar to be lazy in this environment. Tiger is the king of forest but you simply put some small _8_ around it. That is why it shows no _9_ in going out. Why dont you put two wolves around it?” a visitor proposed. Others _10_ him and put five panthers(黑豹) into its _11_. Since then, the jaguar didnt go back to its house any more. It either stood on top of the hill roaring or _12_ from the hill strolling without sleeping all day, totally got back to its _13_.In our world, _14_ creature without any rivals is lifeless. If a man lives without _15_, he is bound to be satisfied _16_ the present and will not strive for the better. _17_ environment tends to _18_ successful people. Therefore, your rivals are not your opponents, but your good _19_! In our lives, we need some rivals to be particular about us and supervise us with _20_ requirements and standards. Due to our rivals, we can bring out our potential to the best!语篇导读本文为夹叙夹议文,通过讲述美洲虎在动物园生活的情况来告诉我们:人生应该拥有对手。1AaccuratelyBpossiblyCcurrentlyDclearly解析 C此处表示目前美洲虎在世界上现存不到20只。currently目前,当前,故选C项。2A.findBprotectChuntDmurder解析 B上文讲到美洲虎现存不足20只,下文讲到秘鲁人把美洲虎饲养在动物园,因此此处应是为了保护它,故选B项。3A.singled outBlooked outCtook outDcame out解析 A秘鲁人在动物园中单独挑出一块地饲养这只美洲虎。single out挑选出;look out注意;take out拿出;e out出版,故选A项。4A.WhichBWhoCWhenDWhat解析 D人们所看到的是美洲虎躺在虎穴中吃饭和睡觉。此处为主语从句,see后面缺少宾语,故用What引导主语从句。5A.destroyBfightCacpanyDhug解析 C上文提到一些人认为美洲虎很孤单,此处应是指他们租来一只雌虎陪伴(acpany)美洲虎,故选C项。6A.differenceBuseCadviceDprogress解析 Amake much difference有很大影响,产生很大作用,符合句意,故选A项。7A.particularBusefulClikelyDnormal解析 D根据下文内容可知,此处指美洲虎在这种环境中变懒是很正常的(normal),故选D项。8A.animalsBsheepCpigsDvegetables解析 A根据第一段第三句中的.where there are flocks of animals for it to eat可知,此处应是指放入一些小动物,故选A项。9A.interestBdifficultyCattitudeDexpression解析 Ashow no interest in doing sth对做某事不感兴趣,为固定搭配,故选A项。10A.agreed onBagreed withCagreed toDdid with解析 Bagree on在某方面达成一致看法;agree with同意某人;agree to同意(意见、建议等);do with处理。空格后宾语为him,故选B项。11A.classroomBboundaryCterritoryDcourtyard解析 C人们觉得他说的有道理,就把5只黑豹投进虎园。classroom教室;boundary范围,界限;territory领地;courtyard庭院,故选C项。12A.went awayBwrote downCput downDwent down解析 D此处指美洲虎从山上下来巡视。go away离开;write down写下;put down放下;go down走下来,故选D项。13A.positionBnatureCexistenceDreality解析 B上文提到美洲虎不再整天睡觉,而是恢复了老虎的天性(nature),故选B项。14A.oneBsomeCanyDnone解析 A句意:在我们的世界中,一种没有任何对手的生物会变得毫无生机,故选A项。15A.teachersBrelativesCrivalsDlovers解析 C根据上文列举的美洲虎的例子以及本段第一句可知,此处表示“没有对手(rivals)”,故选C项。16A.toBwithCacrossDinto解析 Bbe satisfied with对感到满意,故选B项。17A.GoodBDifficultCSmoothDDifferent解析 B根据下文可知,此处指艰难的环境孕育成功者,故选B项。18A.realizeBcultivateCdestroyDproduce解析 B参见上题解析。realize实现;cultivate培养;destroy毁坏;produce生产,故选B项。19A.schoolmatesBfriendsCcolleaguesDteammates解析 B空前说你的对手不是你的竞争者,结合句中but可知,空处应填与opponents相对比的事物,故选B项。20A.obviousBrealCstrictDfamiliar解析 C根据语境可知,此处指我们需要对手来对我们百般挑剔,并用严格的(strict)要求和标准监督我们,故选C项。.短文改错In China, whether old people should be helped when they have a fall a puzzling problem, but one experience has changed my view.Last Monday, on the way to home after school, I was walking on the road I saw an old man fall to the ground. Without hesitation, I went over and tried to help him up, but he couldnt move. Seeing him seriously injured, I dialed 120. It was not long before ambulance came and took him to hospital.The following day, the old mans daughter was so thankful that took out 1,000 yuan to reward me, I politely refused it. Only after the incident did I to realize that not all old were evil enough to blackmail others. 解析 主语为单数概念,指的是“帮不帮摔倒的老人”这一件事情,故谓语动词seem用第三人称单数形式。 解析 修饰谓语动词has changed用副词。 解析 home是副词,其前不用介词。 解析 主句是过去进行时was walking,从句是一般过去时saw,while只能表示某一段时间,不能表示某一时间点,when两者都可以表示,故用when。 解析 help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事。 解析 此处泛指“一辆”救护车且ambulance以元音音素开头,故其前用不定冠词an。 解析 此处指the old mans daughter。 解析 对方给钱,但“我”拒绝了,前后是转折关系。 解析 Only在句首修饰状语,句子部分倒装,did I之后为动词原形。 解析 由all和were可知此处应用man的复数形式。


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