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2019-2020年高考英语预测试题(10)预测题阅读理解What is politeness? This sounds like a simple question. In daily life, we often make judgments about what is polite and what is not polite. For example, to offer your seat to the elderly on a bus is considered polite behavior, and to interrupt when someone is talking is considered impolite; to greet someone the first time you meet him in the morning is polite and to stand up to reach for the dish you want at a dinner table is impolite. So politeness can first of all be regarded as a phenomenon, an observable social phenomenon.What I would like to propose is that as an observable social phenomenon, politeness is something superficial, but to account for what is understood at the surface, we should dig into the depth where different cultural values are rooted.When being plimented (赞美), an English-speaking person would readily accept the pliment by saying something like Thank you to show his appreciation of the praise, but a Chinese speaker would try to deny the truth of the pliment. They both think they are behaving properly. Yet neither of them would think the other is being polite. The English speaker is being polite to the extent that by accepting and showing appreciation of the pliment, and he avoids hurting the positive face of the person who makes it; the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by denigrating himself, ignoring the fact of the pliment paid to him. As has been mentioned, self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese understanding of politeness for over two thousand years. The Chinese, in order to show modesty, will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a plimentary remark.1. According to the first paragraph, politeness can be briefly described as_.A. proper social phenomena B. being modestC. showing appreciation D. an observable social phenomenon 2. In the authors opinion, the nature of politeness lies in _. A. something superficial B. what is understood at the surface C. different cultural values D. the root of different thoughts3. The underlined word denigrate in the passage means _. A. appreciate B. deny C. ignore D. pliment 4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Chinese speakers dislike being plimented. B. English-speaking people are reluctant to accept pliment. C. Chinese tend to show politeness and modesty by denying the truth of praise. D. Chinese people think highly of British politeness while English people think poorly of Chinese politeness.5. Whats the authors attitude towards Chinese politeness?A. Approving. B. Objective. C. Optimistic. D. Critical BSAN FRANCISCO In the western U.S., Hawaii and elsewhere across the globe, moon watchers were treated Saturday to a rare celestial phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse (月全食).For about 50 minutes starting at 6:06 a.m. PST, the moon was pletely blocked by the Earths shadow.With only some indirect sunlight able to reach it after passing through the Earths atmosphere, the moon took on a reddish glow. Since the atmosphere scatters blue light, only red light strikes the moon, giving it a dark red color.Dally Sam, who runs a public relations firm in Hawaii, said it had been cloudy and rainy, but the weather cleared just in time for the eclipse.Around 3 a.m., he awoke, as he usually does, and remembered to step outside the house in time to catch the eclipse about a half hour later. No one else in the neighborhood was up.It was turning that dark red color, Sayre, 47, said, Id better grab a camera. To be able to see it just right outside our house was really cool.At the local observatory in Los Angeles, some 300 people, many clutching coffee cups in the cold morning air, sat with blankets and chairs on the observatorys great lawn.Its really a celestial festival out here, John Peter, 39, told the Los Angeles Times as he set up his camera.Lying on a slope north of downtown near the Hollywood sign, the place offers clear views of the sky. Observatory officials alerted the crowd when the eclipse began and spontaneous applause erupted when the celestial event ended.A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon goes through the long shadow cast by the Earth and is blocked from the sunlight that brightens it.The last total lunar eclipse was on June 15 although that was not visible from the U.S. The next one is on April 15, xx, and will be seen in the U.S.6. What do we know about the lunar eclipse from the passage?A. The total lunar eclipse began at about 3:30 a.m.B. The total lunar eclipse ended at about 6:56 a.m.C. The lunar eclipse ended at about 6:56 in the evening.D. The lunar eclipse began at about 6:06 in the evening.7. When a total lunar eclipse occurs, _. A. the moon looks blue B. the light will hurt our eyes C. nothing of the moon can be seen except some dark red light around its place D. another planet es between the earth and the moon 8. We can infer from paragraph 5 that at 3:30 a.m. Dally Sam _. A. found it was still raining heavily B. saw a total lunar eclipse C. went out walking as he usually doesD. still had to wait for a long time to see a total lunar eclipse9. From the last but one paragraph, the following are true EXCEPT _.A. a total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is blocked by the sunB. the source of moonlight is from the sunC. the earth es between the moon and the sunD. with the sunlight, the earth casts its shadow over the moon10. What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To inform us of the next total lunar eclipse. B. To tell us about a rare celestial event. C. To alert us of the natural disaster. D. To draw peoples attention to the news.参考答案及解析A礼貌具有明显的文化特征。中国式礼貌的最大特点是夫礼者,自卑而尊人。现在这个礼貌准则中卑的成分逐渐被自贬和自谦取代。那么西方人的礼貌特点是怎么体现的呢?1. D。 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句So politeness can first of all be regarded as a phenomenon, an observable social phenomenon. 可得知答案。2. C。细节理解题。根据第二段.we should dig into the depth where different cultural values are rooted.可得知答案。3. B。词义猜测题。根据后面ignoring the fact of the pliment paid to him.可知这里“denigrate”是“贬低”的意思。4. C。细节理解题。根据第三段but a Chinese speaker would try to deny the truth of the pliment.以及the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by denigrating himself, ignoring the fact of the pliment paid to him. 可得知C选项正确。5. B。作者意图题。作者只是客观地讲述了中国人和西方人的各自特点。B该文报道了一种天文罕见现象月全食,让观察月球的人大饱眼福。6. B。细节理解题。 根据For about 50 minutes starting at 6:06 a.m. PST, the moon was pletely blocked by the Earths shadow. 可得知这次月全食的结束时间是早晨6:56左右。7. C。细节理解题。根据第三段可得知答案。8. D。推理判断题。从文中可以Dally Sam是凌晨3点起床,而月全食是在6:06才开始,故可推知他得等很长时间才能看到月全食。9. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可得知答案。A选项表述有误,应是a total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is blocked by the sunlight that brightens it。10. B。写作意图题。该文主要告诉读者一种罕见的天文现象:月全食。

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