2019六年级英语上册 Unit 10 Healthy eating课件2 牛津上海版.ppt

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Healthy eating,The first period,Zhangze School Jiang Lihua Class1, Grade6,We eat,We need,rice/noodles/bread,fruit/vegetables,fish/chicken milk/eggs,oil/salt/sugar,have good eating habits?,do sports?,Why ?,have enough sleep?,drink water every day?,Simons food in a week,He had too much_.,He didnt have enough_.,y_ gurt jgt,o,dat,a good diet,a bad d_et,i,Amount(量),Food and drink,a little,some,a lot of,plenty of plenti,a little some a lot of,How much?,(chicken, meat, chocolate, vegetables, rice, fruit, yogurt),/plenty of,-,?,?,?,Listen and fill,1.We need _fat, salt and sugar.,2.We need _ milk, eggs and yogurt. We need_ meat, chicken and fish.,3.We need _fresh fruit and vegetables.,4.We need _rice, noodles and bread.,a little,some,some,plenty of,a lot of,The food pyramid,prmd,The food pyramid,a little,some,plenty of,a lot of,What did you have yesterday?,I had_. How much _do we need every day?,We need_ every day.,I see ,thanks a lot.,Pair work,What yesterday?,I had_. How much/many _?,We need _.,Pair work,Dear doctor: Thanks for helping me. Now I have a good diet. I eat _chicken and meat. I eat _fat, _and_. I eat _.I eat_. .I eat _. Simon,?,Tick and finish the letter,Assignment,1.Read the food pyramid on page 69 again. 2.Write down your own diet and think if it is a healthy one.,


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