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Unit 7 The Sea,冲浪运动以海浪为动力,冲浪者利用自身的高超技巧和平衡能力搏击海浪。这项运动惊险刺激,令人神往。你知道这项运动是如何发展而来的吗? Surfing Surfing is an amazing sport with an impressive history.The exact origins of surfing are not certain,but it was first observed by Europeans on a ship in Tahiti in the Southern Pacific Ocean in 1767.Research suggests that surfing dates back to the ancient Polynesian cultures that existed long ago.According to many myths,the chief of a tribe was the man who could surf the best.In other words,the top wave rider was the top man in his community.That says a lot about how important surfing was in the lives of the ancients.,Hawaiian surfing has a rich tradition.The ancient Hawaiians looked at surfing as a part of their life.It was not just a hobby or a job,but a way of life and an art form for them.Constructing a surfboard was a spiritual process,and great care went into all things related to surfing. The people were fascinated by the idea of conquering the ocean and discovering the mysteries buried beneath the powerful waves.The most skilled surfers gained respect in society. Surfing culture really took off in the 1960s when movies and surf music like the Beach Boys drew international attention.Southern California beach culture and the surfing lifestyle caught the eye of many people.This trend has continued up to the present day.There are now tons of surf shops,events,prime beaches,and an entire subculture that revolves around this extreme sport.,Riding the waves is one of the most thrilling experiences out there,so it is not a surprise that humans have taken to this sport for countless years. 单词注释 spiritual/spIrItl/ adj.心灵的;有灵性的 fascinate/fsIneIt/ vt.使着迷;吸引住 subculture/sbklt(r)/ n.次文化;亚文化 revolve/rIvlv/ vt.令人兴奋不已的,难句剖析 1.Constructing a surfboard was a spiritual process,and great care went into all things related to surfing. 译文建造冲浪板是一个精神活动过程,而且还要仔细考虑与冲浪相关的一切。 剖析这是一个并列句,constructing a surfboard为动词-ing短语作主语,后一分句中related to surfing为过去分词短语作定语,修饰all things。,2.Riding the waves is one of the most thrilling experiences out there,so it is not a surprise that humans have taken to this sport for countless years. 译文冲浪是最令人刺激的体验之一,所以人们无数年来喜欢这项运动也就不足为奇了。 剖析这是一个并列句,前面一个分句中的one of the most thrilling experiences表示“最令人刺激的经历之一”。后面一个分句中的it is not a surprise that.是个常见句型,表示“不足为奇,并不使人惊讶”;take to“喜欢,开始从事”。,导读诱思 Why are there so many people who enjoy surfing in the world? 答案:Because surfing is a thrilling and fascinating experience,and people enjoy the feeling of riding the waves.,Warm-up & Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers,Pre-reading 一、探索大海的渴望使人类从远古时代起就开始倾听远方的呼唤,他们不畏艰险,扬帆远航。不管航海的动机是什么,那些伟大的航海家们的冒险精神都值得我们崇敬。你认识和了解下面这些举世闻名的航海家吗?请从方框中选出他们各自主要的航海经历。,a.sailed directly from Europe to India b.led an expedition across the Pacific Ocean c.led seven expeditions to what the Chinese called “the Western Ocean”(Indian Ocean) d.achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands e.led to general European awareness of the American continents f.sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488 答案:1-c 2-e 3-b 4-a 5-f 6-d,二、从课文中找出与下列英文释义对应的单词 1. a long journey,especially by sea or in space 2. a person in your family who lived a long time ago 3. a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out more about them 4. to make sb. do sth. by giving them good reasons for doing it 5. not known or identified 6. at the end of a period of time or a series of events 7. a thing that sb.does that is usually very good or very bad 8. an act of travelling from one place to another 9. a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject,often as part of a university or college course 10. to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem,voyage ancestor explorer persuade unknown eventually deed journey lecture apologise,三、短语互译 A.温故:从文中找出与下列汉语对应的短语 1.来自 2.被吹离航线 3.被称为 4.被迫离开 5.记录下来 B.知新:从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思 6.according to 7.get into trouble 8.make it to 9.in search of 10.set sail,come from be blown off course be known as be forced to leave write down,根据 陷入麻烦中 到达 寻找;寻求 起航,四、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.How the Vikings discovered America. B.The life of Vikings in Scandinavia. C.Eric the Reds life story. D.Old stories about the Vikings. 2.Its said that Eric the Red got into trouble . A.when he left Iceland B.when he reached Greenland C.when he committed a murder D.when he returned to Iceland,A,C,3.After Eric the Red discovered Greenland, . A.people started to live on that island B.he thought people couldnt live on it C.some people went back with him to Greenland D.he set sail further west 4.Who does “he” in Line 23 refer to? A.Eric the Red. B.Biarni. C.Biarnis father. D.Erics father. 5.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A.Biarni sailed to Newfoundland with Leif. B.Newfoundland lies north to Canada. C.No people lived in Newfoundland when Leif discovered it. D.Biarnis directions were of great use to Leif.,C,B,D,五、观察下列句子,指出各定语从句的引导词及先行词 1.Eric set sail with 25 ships,of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 引导词: 先行词: 2.Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he got into trouble. 引导词: 先行词: 3.Biarni was the man with whom Leif discussed his plans. 引导词: 先行词: 4.By around 900 AD,there were many places in Northern Europe where the Vikings chose to live. 引导词: 先行词: 5.I still remember the day when I attended my first lecture in college. 引导词: 先行词: 6.She didnt tell us the reason why she gave up her job. 引导词: 先行词:,of which,ships,for which,murder,with whom,man,where,many places,when,day,why,reason,Post-reading 六、阅读课文,然后根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只能填一个单词。,before,controlled,living,trouble,persuaded,search,unknown,directions,made,further,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1.If not,then your group should arrange to meet outside of school hours and choose a time thats best for most people in the group. 如果没有完成,那么你们组就要在课外安排会面,选一个大多数组员都最方便的时间。 考点arrange v. 安排,准备 Ive arranged that you can have the car. 我已经安排好让你用车。 Ann is arranging a surprise party for her sons birthday. 安正在给她儿子准备一个惊喜的生日聚会。 Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend? 这周末你安排与马克见面了吗? David arranged for someone to drive him home. 大卫安排了某个人开车送他回家。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,归纳arrange(安排)后可以跟that引导的从句,也可以直接跟不定式,但其后不能跟双宾语,也不能跟带不定式的复合宾语。若表示“安排做某事”,用arrange to do sth.;表示“安排某人做某事”,用arrange for sb.to do sth.。另外,arrange后的宾语只能是指物的名词。 考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会arrangement的词性和含义。 Ive agreed to help with arrangements for the party. 我答应帮忙安排聚会。 词性:名词 含义:安排,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,2.frightening adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的 What was the most frightening experience youve had? 你所遇到的最令人害怕的经历是什么? Graphs can seem frightening,but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story. 图表可能看起来很吓人,但读一个图,就像读一个故事。 考点延伸 frightened adj. 害怕的 I got quite frightened when he lost his temper. 他发起脾气来让我觉得挺害怕的。 Dont be frightened of making/to make mistakes when you speak English. 讲英语时别害怕犯错误。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,归纳frightening常用于形容或描述人或物本身的性质;frightened用于形容或描述人受外物影响而产生的反应;常用结构为be frightened of doing sth./be frightened to do sth.,意为“害怕(去做)某事”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,3.In 982 AD,when a man called Eric the Red decided to set sail further west,there were as many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland. 公元982年,冰岛生活着多达一万个古代斯堪的纳维亚人,就在此时,一个叫埃里克雷德的人决定向西远航。 剖析when引导定语从句,其中过去分词短语called Eric the Red作后置定语,修饰man;主句中as many as.为原级比较结构,其中动词-ing短语作后置定语修饰Vikings。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点set sail 起航 On September 20,1519,Magellan and a crew of 270 men set sail from Spain on their around-the-world voyage. 1519年9月20日,麦哲伦率领270名水手从西班牙起航,开始了环球之旅。 Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in 1492. 克里斯托弗哥伦布于1492年起航去往新大陆。 归纳set sail可以单独使用,当涉及地点时则常与介词from或for连用。涉及的地点表示起航的起点时,用from;涉及的地点表示起航的目的地时,用for。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,4.According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway,Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he got into trouble. 根据冰岛和挪威的传说,埃里克雷德因一起谋杀案而被迫离开冰岛。 剖析because引导原因状语从句,从句中for which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰he had committed a murder一事。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点一according to 根据,依照 【高考典句】(2017天津高考)According to the last paragraph,what do Alice and her father have in common? 根据最后一段的内容,艾丽斯和她的父亲有什么共同之处? According to him,Mr Wang will not come today. 据他所说,王先生今天不会来。 According to statistics,a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman. 数据显示,男性死于皮肤癌的可能性是女性的两倍多。 归纳according to是复合介词,其后接名词、代词,不接从句。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 使用according to要注意以下几点: (1)其后所引出的信息应来自别人或别处,不能来自说话者。如不能说“According to me,the rents too high.”,应当说“In my opinion,the rents too high.”。 (2)according to不能与opinion,view等词连用。如不能说“According to his opinion,his players are going to win.”,应当说“According to him,his players are going to win.”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点二force vt.迫使 【高考典句】(2017浙江高考)Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing. 本杰明被迫承认他一直在做的事。 If you want to succeed,always force yourself to do more. 你如果想要成功,就要一直强迫自己多做一点。 Countries that use a lot of coal fear that the climate-change bill will force them to stop burning it. 大量使用煤炭的国家担心,气候变化方案将迫使他们停止用煤。 归纳force后常接复合宾语,用动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成force sb.to do sth.结构,意为“强迫某人做某事”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点三get into trouble 陷入麻烦中,陷入困境 At first the thing went well,but later on we got into trouble. 起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们陷入了困境。 归纳该短语中的trouble不能用复数形式,也不能在前面加冠词。 考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会run into trouble的含义。 The company ran into trouble when it tried to expand too quickly. 那家公司在试图过快地扩张时陷入了困境。 含义:陷入麻烦中,陷入困境,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,5.He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland. 他说服一些人与他一起回到了格陵兰岛。 剖析不定式短语to go back.作宾语补足语。 考点persuade vt. 说服,劝服 I advise my father to quit smoking but I cant persuade him to. 我建议父亲戒烟,但没有成功。 How can we persuade them into joining us? 我们怎样才能说服他们加入到我们中来呢? None of us could persuade him out of his stupid plan. 我们谁也没有办法说服他放弃那个愚蠢的计划。 归纳persuade的常用结构有persuade sb.to do sth.,persuade sb.into doing sth.及persuade sb.out of (doing) sth.,前两个结构意为“说服某人做某事”,第三个结构意为“劝某人不要做某事”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 (1)persuade还可表示“使相信,使信服”。 Advertisements persuade us that newer is better. 广告使我们相信越新越好。 They were persuaded of the young mans ability. 他们相信了这个年轻人的能力。 归纳persuade表示此意时,后面常接双宾语,直接宾语通常为that引导的宾语从句;也常用于persuade sb.of sth.这一结构中,表示“使某人相信某事”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,(2)派生词:persuasion n. 说服,劝说 persuasive adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的 It had taken me a great deal of persuasion to get my father to give up smoking. 我费了好大劲才说服我父亲把烟戒了。 The explanation of factors that are contributing to global warming is not very clear and persuasive. 对于那些引发全球变暖因素的解释既不清晰,也不能让人信服。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,6.Eric set sail once again,this time with 25 ships,of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 埃里克又一次起航,这次带了25艘船,其中只有14艘到达了格陵兰岛。 剖析介词短语with 25 ships作伴随状语,of which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰25 ships。 考点make it to (及时)到达 They got up late.They made it to the classroom though. 他们起晚了,但还是及时赶到了教室。 Maybe we can make it to this valley before lunchtime. 也许我们在午餐之前能到达山谷。 归纳该短语中的it表示虚指意义,to是介词。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 (1)make it 表示“获得成功”。 He came to the city to look for his dream and not only made it but made it big. 他来到城市寻找自己的梦想,不仅成功了,而且大获成功。 Failure doesnt mean youll never make it.It does mean it will take a little longer. 失败不意味着你不会成功,它意味着你还需要一段时间。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,(2)阅读下面的句子,体会make it的含义。 Im really sorry,but I wont be able to make it on Sunday after all. 我真的很抱歉,星期天我根本不可能到场。 含义:出场;出席 Nice to meet you.Im glad you could make it. 很高兴见到你。你能来我真的太高兴了。 含义:到场,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,7.Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland,a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Erics party. 埃里克雷德登上格陵兰岛后不久,一个叫比阿尼的人就从冰岛起航寻找埃里克一行人。 剖析not long after引导时间状语从句,过去分词短语called Biarni作后置定语,修饰man;介词短语in search of Erics party作目的状语。 考点in search of 探寻,寻找 On receiving the order,the police set out in search of the missing child. 警察一接到命令就马上出发搜寻失踪的孩子。 She went into the kitchen in search of a drink. 她进了厨房,想找点喝的。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会search的词性和含义。 (1)After a long search for the murder weapon,the police found a knife. 警察长时间搜寻杀人凶器,终于找到了一把刀。 词性:名词 含义:搜寻 (2)Police are still searching for the missing child. 警方仍在搜寻那名失踪的儿童。 词性:不及物动词 含义:寻找 (3)The police searched the building for the escapee but failed to find him. 警察在那座建筑物里搜寻逃犯,但没找到。 词性:及物动词 含义:搜查,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,8.Biarni was hoping to join his father who was with Eric,but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land,from where he eventually reached Greenland. 比阿尼希望加入与埃里克在一起的父亲的行列,但他被风吹离了航道,并发现自己到了一个陌生的岛上,从那儿他最终到达了格陵兰岛。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,剖析这是but连接的并列复合句。but前的分句是复合句,主句用过去进行时表示过去某时的愿望,who引导定语从句,修饰his father;but后的分句也是复合句,from where引导定语从句,修饰an unknown land。 介词一般与关系代词which/whom构成“介词+关系代词”结构引导定语从句,但from where这种“介词+关系副词”结构也常用于引导定语从句。如: We stood at the top of the hill,from where we can see the town. 我们站在山顶上,从那儿可俯瞰整个城镇。 It is the biggest telescope in the southern hemisphere,from where the Galaxy can be viewed. 它是南半球最大的望远镜,从那里可以观测到银河系。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点一unknown adj. 不知道的,未知的 An astronaut exploring unknown planets could do at least part of his exploration without leaving his spacecraft. 探测未知星球的宇航员至少有一部分探测工作可以不离开太空船来进行。 Whether or not there is life on other planets remains unknown. 在别的星球上是否存在生命还未可知。 考点二eventually adv. 最终,终于 I am sure I will eventually find what I am after. 我相信我最终会找到我所追求的东西。 Eventually the girls all graduated from college. 最终,这些女孩们都从大学毕业了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,9.Mr Johnson apologised for the mistake.We complained to him. 约翰逊先生为那个错误道了歉。我们向他投诉。 考点一apologise vi. 道歉(美式英语拼写作apologize) 【高考典句】(2017天津高考)Respond quickly and briefly,apologising for your mistake. 快速而简单地做出回复,为你的错误道歉。 Id like to apologise for causing you so much trouble. 我想为给你带来那么大麻烦表示歉意。 Ive got to apologise for my behavior.I was impolite. 我必须为我的行为道歉,我当时太不礼貌了。 He realised this and apologised to me. 他意识到这件事,并向我道歉。 I apologise that I was not able to come to the party. 我为未能参加聚会表示道歉。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,归纳apologise常与介词for或to连用,for后接道歉的原因,表示“因某事道歉”;to后接道歉的对象,表示“向某人道歉”。另外,apologise后还可接that引导的从句。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 派生词:apology n. 道歉 They made an apology to their customers for the poor quality of computers. 因电脑质量差,他们已向客户道歉。 Please accept our apologies for the trouble caused. 对于给您造成的不便,请接受我们的道歉。 归纳apology是可数名词,和apologise一样,也与介词to和for连用。 make an apology 致歉 accept sbs apology 接受某人的道歉,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点二complain v. 抱怨,投诉 She complained to him about the pressure of her job. 她向他抱怨工作的压力。 One of their neighbors had written to complain about the sound of the piano. 他们的一个邻居写信抱怨钢琴的声音。 She complained that no one had been at the airport to meet her. 她抱怨说没人去机场接她。 归纳complain常与介词to或about连用,to后接人,表示“向某人抱怨”;about后接事物,意为“对进行抱怨”。另外,complain后还可接that引导的从句。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会complaint的词性和含义。 (1)I intend to make an official complaint. 我打算正式提出抗议。 词性:名词 含义:投诉;抗议 (2)I have no complaints about the hotel. 我对这家旅馆没什么不满意的。 词性:名词 含义:不满意;抱怨,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,10.语法(一):关系副词引导的定语从句 当定语从句的引导词代替先行词在从句中充当状语时,定语从句须用关系副词引导。主要的关系副词有when,where和why等。 考点一when引导的定语从句 I still remember the day when we met for the first time. 我仍然记得我们第一次相遇的那一天。 It was an exciting moment for the Spanish fans,when for the first time their team won the World Cup. 对于西班牙球迷来说,那是一个激动人心的时刻,因为在那一刻,他们的球队第一次赢得了世界杯。 归纳when引导定语从句时,从句的先行词为表示时间的名词,when在从句中作时间状语。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点二where引导的定语从句 After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child. 在巴黎生活了50年后,他回到了儿时成长的那个小镇。 Some pre-school children go to a day-care center,where they learn simple games and songs. 有些学龄前儿童去上日托,他们在那儿学习简单的游戏和歌曲。 归纳where引导定语从句时,从句的先行词为表示地点的名词,where在从句中作地点状语。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 当先行词表示抽象的地点或带有地点的意味且在从句中充当类似于地点状语的作用时,定语从句用where引导。 Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. 生命就像一场长跑比赛,其间我们互相竞争,超越自我。(先行词是race) Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing. 那些成功的盲人舞蹈演员认为舞蹈是一项视觉比听觉更重要的活动。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点三why引导的定语从句 We didnt know the reason why he refused our help. 我们不知道他拒绝我们的帮助的原因。 Theres no reason why we shouldnt be so rude. 我们不该那么无礼,这没有理由。 归纳why引导定语从句时,从句的先行词通常是reason。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11.语法(二):“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 先观察几个句子: a.The place to which I went last summer is West Lake. 我去年夏天去的地方是西湖。 b.I remember the day on which I met you at a bus stop. 我记得在公共汽车站遇见你的那一天。 c.He doesnt know the person to whom I am talking. 他不认识和我说话的那个人。 d.I am thankful to the neighbor from whom I got great help. 我很感激给予我极大帮助的那位邻居。 这四个句子中,在先行词和引导词之间出现了一个介词。这个介词要么是从句中固定搭配拆开后提到前面的,要么是根据意思添加的,这类定语从句的引导词主要有which和whom,which指物,whom指人。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点一有的介词是定语从句中词组的固定搭配拆开后提到前面的,即用什么介词由从句中的动词决定。 He is the boy who/whom I was talking about. He is the boy about whom I was talking. 他就是那个我在谈论的男孩。 考点二有的介词是根据句意添加上去的,即用什么介词由先行词决定。 This is the subject in which he has made great progress. 这是他已经取得巨大进步的科目。 He employed 30 men,of whom 12 were from his hometown. 他雇用了30人,其中12人来自他的家乡。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点三定语从句中的词组若是十分密切的固定搭配,一般不可拆开。如: Is this the pen that/which you are looking for? 这是你正在找的那支钢笔吗? The baby who/whom my sister takes care of is so lovely. 由我姐姐照顾的那个孩子太可爱了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点延伸 (1)“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句时,关系代词不能用who或that,而只能用whom或which。 Is this the room in which Mr White lives? 这是怀特先生住的房间吗?(不能用in that) (2)whose 指物时,常用of which 结构来代替。 The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. =The classroom of which the door is broken will soon be repaired. =The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. 那个门坏了的教室不久就要修理了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,(3)从上面的第三个句子“The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.”可以看出,在引导词前面可以根据意思带有名词短语或介词短语。 The bag the color of which is lovely has been sold. 有着可爱颜色的那个包已经卖掉了。 I lost the book on the cover of which there is the signature of the writer. 我把那本封面上有作者签名的书弄丢了。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,考点四关系副词大都可以转换成“介词+which”。 I still remember the moment when the sun rose on the horizon. I still remember the moment at which the sun rose on the horizon. 我仍然记得太阳升起在地平线上的那一刻。 Beijing is the place where I was born. Beijing is the place in which I was born. 北京是我出生的地方。 Is this the reason why he refused our help? Is this the reason for which he refused our help? 这就是他拒绝我们的帮助的理由吗?,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,

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