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Section Writing 如何写介绍类文章?,写作指导 介绍类文章多以一般现在时、第三人称来介绍事物或说明道理。最重要的是把要介绍的诸如店铺、个人情况等作较为详细的说明,尤其是要把优缺点介绍清楚;酌情介绍其原因,最后根据实际合理提出自己的建议或要求。 写这类文章时,首先应做到语言简练、段落层次分明。尽量使用能展示自己语言功底的高级词汇和较为复杂的句子结构。最后提出或发表自己的看法或态度。在用词方面,尤其使用好形容词(如convenient,comfortable),让人有个清晰准确的了解;在介绍多种原因或弊端时,过渡词的使用尤为突出(如first,second,.)。 这样就能使所写文章观点明确,层次清晰,过渡自然,态度鲜明。,常用句式 1.As we all know,fast food is becoming more and more popular. 2.There are several reasons for./Reasons for.are as follows. 3.It is convenient and can save a lot of time. 4.The quality of fast food is guaranteed. 5.If not,it will be harmful to their growth. 6.It is far from satisfactory. 7.In my opinion,fast food./I suggest that.,针对训练 目前快餐在中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体健康却没什么好处。请根据以下要点以“Fast Food”为题写一篇短文,发表在一份生活杂志上。 1.快餐在中国非常流行,尤其是儿童和青少年非常喜欢吃快餐。 2.快餐受欢迎至少有四个方面的原因: A.方便,节约时间; B.既可在快餐店里吃又可带走; C.店里环境干净、令人舒服; D.服务好,品质优。 3.快餐的营养不够全面,长时间吃容易让人发胖。 4.建议:如时间来不及可以品尝一下,但儿童应尽量少吃快餐,常吃不利于他们的成长。,素材积累 请将下列的词和词组进行英汉互译 1.popularity 2.environment 3.guarantee 4.in terms of. 5.far from satisfactory 6.均衡饮食 7.快餐 8.对有好处 9.如果不这样 10.对有害处,流行 环境 保证 就而言 远不能让人满意 balanced diet fast food be good for if not be harmful to/ be bad for.,模板填空 As we all know,fast food is becoming more and more popular in China,1. (尤其是在孩子们和青少年之间). There are several reasons for its popularity.2. (首先,它很方便) and saves a lot of time.Second,you can either eat there or take it away.Third,3. (快餐店的环境干净舒适).Fourth,it has excellent service;whats more,the quality of food is guaranteed. However,4. (就营养而言,快餐远不能让人满意).It is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value. In my opinion,fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and should turn to it once in a while.Its good for children and teenagers to eat fast food as little as possible.5. (如果不这样,它对他们的成长有害处).,答案:1.especially among children and teenagers 2.First,it is convenient 3.the environment of fast-food restaurants is clean and comfortable 4.in terms of nutrition,fast food is far from satisfactory 5.If not,it is bad for/harmful to their growth,

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