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Section Writing 如何写地点介绍类文章,写作指导 此类文章是对一个国家或城市的简要介绍,写作时应注意以下几点: 1.要点要全。由于此类文章涉及内容较多,往往有漏掉要点的情况。 2.要有层次性。特别是对地理状况和气候状况做介绍时,应按一定的顺序一一介绍。 3.应用对比的手法来叙述东、西、南、北的气候状况和工农业情况。这样能显示出各地的气候状况的不同及工农业分布的迥异。,常用句式 介绍地点的作文往往信息量较大,但也不必害怕,我们可以借助很多有用的结构来表达。 1.with结构 如:加拿大湖泊众多,沿海地区岛屿较多。 With a lot of islands mostly in the coastal areas,Canada also has many lakes. 2.并列结构 如:对于气候而言,加拿大东部和西部湿润,南部温暖,北部寒冷。 As for the climate,Canada is wet in the east and west,cold in the north and warm in the south. 3.定语从句+并列结构 如:加拿大地广人稀;三面环海,南临美国。 Canada,which has a large area but a small population,is surrounded by the sea in three directions and borders the United States in the south.,4.并列结构+定语从句+with结构 如:工农业主要集中在南部;工业发达,交通便利;农作物以玉米、小麦为主。 Industry and agriculture are mainly in the south,where the industry is well developed with convenient transportation and farmers mainly grow corn and wheat.,5.有用的词和短语 (1)介绍历史 .have a history of.years 有年的历史 (2)介绍位置 be located in 位于 lie in 位于 be situated in 位于 (3)介绍面积 have an area of.square kilometres 面积有平方千米 cover an area of.square kilometres 面积有平方千米 a city/country with an area of.square kilometres 一个面积达平方千米的城市/国家,(4)介绍人口 have a population of.有人口 a city/country with a population of. 一个拥有人口的城市/国家 (5)介绍交通 It is very convenient for.对来说很方便。 It takes.to take a bus from.to. 乘公交车从到要花费(时间)。,针对训练 请根据下表提示,以“Canada”为题,写一篇英语短文。,要求:1.词数100左右。 2.内容连贯。,Canada _ _ _ _ _ _ _,素材积累 请将下列的词和词组进行英汉互译 1.population 2.except 3.be different from. 4.natural resources 5.convenient 6.岛屿 7.在东边 8.位于 9.交通 10.过幸福的生活,人口 除了之外 和不同 自然资源 方便的;便利的 island in the east lie in transportation live a happy life,模板填空 Canada is a country with a large area 1. (但是人口很少).Oceans and seas are around it in three directions except in the south where the United States is.2. (加拿大有许多湖泊和岛屿) and the islands are mostly in the coastal areas.3. (加拿大的气候各个地区都不同).It is wet in the east and west,cold in the north and warm in the south.4. (加拿大自然资源丰富),such as forests,water,coal,oil,gas,and so on.Farmland mainly lies in the south where farmers grow a lot of corn and wheat.There industries are very developed.5. (加拿大人享有便利的交通) and live a happy life there.,答案:1.but a small population 2.There are many lakes and islands in Canada 3.The climate in Canada is different from area to area 4.Canada is rich in natural resources 5.Canadians enjoy convenient transportation,

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