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单元重点小结,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,1.diet n.日常饮食 vi.节食 go/be on a diet ,a balanced diet平衡膳食 例如:Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise. 许多人开始意识到他们应该吃平衡膳食,每天都腾出时间来锻炼。 2.ought to应当;应该 同义词: ,be supposed to 例如:He oughtnt have been driving so fast.他本不应该开那么快。 3.be/get tired of对感到厌烦/讨厌 be tired out很累;很疲倦 例如:Everybody has got tired of his endless speech.大家对他无休止的演讲感到厌烦了。,节食;减肥,should,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,4.lose weight减肥;减轻体重 put on/gain weight变胖;增加体重 例如:Since he gave up smoking,he has put on weight.自从他戒烟后,他的体重增加了。 5.curiosity n.好奇心 out of curiosity ,curious adj. , be curious about对好奇 例如:The mother had to explain the reason to meet her sons curiosity.这位母亲不得不解释原因来满足她儿子的好奇心。 6.lie n.说谎;谎言 vi.说谎 tell a lie 例如:When you tell a lie,you steal someones right to the truth.如果你撒谎,就是偷走其他人知道真相的权利。,出于好奇,好奇的,说谎,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,7.strength n.强项;长处;力量 strong adj.强壮的,strengthen vt.增强 例如:Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses. 考虑一下你自己的优缺点。 8.consult vt.咨询;请教;商量 vi.(与人)商量;协议 consult with sb.与某人商量,consult a dictionary查阅词典,consult sb.请教某人 例如:They consulted the telephone book for his address.他们通过电话簿来查他的地址。 9.earn ones living谋生 同义词组: , 例如:Now it is not easy for Mr.Li to earn his living because he has lost his job.现在李先生谋生不容易,因为他失业了。,earn a living make a/ones living,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,10.limit vt.限制;限定 n.界限;限度 limited adj.有限的,limit.to.把限制到 例如:Dont drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit.别开得那么快! 你必须把速度限制在规定的范围内。 11.benefit n.利益;好处 vt.cut off切断,终止 例如:We must cut down our expenses.我们必须要削减开支。,有益的,有好处的,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,13.before long不久 long before很久以前 例如:He was sad no longer because he would see his daughter before long.他不再沮丧了,因为他不久以后将见到自己的女儿。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant . 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。 2.“ could be ,”he thought. 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。” 3.He could not Yong Hui ! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉! 4. you sit down and try a meal? 你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢? 5.According to my research, your restaurant mine a balanced diet. 根据我的研究,你我两家所提供的都不是均衡的膳食。,feeling very frustrated,Nothing better,have getting away with telling people lies,Why dont,neither nor,offers,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,情态动词:ought to/ought not to;should/shouldnt;have to/dont have to;mustnt;need/neednt,will,can/cant 1.Must I go to the company now? No,you . 2.Just as an old saying goes:boys be boys. 3.I saw him five minutes ago.He have gone to Beijing. 4.You smoke.Its harmful to your health.,neednt/dont have to,will,cant,mustnt/shouldnt,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,Suggestions and advice(建议) 1.What should we do?我们应该做什么? 2.You must/mustnt.你必须/一定不要 3.Youd better.你最好 4.I would strongly advise you to.我强烈建议你 5.My advice is/would be.我的建议是 6.Shall we.?我们好吗? 7.I think you ought to.我认为你应该 8.You need/neednt.你需要/不需要 9.You might.你可以 10.It might be a good idea to.可能是个好主意。 11.How about.?怎么样? 12.Perhaps you should.也许你应该 13.You have to/dont have to.你必须/不必 14.I suggest that you.我建议你,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,完形填空解题方法 完形填空题是英语考试中难度较大的一个题型,考生必须通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。本文以2017年全国高考新课标I卷为例为同学们介绍几种解题技巧。 一、浏览整篇文章,掌握主旨大意 在做完形填空时,首先一定要用23分钟的时间进行缺词情况下的整体阅读,弄清楚文章大意和基本脉络后再逐个填空。不要只是大致浏览,而是一定要理清文章脉络。解答完形必须从全文角度出发,然后才分散到单个句子。通过浏览2017年全国高考新课标I的完形填空可知,其主旨为:大学为学生探索生活中未知方面提供了一个舞台。作者在大学参加了一门新的课程,学习了美式手语。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,二、抓住文章首句,推测下文内容 完形填空题的首句不设空,一般是文章的中心句。完形填空命题的原则一般是第一句话不挖空,目的是使读者进入语境,因此一定要认真阅读这句话。了解文中所叙述关键点:人物、时间、地点、事件,即who,when,where,what。 请看2017年全国高考新课标I完形填空的第一句:While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration.这句话的关键点是student,explore,college。这预示着下文要讲的内容与大学对新事物的探索有关系。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,三、利用词汇复现,巧妙选择答案 利用文章词汇复现的特点,可以帮助考生选出正确答案。例如在2017年全国高考新课标I卷完形填空第52题: After that,feeling the need to 52 further,I decided to drop in on one of ASL clubs meetings. 52.A.exercise B.explore C.express D.explain 由短文第一句“While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,”中的explore可推知,第52题的答案为explore。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,四、重视语境信息,抛弃主观臆断 做完形填空题时,一定通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,而不是以自己的主观臆断为依据。首先要正确理解所给信息,再进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。例如2017年全国高考新课标I卷完形填空第47题: I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. 47.A.recorded B.performed C.recited D.discussed 在做该题时,不要想当然地根据空后的their translation而选择recorded、recited或discussed,而应该结合上文了解到ASL Club是“美式手语俱乐部”,从而推知手语俱乐部的成员应该是借助于手语来表达,故用performed为最佳。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,五、分析文章逻辑,找出最佳答案 通过分析了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。例如2017年全国高考新课标I卷完形填空第58题: I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 ,if there had been any talking,it would have caused us to learn less. 58.A.Lastly B.Thus C.Instead D.However lastly意为“最后,终于”;thus意为“因此;如此”;instead 意为“相反”;however意为“然而”。根据前文“I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.”可知作者很快意识到安静并不是不令人不愉快的。故本句句意为“相反,如果当时有口语交流,那只会造成我们学的手语更少”。故选C项。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,【文章导语】Youve cut out chocolate,crisps and fast food from your diet but youre still not losing weight.Surely the healthy food youve been eating lately cant be making you fat?You might be surprised that the “good for you” foods are high in calories. 你不吃巧克力、薯片和快餐但你仍没有减轻体重。当然,你近来吃的健康食物没能使你变胖?你可能会吃惊,有些“多多益善”的食物卡路里含量非常高。 What kinds of food we usually eat are high in calories? 1.Dried fruit Dried fruit is full of fibre and more nutritious than sweets but dont be fooled into thinking it is low in calories.Dried fruit contains six times more calories than fresh fruit by weight.If you want a sweet treat,eat fresh produce,like grapes and strawberries.,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,2.Energy snack bars Energy snack bars1 may say that theyre healthy on the label2 but can be surprisingly high in added sugars.If you want a pre or post-workout energy boost,give up the energy bars (which can contain as many as 300 calories) and choose bananas (around 100 calories) instead. 3.Nuts Nuts contain fibre,protein and minerals along with good monounsaturated3 fats for a healthy heart but are also high in calories and fat.Just eight Brazil nuts contain around 200 calories. 4.Tofu Tofu is made from bean curd and is low in calories but think twice before you order it in a restaurant.In restaurants Tofu is often deep-fried to give it flavour4,which is not healthy.,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,5.Vegetable crisps5 Vegetable crisps,made from things like carrot,parsnip(欧洲防风草) and beetroot(甜菜根),may sound healthy but can contain just as much fat as regular crisps.Check the labels carefully. 6.Bottled tea Most store-bought brands6 of bottled tea are packed with high-calorie sweeteners like sugar or honey.Even an average-sized bottle can contain more than 200 calories.,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,译文 我们通常吃的哪些食物卡路里含量高呢? 1.干果 干果充满纤维比甜点拥有更多营养,但不要愚蠢地认为它的卡路里含量低。干果按重量来说拥有比新鲜水果多六倍的卡路里。如果你喜欢甜口,应吃新鲜的水果,如葡萄和草莓。 2.充满能量的点心条 充满能量的点心条会在标签上标明它们有益健康,但所含糖分之高令人吃惊。如果你想在锻炼前或后充满能量,放弃能量条(包含300卡路里),取而代之选择香蕉(大约100卡路里)。 3.坚果 坚果包含纤维,蛋白质和矿物质以及一颗健康的心脏所需的单一不饱和脂肪,但是它们的卡路里和脂肪含量也很高。仅仅8个巴西坚果就包含大约200卡路里。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,4.豆腐 豆腐由豆凝乳制成,低卡路里,但在饭馆点它前要多加考虑。在餐馆里,为了让豆腐入味,豆腐经常被长时间地炸,这是不健康的。 5.蔬菜脆片 蔬菜脆片,由胡萝卜,欧洲防风草和甜菜根制成,可能听起来很健康,但包含和正常薯片一样多的脂肪。吃前仔细检查标签。 6.瓶装茶 大多数商店买的瓶装茶商标上标明,含有高卡路里的甜味剂,像糖或蜂蜜。甚至正常大小的瓶子包含超过200卡路里。,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,词海拾贝 1.bar ba(r) n. 条,棒 2.label leIbl n.标签 3.monounsaturated mnnstreItId adj.单一不饱和的 4.flavour fleIv(r) n.香味;气味 5.crisp krIsp n.炸薯片;松脆物 6.brand brnd n.商标,重点词汇,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走进高考,拓展阅读,理解诱思 1.What kinds of food do you like eat? 2.Do you think you eat healthy food? 3.What can be inferred from the passage? A.We shouldnt eat the food mentioned in the passage. B.Not all the food we eat is healthy. C.We can eat anything without thinking twice. D.The food mentioned in the passage is healthy.,B,

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