高中英语 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab单元基础知识整合课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,A Lesson in a Lab,Module 5,基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络 .单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1(元音)de(v.)(元音)sion(n.) conclude(v.)得出结论_(n.)结论 类记 decide(v.)_(n.)决定 include(v.)_(n.)包括 explode(v.)_(n.)爆炸 expand(v.)_(n.)扩张,conclusion,decision,inclusion,explosion,expansion,2(v.)mentn. equip(v.)配备,装备_(n.)设备,装备 类记 achieve(v.)_(n.)成就;完成 amuse(v.)_(n.)娱乐;消遣 move(v.)_(n.)活动;移动 agree(v.)_(n.)同意 judge(v.)_(n.)享受;乐趣 encourage(v.)_(n.)鼓励;激励 astonish(v.)_(n.)吃惊 employ(v.)_(n.)雇用;职业 disappoint(v.)_(n.)失望,equipment,achievement,amusement,movement,agreement,judgement,encouragement,astonishment,employment,disappointment,.连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子,每空一词) 1固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。 Solids _ and _ as liquids and gases do. 2当你在本系的演讲厅里看见一些人不得不坐在窗台上时,别惊讶。 Dont feel _ when you see that in some _ halls of the _ some people have to sit on the window sills. 3氢气(hydrogen)与氧气反应产生电和水。 The hydrogen _ with _ to produce_ and water.,expand,contract,astonished,lecture,department,reacts,oxygen,electricity,4关于这种混合物,我们还没有达到可以得出最后结论的阶段。 We havent reached the _ where we can come to a final _ about this _. 5当它们在水面浮起后,继续用小火煮大约一分钟。 When they _ on the water, continue to _ forabout one minute with low _. 6两种物质都不溶于水。 Neither of the _ in water.,stage,conclusion,mixture,float,boil,flame,substances dissolves,7这门课的目的是教给孩子们如何正确使用电子设备。 The _ of the course is to teach children how to use _ correctly. 8水一沸腾,蒸汽就形成了。 Steam _(is _) when water _. 9他成功的另一部分原因是他懂得如何平衡学习与娱乐(entertainment)的关系。 Another _ reason for his success is that he knows how to _ study and entertainment.,aim,electrical equipment,forms,formed,boils,partial,balance,.句式点拨 1地球是月球的49倍大。(True or False) (1)They earth is fortynine times as larger as the moon.( ) (2)The earth is fortynine times the size with the moon.( ) (3)The earth is fortynine times larger than the moon.( ),2山上有座庙,庙里有几个老和尚。(True or False) (1)On the top of the mountain stands a temple, and in the temple live several old monks.( ) (2)On the top of the mountain stand a temple, and in the temple lives several old monks.( ) 思路点拨 本题考查完全倒装句中的主谓一致问题。完全倒装句中,其谓语动词的单复数要依其后的主语而定。该句中的前半句中,主语为a temple,故谓语动词应该用stands;后半句中,主语为several old monks,故谓语动词应该用live。 句式训练 在墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画。 _,3我们到了应该坐下来和父母好好谈谈的阶段了。(True of False) (1)We got to the stage where we should sit down and have a good talk with our parents.( ) (2)We got to the stage which we should sit down and have a good talk with our parents.( ) 思路点拨 考查定语从句。先行词stage在此意为“状态,阶段”,表示抽象的地点,因此用关系副词where引导定语从句。除stage外,这种模式的地点词还有point, situation, case等。,句式训练 我已经到了应该为自己做决定的那个时刻了。 _ 答案:1.(1)F (2)F (3)T My home is four times farther from our school than yours. 2(1)T (2)F On the wall hangs a beautiful picture. 3(1)T (2)F I have reached the point where I am supposed to make a decision of my own.,.语篇助记 I used to hate science, because it was difficult and complicated for me. Although through physics, I know the followings: water has three states, which are solid, liquid and gas; when water boils, it gives off steam; when heated, metals, such as iron used in electrical equipment, potassium, sodium, calcium and copper and so on, expand rather than contract; steel is a mixture of iron with other substances. I still have no much interest in science. But half a year ago, a lecture made by Professor Lee, who had made many discoveries in his areas of science, astonished and changed me.,We were proud of him for his winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The aim of the lecture was to develop the interest of teenagers in science. Professor Lee, director of Chemistry Department of a university, brought many science facilities with him, including balance, tongs, tubes, crucible etc. He did several experiments, and one of them interested me. We drew a conclusion with his help that iron doesnt rust in dry air and in airfree water but rust in ordinary water because iron reacts with oxygen in the water. Professor Lee also told us copper makes partial reaction when heated in oxygen, while it makes no reaction when it is placed in water.,What a wonderful world! At the end of the lecture, Professor Lee said teenagers were supposed to care more about the latest discoveries in science. Now I have known how snow forms and how salt dissolves in water.,译文: 我过去不喜欢科学,因为它对我来说很难,而且很复杂。尽管通过物理,我知道了下列一些事情:水有三态,即固体、液体和气体;当水沸腾时,它会释放出蒸汽;当金属,如用于电气设备中的铁、钾、钠、钙和铜等被加热时,它们会膨胀而不是收缩;钢是铁与其他物质的混合物。但我依旧对科学没什么兴趣。但半年以前,李教授作的一次演讲使我惊愕而且改变了我。这位李教授在他个人的(研究)领域里有很多的发现。他也因此获得了诺贝尔化学奖,我们都引以为豪。他这次演讲的目的是为了开发青少年对科学的兴趣。,这位大学里的化学系主任,演讲时用随身带来的诸多科学设备,如天平、夹子、试管和坩埚等做了几个实验,其中一个引起了我的兴趣。在他的帮助下,我们得出结论:铁在干燥的空气中和没有空气的水中不生锈,但在普通的水中生锈,因为铁与水中的氧气发生化学反应。李教授还告诉我们铜在氧气中被加热,发生局部化学反应,而当它放在水中时,不发生反应。多么奇妙的世界呀!演讲结束时,李教授说青少年应该多关心科学上的最新发现。现在我已经知道雪是怎样形成的以及盐是怎样在水中溶解的。,科学构建,高效作文 一堂实验课 一、写作指导 1确定体裁:记录一次科学实验课,属于记叙文。 2确定主体时态:在实验课后记录这堂课,应用一般过去时态。 3确定中心人称:记录自己参与过的实验课,应用第一人称。 4确定结构:可以用三段完成短文。第一段引出话题;第二段陈述实验过程;第三段描述个人感受和收获。,二、常用句式 1关于上实验课: We had an interesting class. We did an interesting experiment. The result of the experiment is amazing. We are shocked to see the result of the experiment. What an amazing lesson! 2陈述步骤: First/Second/Third/Last. At first/At last/Finally. Before we started/After it/And then.,3表达收获: Through it, I know. It enriched our knowledge. We got/learnt a lot from it. It showed us a wonderful result.,三、范例展示 题目要求 根据下面的提示,写一篇100个词左右“观察水的沸腾”的实验报告 实验目的: 1观察水沸腾时的温度。 2观察水沸腾过程中的现象。 器材: 烧杯(beaker),水,温度计(thermometer),酒精灯(alcohol lamp),火柴。,步骤: 1在烧杯里盛100 g左右的水。 2在水中放入温度计。 3加热杯中的水,并观察温度计的示数和水的情况。 结果: 当温度达到一百摄氏度时,水面出现大量气泡。 结论: 1水在一百摄氏度时开始沸腾。 2水在沸腾过程中有大量气泡产生。,审题谋篇 1确定体裁、时态、人称 (1)体裁:实验报告 实验报告要严格按照实验目的、实验器材、实验步骤、实验结果和实验结论的顺序依次进行,句子应尽量简化,措辞要准确恰当。 (2)时态:主要为一般现在时 (3)人称:一般用第二人称,使用第一人称时,可以用泛指的we。,2明确实验报告的格式,分为三部分。 第一部分:实验目的和实验用品 第二部分:方法和过程 第三部分:结果和结论,遣词造句 1词汇: 实验的目的 _ 查明 _ 做实验 _ 把倒入 _ 得出结论 _,the aim/the purpose of the experiment find out do/carry out the experiment pour. into./put. into. draw/reach/come to the conclusion,2句式: 实验目的是观察水沸腾时的温度和水沸腾过程中的现象。 _ the temperature and what happens when water is boiling. We carried out an experiment _the temperature and what happens when water is boiling.,The aim of the experiment is to find out,whose purpose is to find out,为了进行这项实验,你需要以下器材。 To _ the experiment, you _ the following things. To _ the experiment, you should _ the following things. 当温度达到一百摄氏度时,水面出现大量气泡。 _ when the temperature reaches 100 Centigrade. When it is 100 Centigrade, _ in the water.,carry out,need,do,prepare,Bubbles begin to appear,there are a lot of bubbles,结论: a水在一百摄氏度时开始沸腾。 b水在沸腾过程中有大量气泡产生。 We can _ that the water boils when the temperature reaches 100 Centigrade and a lot of bubbles appear during the boiling. We can _ that the water boils when the temperature reaches 100 Centigrade and a lot of bubbles appear during the boiling.,draw the conclusion,conclude,连词成篇 The aim of the experiment is to find out the temperature and what happens when water is boiling. To carry out the experiment, you need the following things: beaker; water; thermometer alcohol lamp; match. First, fill about 100 g water in the beaker. Next, put a thermometer in the water. After that, heat the water in the beaker, and watch the readings of the thermometer.,Some time later, bubbles begin to appear when the temperature reaches 100 Centigrade.And we can draw the conclusion that the water boils when the temperature reaches 100 Centigrade and a lot of bubbles appear during the boiling.,


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