高中英语 Module4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Module 4,每个人都希望自己有个好邻居,那么好邻居的标准是什么呢? When buying or renting a house, everyone expects not only the good quality of the house but also the nice neighbours. However, different people have different standards of good neighbours. In my opinion, a good neighbour should be someone who respects your life,and is ready to help others and concernedabout the environment in the neighbourhood.,First of all, it is very important for your neighbour to respect your life. Just imagine, if you have a neighbour who is curiousabout you, and tries to know more about you by whatever means, what will you feel? What is more, he or she may also talk with others about your life. You will feel very uncomfortableto have such kind of people in your neighbourhood and you may move as soon as possible.,What you should consider next is that a good neighbour is always willing to give you a hand when you need him or her. For example, if you are not at home and someone suspecttries to unlock your door, your neighbour who sees it should call the police,and he or she will help you to protect your property(财产). Finally, a good neighbour should be concerned about the environment, especially around your neighbourhood. He or she should throw all the rubbish into garbage and keep the place clean, because a good environment can make people in it comfortable all the time.,1.concerned adj.关切的;担心的 2curious adj.好奇的 3uncomfortable adj.不舒服的 4suspect n猜想;怀疑 5property n财产;财物,

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