高中英语 Module2 第3课时Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修1 .ppt

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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,My New Teachers,Module 2,第三课时 Cultural Corner,Module 2,.根据语境及词义填词 1She studied French history for a long _(一段时间) of time. 2The final examination is coming. All the students are doing their _(复习) 3If you give her a _(话题), she can talk a long time. 4The winter _(假期) is not as long as the summer one. 5Strict _(纪律) is required in our school. 6The two girls dress _(类似地),period,revision,topic,vacation,discipline,similarly,7He felt _(轻松的) after a short rest. 8It is a _(正式的) meeting. You should attend it on time. 9Whats the _(关系) between the two men? 10Poetry always loses something in _(翻译),relaxed,formal,relationship,translation,.短语互译 1at present _ 2prefer to do _ 3thats settled _ 4a couple of _ 5加油;快点;加把劲 _ 6尽某人最大努力 _ 7适用于;对适用 _ 8支付 _,目前 宁愿做;更喜欢做 就这样定了 两个;几个 come on do ones best be true of/for pay for,.完成句子 1我们要么进行复习,要么做翻译练习。 We can _ do some revision _. (either.or.句型) 2对我来说,有时候理解他是困难的,但我尽最大努力。 _ sometimes _ to understand him, but I do my best.(it作形式主语, to do不定式作真正的主语) 3如果不是这样的话,学生们会有困难 ._ students will have problems.(if省略句式),either,or we can do some translation,Its difficult,for me,if not,4法国、德国和西班牙的情况也是如此,在这些国家,遵守法律和尊敬老师被认为是非常重要的。 This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, _. (非限制性定语从句) 5同样地,美国也有公立学校和私立学校。 _,America has both state and private schools.(副词修饰整个句子),where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important,Similarly,.语篇理解 Step 1 Fast Reading Read the text quickly and tell whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) 1In many European countries, the relationship between teachers and students is quite informal. 2In northern European countries, the relationship between teachers and students is much friendlier and more relaxed. 3In Britain, relationships are quite relaxed,but teachers can have big problems with discipline.,4Germany and France have both state and private schools, but most students go to private ones. 5In Russia, children go to state schools. 答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T,Step 2 Careful Reading Read the text carefully and choose the best answers. 1From the passage, we can conclude that _. ABritish and American students are harder to control than those in other countries Bstudents in private schools are easier to teach than those in state schools CBritish and American students are easier to control than those in other countries Dthose who attend private schools are generally the ones who arent good at their study,2Which of the following countries doesnt have both state schools and private schools? AAmerica. BGermany. CFrance DRussia. 3If you are asked to go on writing after the last paragraph, youll most probably write about _. Athe different sports in different schools from different countries Bthe differences in teaching between different schools from different countries,Cthe advantages and disadvantages of both state schools and private schools Dwhy some students would like to go to state schools 答案:1.A 2.D 3.C,Step 3 Summary Fill in the blanks according to the text. It is interesting to look at 1._ between schools in different countries. One difference is the 2._ be tween teachers and students.,In many European countries, the relationship between teachers and students is quite 3._, 4._ it is much friendlier and more 5._ in northern European countries. Even in Britain, relationships are so relaxed 6._ teachers can have big problems with 7._. Another important difference is 8._ schools are state schools or private schools. 答案:1.differences 2.relationship 3.formal 4.while 5.relaxed 6.that 7.discipline 8.whether,1.formal adj.正式的 The dinner was a formal affair. 这是正式宴会。 Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion. 在这么正式的场合她穿的衣服有点太花哨了。,知识拓展 informal adj.非正式的 Dont dress up for the partyitll be very informal. 不要盛装赴宴这是很不正式的聚会。 The president will pay an informal visit to that country. 总统将对那个国家进行非正式访问。,即学即用 完成句子 If you are invited to a(n) _ dinner, youd better wear a suit and a tie. 答案:formal 题意:如果接到正式的宴会邀请,你最好穿上套装,系上领带。formal“正式的”,符合题意。,2relationship n. C,U关系;联系,关联;亲属关系 The teacher has a very good relationship with his students. 这位老师和学生们关系很融洽。 There is a relationship between the moon and the tides. 月亮和潮水的涨退有联系。 辨析:relationship, relation,My relationship with him was up and down. 我跟他的关系忽冷忽热。 Relations between our two countries are improving. 我们两国之间的关系正在改善。,即学即用 完成句子 Im not going to give my son the job just because of our _. 答案:relationship 题意:我不打算仅仅是因为我们有这层关系而把这个职位给我的儿子。relationship“关系;亲属关系”,符合题意。 This suggestion has no _ to the subject of our conversation. 答案:relationship 题意:这个意见与我们谈论的话题毫不相干。relationship“(事物之间的)关系;联系”,符合题意。,3relaxed adj.(人等)轻松的;松懈的;宽松的 You look very relaxed today. 你今天看上去很轻松。 He is relaxed about this exam. 他对于这次考试感到很轻松。 Many parents are relaxed about their childrens clothes. 许多家长对孩子的衣着要求不严。,知识拓展 relax v(使)放松,(使)休息 Allow your muscles to relax completely. 让你的肌肉完全放松。 Please sit down and relax. 请坐下休息一下。 relaxing adj. (事物等)令人放松的,轻松的 I found swimming very relaxing. 我发现游泳可以让人非常放松。,即学即用 完成句子 I need a cup of tea to _. 我需要喝杯茶使自己放松一下。 (2013重庆高一检测改编)What do you enjoy in your spare time, Peggy? _(play) the piano, which makes me feel _(relax),答案:relax myself Playing; relaxed 考查enjoy的用法和形容词。句意:“佩吉,你在业余时间喜欢做什么?”“弹钢琴,这样使我感到放松。”第一个空前省略了I enjoy ,因此用doing,修饰人要用ed形式的形容词。,1.would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 I would rather stay at home than go out. 我宁可待在家里,也不愿出去。,即学即用 (1)根据中文提示完成句子 He would rather play than _(工作) I would rather _ _(不告诉)you about it. He would rather he _ _(没有许下)the promise.,(2)语法填空 John wants to see you today. I would rather he _(come) tomorrow than today. 答案:(1)work not tell hadnt made (2)came would rather后跟宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,表现在或将来用一般过去时。,2for example He could speak several languages, for example, French. 他能说好几种语言,例如法语。 知识拓展 for example,such as,like,that is(namely) 的区别 (1)for example一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末; (2)such as常列举同类人或物中的几个例子,不能穷尽,可和and so on连用,可分开使用such.as.;,(3)like表示列举,可和such as互换; (4)that is 与namely 均为全部列举。 China has many big cities,such as Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen and so on.China has many such big cities as Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen and so on. 中国有许多大城市,比如北京、上海、深圳等等。,即学即用 用for example和such as填空 He can speak several languages _ English, French and German. Noise, _, is a kind of pollution. 答案:such as for example,3have problems (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 They have some problems in finishing the work on time. 他们按时完成那项工作有些麻烦。 知识拓展 (1)have a problem with sth. / (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦 (2)have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth./with sth. 做某事有困难 (3)have a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难,即学即用 介词填空 Some students may have problems _ reading or writing. 答案:with 题意:一些学生可能在阅读或写作方面存在问题。have problems with“在方面存在问题”,为固定搭配。,1.This is true of France, Germany, and Spain, where discipline and respect for the teacher is considered very important. 这也同样存在于法国、德国和西班牙,在那里纪律与尊重老师被认为是很重要的。 句法分析,After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town, where he grew up as a child. 在巴黎生活了50年以后,他回到了他童年时生活的那个小镇。 be true of/for.(某种情况)适用于,对适用 The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting. 音乐沉闷枯燥毫不动人,表演也是。 It is true of/for everybody. 这件事适用于每一个人。,知识拓展 be the same with 与情况相同 注意:be the same with表示前面的情况也适合于后者,尤其是在前面说了两种以上的情况的时候,用此句式,也可以用“so it is with.”。 Tom likes singing, but he doesnt enjoy dancing. It is the same/So it is with Mary. 汤姆喜欢唱歌,但他不喜欢跳舞。玛丽也是如此。,即学即用 语法填空 They will fly to Washington, _ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. 答案:where 句意为:他们将飞往华盛顿,在那里他们计划停留两到三周。where引导的非限制性定语从句,where相当于in which。 The financial crisis is attacking the USA, and it is true _ many other countries. 答案:of be true of意为“也是这样”。,2.if not; students will have problems. 如果不是这样的话,学生们会有困难。 句法分析 该句为主从复合句。if not是if it is not的省略结构,not代替前面所述情况的否定情况。 If this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt. 倘若此次交易成功,我们的前途自无问题;否则我们就会破产。,归纳拓展 常用的if省略句式: if so 如果这样的话; 要是这样 if any 即使有(也极少),如果有的话 if anything 如果有的话 if ever 假如,要是 if necessary 如果有必要的话 if possible 如果可能的话,Id say he was more like his father, if anything. 若非要说出像谁来不可,我倒认为他更像他父亲。 The emergency services stand ready to help, if necessary. 如果有必要的话,紧急救助处随时可以施援。 Do you ever have the measles, and if so, how many? 你得过麻疹吗,要是得过,出了几粒?,即学即用 语法填空 It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. _, wed better take it to the garage immediately. 答案:If so 考查省略句式。句意:听起来汽车引擎好像出故障了。如果这样的话,我们最好立即把它送到汽修厂。if so“如果这样的话”,符合题意。,.句型转换 1I prefer studying English at home to watching the match. I _ _ _ English at home _ _ _the match. I _ _ _ English at home _ _ the match. 2With his mothers support, the boy could climb up the tree. The boy could climb up the tree with his mother _ him.,3The man will have to wait all day if the doctor doesnt work faster. The man will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster. 4Ill go if youre going. If you are not, Id rather stay at home. Ill go if youre going. _ _, Id rather stay at home.,5Im going to buy a camera with the money, or Im going to buy a CD instead. Im going to buy _ a camera _ a CD with the money. 答案:1.prefer to study; rather than watch; would rather study; than watch 2.supporting 3.unless 4.If not 5.either; or,4I would have trouble and hardship like that _ be taken care of by others. 5I have given you my advice. Whether you follow it or not _ you. 6The _ with this kind of car is that it only has a top speed of 60 kilometres per hour. 7We were invited to a _ luncheon. 8I have no enough material in hand _. 答案:1.disciplined 2.Similarly 3.relaxed 4.rather than 5is up to 6.problem 7.formal 8.at present,.语法填空 1To enjoy the scenery, Tom would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air. 答案:than 考查would rather do A than do B结构,该结构意为:与做B相比更喜欢做A。 2Itll take at least 2 hours to do this. Oh, _! I could do it in 30 minutes. 答案:come on 考查交际用语。come on可表示不耐烦,“得了吧,算了吧”,符合语境。,3I think what he said is true _ everybody. 答案:of 考查固定短语。be true of “(情况)适用于”,句意:我认为他所说的适用于每个人。 4Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _(similar), our minds are developed by learning. 答案:Similarly 句意:身体是靠锻炼变强壮的,同样,我们的大脑通过学习得以开发。similarly在这里意思是“同样,也”。,5She is very strict not only _ all of us, but _ all her own work. 答案:with, in be strict with “对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth.“对某事要求严格”。 6He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him. 答案:if ever if ever是if he has ever refused to help others的省略形式,符合句意。,7I would appreciate _ very much if you would change the plan a bit to make it workable. 答案:it it作形式宾语。 8_ is known to us all that China is a great country with a long history. 答案:It it形式主语,that China is.是真正的主语。 9He wants to buy the same pen _ I bought yesterday. 答案:as the same.as.作引导定语从句时,as指相似物,符合句意。,10We should do more such exercises in future, I think, _ those we did yesterday. 答案:as 题意为:今后,我们应该多做像昨天做的那样的练习题。构成“suchn.as被列举事物”结构。,

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