高中英语 Module 5 Cloning period 5课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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writing,如何写观点类议论文,1观点类文章基本特点 观点类议论文是就某一方面的问题通过摆事实、讲道理的方式来发表自己的看法的文章。一般来说议论文由论点、论据、论证三部分构成。要做到: (1)论点正确无误。,(2)论据可靠充分。论据可以是人们公认的真理,也可以是经过实践考证的经典著作。论据有两大类,理论论据和事实论据。理论论据可以是人们公认的真理或名人名言等,事实论据为典型事例或经过考证的经典著作等。,(3)论证要合理严密。人们常用的论证方法有归纳法、推理法、对比法。议论文一般按提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。,2基本步骤及框架 (1)开头。提出一种论点或一个问题。 (2)主体。论点提出后,我们就要根据汉语提示部分提供的事实,摆出正反双方的论据进行分析、论证,使论点得到足够的支持。因此,正反双方时常用Some .However(While,But) some .;,引入论据时常用表示递进关系的过渡词besides,also,even,whats more,too,in addi-tion等,也用表示列举的firstly,secondly,thirdly,on the one hand,on the other hand等。,(3)结尾。对正反双方的观点及理由进行陈述后,在结尾部分我们就要得出结论并发表自己的观点。这部分常用的词语有:It is my opinion that ., in my opinion, in a word, as has been said, finally, therefore等。,1Different people hold different opinions. 2Opinions are divided. 3People have taken different attitudes toward .,4People have different opinions on this problem. 5It is often said that . 6Some of them hold the opinion that .,7However, each coin has two sides. 8As far as Im concerned, I believed that .,题目要求 假设你们班进行了一次关于克隆话题的讨论,请根据表格中讨论结果写一篇120词左右的英语短文,并表述自己的观点。,三步作文法 第一步:搜索词汇 1克隆: 2对有利: 3治疗: 4濒危动物: 5自然规律: 6对造成危害: 7充分利用:,clone,be good for/be beneficial to,cure,endangered animals,the natural law,bring damage to,make full use of,第二步:由词造句 130% 的学生支持克隆。克隆有利于治疗那些难以治愈的疾病。它对那些濒危的动物,如熊猫等有利30% of the students .Cloning is good for . Cloning is beneficial to those endangered animals such as pandas.,are for cloning,the cure of some serious illnesses,第二步:由词造句,30% of the students _ they think that cloning is beneficial to _ and those endangered animals such as pandas.,are for cloning because,the cure of some serious illnesses,270%的学生反对克隆。理由如下:克隆将令世界一团糟;克隆违背自然规律;克隆将对美丽的世界造成极大的危害。 70% of the students in our class cloning. : Cloning would make the world terrible. Cloning is against the natural laws. Cloning would bring great damage to the beautiful world.,are against,Their reasons are as follows,70% of the students in our class_clo-ning. _if that happened, the world would be terrible and that cloning is against the natural laws, and that cloning would bring great damage to the beautiful world.,are opposed to,Their reasons are that,第三步:连句成篇 Today our class had a heated discussion about cloning.30% of students are for cloning, because they think that cloning is beneficial to the cure of some serious illnesses and those endangered animals such as pandas.Besides, they al-so believe cloning is a way of helping nature.,第三步:连句成篇 However, 70% of the students in our class are against cloning.Their reasons are that if that happened, the world would be terri-ble, and that cloning is against the natural laws, and that cloning would bring great damage to the beautiful world.,I agree to clone endangered animals, but I disagree to clone humans.Cloning is a good thing if people treat it cor-rectly.If there were much cloning, we should make laws to prevent it.In a word, I hope to do our best to make full use of cloning to help human beings.,

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