高中英语 1.3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版选修7.ppt

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_ adj.time added to the end of a game _ na person who trains sportmen/sportswomen for games,competitions,etc _ nsomeone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening _ vto trust or depend on someone or something,Period Three Cultural Corner,.单词识记 1 2 3 4,overtime coach commentator rely,_ na large hall or room with special equipment for doing physical exercises _ na form of something that is different from other forms or from the original,5 6,gymnasium version,.短语天地 1pick up _ 2name after _ 3be exported to _ 4_根据 5_绑到上 6_类似,捡起 根据命名 出口到 be based on attach.to. be similar to,Teachers at the school were shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game,which they named after the school. 信息提取 name after “以命名”。 例句仿写 他们建立了一个实验室,以学生的名字命名。 They built a new lab,which they _ _ _ _.,.句型搜索,1,named after,a student,Naismith attached two baskets to two tall poles at each end of the gymnasium. 信息提取 attach.to.连上;粘贴 例句仿写 把邮票贴在信封上寄出去。 _ a stamp _ the envelope and mail it. It is probably based on an old English game called rounders. 信息提取 be based on根据,以为基础 例句仿写 科学理论必须以事实为根据。 Scientific theories must _ _ _ facts.,2,3,be based on,Attach to,Because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules. 信息提取 be similar to和相似 例句仿写 他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的花园大些。 Their house _ _ _ ours,but ours has a bigger garden.,4,is similar to,.预读理解 According to the passage,fill in the blanks.,England,picked up,oval,exported,1891,exercise,attached,gymnasium,basis,version,rules,similar,considerate adj.体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的(of/to/toward) He was considerate of everyone.他对大家都很体贴。 It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep.在我睡觉时你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。,1,【归纳拓展】 considerable adj.相当的,重要的,可观的 consider v考虑;认为 consideration n体谅;需要考虑的事;考虑 considering prep.就而论,考虑到,你把座位让给一个老人,真是个体贴的人。 Its _ _ _ to give up your seat to the old man. 鉴于他年轻,他已经做得很好了。 He does well,_ _ he is young.,【完成句子】 ,considerate of you,considering that,apologise v道歉;谢罪 I must apologise for not being able to meet you. 我因为没能接你而向你道歉。 You must apologise to your sister for being so rude. 你太无礼,必须向姐姐道歉。 【归纳拓展】 apology n道歉;辩护,辩解 offer/accept an apology 致歉/接受道歉 make an apology to sb for (doing) sth就(做)某事向某人道歉 apologise to sb for (doing) sth就(做)某事向某人道歉,2,这个孩子必须因为再次迟到向老师道歉。 The boy must _ _ _ _ his teacher for being late again. 我因考试犯错向他道歉。 I _ _ _ _ making mistakes in the exam.,【完成句子】 ,make an apology to,apologised to him for,shock (1)n.震惊,惊骇 The shock almost finished him. 这次惊吓几乎把他吓死。 (2)n.撞击,打击;令人不快的消息 It was a great shock for him when his car was lost. 车子的丢失对他是一个沉重的打击。 The news gave us rather a shock. 这消息使我们颇为震惊。 (3)vt.使激怒,使震怒 I was shocked when I heard about your accident. 当听到你出事后我很震惊。,3,这消息使她非常吃惊,脸都变白了。 The news gave her _ _ _ _ her face turned pale. 听到儿子说那事,他很震惊。 He _ _ _ _ his son saying that.,【完成句子】 ,such a shock that,was shocked to hear,attach vt.系,贴,附加 She attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 她在信封上贴了邮票,然后寄走了。 He attached a label to his baggage.他往行李上贴了一个标签。 The lab is attached to the Shandong University. 这个实验室附属于山东大学。 【归纳拓展】 attach sth to sth把系/贴到上 be_attached_to附属于;依恋于,留恋 attach importance to重视,4,【单项填空】 The middle school is attached _ a normal college. Afor Bwith Cto Din Parents _ much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. Aattach Bpay Clink Dapply 答案 C A,【翻译句子】 Great importance must be attached to environmental protection. _,必须高度重视环境保护问题。,pick up捡起,拿起 He picked up his book and went away.他拾起书走了。 My wife picks the baby up whenever it cries. 孩子一哭妻子就抱起来。,1,【归纳拓展】 短语 pick up 一词多义 Where did you pick up your bad habits?(沾染) My wife is going to pick me up in half an hour.(接人) The bus stopped and picked_up_the_passengers.(搭乘,载客) The kids should be told to pick_themselves_up if they fall.(跌倒后自己爬起来) He picked up French when he was in France.(无意中学会语言或技能),Pick up your room before you leave.(收拾,整理) My radio can pick up some English programs,such as BBC.(接收,收听) Where can I pick up a cheap mobile phone? (廉价地买到) The train is picking_up_speed.(加速) His health is picking up.(提高,好转,见效) 【单项填空】 Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. Abrought up Blooked up Cpicked up Dset up 答案 C,be based on建立在基础上;根据;以为基础 This film is based on a novel by DH.Lawrence. 这部影片是根据DH劳伦斯的小说改编的。 Many languages have Latin as their base. 许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。 【归纳拓展】 be based in 把基地设在 at the base of .在根部下,2,【比较网站】 base/foundation/ground 这些名词均含有“基础”之意。,教学不是一件简单的工作,他是一门基于科学的艺术。 Teaching is not just a simple piece of work;its an art _ _ science. 千手观音舞蹈是基于一幅古老的绘画而创作的。 The dance of thousandhand Guanyin was created _ _ an ancient painting. 我们海外分公司以巴哈马为基地。 Our foreign branch is _ _ the Bahama.,【完成句子】 ,based on,based,on,based in,She was named after her grandmother. 她是根据她祖母的名字命名的。 The machine was named after its inventor. 这台机器是以发明者的名字命名的。,3name.after.以 命名,【归纳拓展】 be named after.以命名 name sb as.任命某人为 in the name of.以的名义 by the name of.称作,叫做 under the name of.用的名字 I greet you in the name of the President. 我代表总统前来迎接您。,The newly discovered star was named _ an astronomer in honor of his contribution to astronomy. Who will be named _ next General Secretary of UN? Is anyone here _ the name of Roy? The boy was named _ his grandfather.,【介词填空】 ,after,as,by,after,Teachers at the school were shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game,which they named after the school.该校的老师大为震怒,但韦布埃利斯的同学都喜欢这种新运动,就用他们的校名作为该运动的名字。 句中which 引导的非限制性定语从句。,1,The newcomer is from Tibet,which I can tell from his appearance.那位新来的是西藏人,从他长相可以判断出。as和which 都能引导非限制性定语从句,都能代替整个主句或主句中的一部分,有时可互换。但as引导的从句位置灵活,可位于主句之中、之前、之后,而which 引导的从句只能位于主句之后。as有“正如,就像”的意思。 As we know,Bell invented the telephone. 我们都知道贝尔发明了电话。,A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses,_ has happened in Iraq and other countries. Awhat Bwhich Cas Done The road conditions there turned out to be very good,_ was more than we could expect. Ait Bwhat Cwhich Dthat We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in the rural areas. Awhich Bwhose Cin which Dwith which 答案 C C C,【单项填空】 ,In the USA,a version of the game became popular in the early 19th century and eventually,a man called Alexander Cartwright wrote the rules for baseball in 1845.19世纪早期,这项运动的变体在美国变得很流行。后来,1845年,一个叫Alexander Cartwright为棒球写了一些规则。 called Alexander Cartwright是过去分词短语作定语,修饰a man。 So far nobody has claimed the money discovered in the library.到目前为止还没有人来认领在图书馆被发现的钱。 A great number of students questioned by the teacher said they were forced to practise the piano. 许多被老师询问的学生说,他们是被迫练习钢琴的。,2,Mrs.White showed her students some old maps _ from the library. Ato borrow Bto be borrowed Cborrowed Dborrowing His first book _ last month is based on a true story. Apublished Bto be published Cto publish Dbeing published 答案 C A,【单项填空】 ,Cartwright is called “the father of baseball” because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules.Cartwright被称为 “棒球之父”,是因为现在的规则和最初的规则很相似。 (1)because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules是原因状语从句。 be similar to 与相似。 For those men,their anxiety is similar to jumping from an aircraft.对这些男人来说,他们的焦虑程度不亚于从飞机上跳下来。,3,The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals.这项技术与克隆动物的技术相似。 Your handwriting is very similar to his. 你的书法和他的相似。 (2)be similar in在某方面与相似 Gold is similar in colour to brass. 金与黄铜的颜色相似。,他俩在性格方面相似。 _ 你的衣服和我的相似。 _,They are similar to each other in character. Your dress is similar to mine.,【翻译句子】,


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