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What is interlanguage? interlanguage was established as learners independent system of the language, which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from one extreme of his native language to the other of the second language.,中介语是外语学习过程中学习者使用的介于母语与目标语之间的语言体系,也称之为近似语言系统(approximative system)、特殊方言(idiosyncratic dialects)。,2.The three main features of interlanguage: Systematicity -regularity ,not random Permeability -all the language are permeable. difference between interlanguage and other languages is the degree of permeability. Fossilization if the systematic of interlanguage cannot developed anymore, the phenomenon of fossilization will occur.,(系统性,渗透性和语言石化),Fossilzation,definition:a process occuring from one time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language. 一个不时出现的过程。在这一过程中,不正确的语言特征成为个人说或写一门语言的方式中不可改变的一部分。 简单来说,许多外语者在其外语达到一定水平之后,在一段时间内可能会出现止步不前的情况,Types of Fossilization individual fossilization vs group fossilization temporary fossilization vs permanent fossilization,语音方面: 每一种语言都有它特定的语音系统和发音规律,学习外语的人,常常会不自觉地把本族语的发音,习惯性搬到外语中去 词汇方面: 体现在词义和词的搭配两个方面。词的概念意义不同或它所指的范围大小不同往往造成用词错误 句法方面: 英语句子重形合,讲究主谓宾逻辑和语法的完整,而汉语在此方面通常没有严格的要求,causes of fossilization language transfer transfer of improper training stategies of second language learning strategies of second language communication,strategies to avoid fossilization taking effective means to stimulate emotional factors the proper use of communicative strategies having right attitude towards the errors in the process of learning applying learning methods flexibily reducing mother tongue interference,Interlanguage,Target language,Native language,The relationship of interlanguage with target language and native language.,Interlanguage likes a continuum(连续体), neither the mother tougue nor the second language. It is a transition between native language and target language.,中介语,目标语,母语,The process is not in a straight line, because it has repeatability(反复性). It is a continuous movement from native language to target language.,Dynamic (动态的),Some examples,语言中存在大量的中介语 1、语音方面 A、各地的方言与普通话。比方说,在我的家乡,我们所说的普通话称为“砀普”,实际上是方言和普通话之间的一种过渡。大家想一下,刚来大学的时候,我们说的普通话基本上都是有家乡味的普通话,和标准的普通话还是有区别的,让说标准普通话的听着怪怪的。但是有家乡口音的普通话也可以说是方言与标注普通话之间的中介语形式。 B、记得刚开始学习英语的时候,老师教发音的时候,我总会在不会读的单词旁边标上汉字,例如 good,狗的;Washington DC, 我吃灯,DC. 我觉得这个也是属于中介语的一种形式。,2、语用方面 语体有中间状态。播音员的语言就是出于口语和书面语的中间状态。 3、词语方面 词语在形态上的变化。有些词处在中间位置,需要动词形式的时候就以动词形式存在,需要名词的时候就以名词的形式存在,表现出名词的特征。例如动名词。 4、语法方面 词类的划分,介词的使用。如 arrive at school, arrive home/abroad。其中at 根据语法习惯有时应该省略。,11.7 Second language learning models and imput hypothesis 第二语言学习模式及输入假说 Second language acquisition is a complex phenomenon that cannot be described in all aspects by any model today. To understand how various research areas and theories relate to one another is essential in understanding second language acquisition. Contrast: LAD (Language Acquisition Device 语言习得机制): human beings are capable of language learning if provided with adepuate input.,Behaviorism: imitation and positive reinforcement,Mentalist or innativists: nature position, LAD,Therefore, the models and theories of second language acquisition are mainly divided on the point: To what extent second language acquisition is a function of innateness,People who adopt an innate position: structure knowledge The opposite: language acquisition and social interaction are mutually dependent,Krashens Input Hypothesis 克拉申的输入假说,Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routes of second language learning: acquisition and learning. Acquisition: is a process similar to the way children acquire their first language and it is a subconscious process without minute learning of grammatical rules. People regard it as implicit learning(隐性学习), informal learning(非正式学习) or natural learning(自然学习)etc. Learning: refers to conscious efforts to learn the second language knowledge by learning the rules and talking about the rules.,“i+1”, “i” represents learners advance their language, then the next stage is an “i+1”., Krashen put forward that learners advance their language learning gradually by receiving comprehensible input. So he defined comprehensible input as “i+1”., Krashen mistook input and intake, thus received critism.,conditions of Input Hypothesis: 1. comprehensible 2. interesting and relevant 3. not grammatically sequenced 4. i+1,Examples,Individual differences个体差异 In the process of learning a foreign language, some students could learn it very well and efficiently, but others cant. Reasons 1. Language aptitude语言能力 a natural ability for learning a second language学习第二外语的天生能力 2. Motivation: the learners attitudes and affective state or learning drive学习者的态度、情感状态、或学习动力 1)Instrumental motivation工具性东西 (考试,得升迁,职称考试) 2)Integrative motivation综合性动机 (为了了解另一个种文化) 3)Resultative motivation结果性动机 (为了外部目的,打赌) 4)Intrinsic motivation内在动机 (享受快乐),3. Learning strategies学习策略 learners conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency.学习者有意识的,以目的为导向和以解决问题为基础为提高学习效率而作出的努力。 1) Cognitive strategies认知策略analyzing, synthesis, internalizing分析,综合,内在化 2) Metacognitive strategies元认知策略planning, monitoring, evaluating计划,监控,评价 3) Affect/social strategies影响/社会策略interacting or communicating交流和交际,4. Age of acquisition习得年龄 Critical Period Hypothesis:临界假说 the theory that in child development there is a period during which language can be acquired more easily than at any other time. According to the biologist Lenneberg, the critical period lasts until puberty (around age 12 or 13 years), and is due to biological development. Lenneberg suggested that language learning may be more difficult after puberty because the brain lacks the ability for adaptation. This, he believed, was because the language functions of the brain have already been established in a particular part of the brain; that is, because lateralization 偏侧优势(see Brain) has already occurred by this time.认为儿童发展时期内有一段时间语言习得最顺利的一种理论。根据生物学家Lenneberg,关键时期持续至青春期(约十二或十三),这是处于生物发展原因。他还提出,语言过了青春期,由于大脑缺乏适应能力,会变得越来越难。他认为,这是因为大脑的语言功能已经在大脑某一部位确立,也就是因为这个时期偏侧优势已经出现了。 5. Personality个性,Thanks!,

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