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Unit 5,I am watching TV. 讲课课件+说课课件,你好,我是不可错过的课件!,此ppt的独家特色简介 一,此ppt包含两份内容:说课课件和讲课课件! 第 3 张到 第 30 张是讲课课件,第31张 到 第 55 张 是完全配套的说课课件,双剑合一,讲课说课更加容易! 二,对于现在进行时的讲解运用了一些游戏等能够引起学生兴趣的手段,让课堂氛围十分轻松,让学生十分有兴趣,学得快乐,就是那么任性! 三,说课课件十分全面,应有尽有,连黑板的板书设计都有哦 ! 四,遇见这份文档,你还不赶快下了!,讲课课件 Unit 5 I am watching TV.,Unit 5,I am watching TV.,Warm up,Ask and answer What time do you go to school? When does your mother make breakfast every morning? Do you do your homework in the evening? What time does your class begin?,New words learning,Match the words with corresponding pictures,playing,swimming,walking,dancing,cleaning,lying,Listening to the tape in 1b and fill in the blanks in 1a.,go do watch wait eat clean,going,doing,watching,waiting,eating,cleaning,Find out the rules!,write take have make come arrive,writing,taking,having,making,coming,arriving,sit shop cut stop put get,sitting,shopping,cutting,stopping,putting,getting,C. Using the Present Progressive tense(现在进行时的应用),I am You are He is (not) playing ; She is It is,We are You are (not) swimming. They are,Am I writing? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are you dancing? Yes, I am. No, Im not.,Is he/she running? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Are they reading? Yes, they are. No, they arent.,1.含义:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作。 2.构成:be +V-ing,构成,eg: He is reading a book. I am writing. Theyre eating.,3.V-ing 变化规则:,eg: play-playing watch-watching,以不发音的e 结尾,去e 加ing.,1)一般加 ing .,eg: take-taking come-coming,元+辅结尾,且是重读闭音节的单词,双写辅音字母+ing.,eg : run-running swim-swimming,2.否定句:直接在be后加not. 如:I am writing. I am not writing.,现在进行时的句式,1.肯定句: 主语+be +v-ing+其它. 如: I am reading a book.,3.一般疑问句及回答:问句,直接把be提前,肯定回答:Yes,主语 +be 否定回答: No,主语+be+not -Are you drawing ? -Yes,I am./No, Im not. -Is he reading? -Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.,Game time,I will pick up four students from each group and you four guys will face the whole class. When I say what are you doing ? The other students should answer me according to the ppt slide ,and the four students should perform it . The best performer will be the winner,每一组选一位同学上台。这四位同学要面向全班,不能看ppt。我会给大家播放不同动作的ppt,并且问大家:what are you doing /.然后大家根据ppt回答我 ;这4位同学就根据大家的回答来表演动作,表演得最好的同学获胜。,-What is she doing?,-She is doing homework,她正在做什么? 她正在作业。,-What is he doing ?,-He is running.,他正在做什么? 他正在跑步。,-What are you doing ?,-I am dancing.,你正在做什么? 我正在跳舞。,What is he doing?,He is reading a book.,.,What are they doing?,They are eating dinner,What are they doing?,They are playing basketball.,What is she doing?,She is sleeping,What is he doing?,He is eating breakfast.,They are watching TV,What are they doing?,What are they doing?,They are talking on the phone.,Whats he doing?,He is taking a shower.,D. Pair work(小组活动),standing,sitting,running,washing,jumping,E. Do the exercise and make self- assessment,-Whats Li Lei doing? - He_. ( read ) -Whats his mother doing? -She_. ( write ) -What are they doing? -They_. ( play soccer) -What are David and Mary doing? -They_. (have dinner) -Whats Jenny doing? -She_. ( run ),Summary,Check what you have learned in this class.,用所给动词的适当形式填空. 1.Look! The cat_(run)up the tree. 2.Her parents_(have)breakfast. 3.-_he _(clean) the blackboard? -No,he isnt. 4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here. 5.Listen! They_(sing)in the classroom.,is running,are having,Is,cleaning,is playing,are singing,Homework,Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Make a conversation with your group about whats happening in the pictures.,说课课件,Unit 5 I am watching TV.,Unit 5,I am watching TV.,1.The analysis of the teaching material(教材分析) 2. The analysis of the students(学情分析) 3.Teaching methods(教法) 4.Studying ways(学法) 5.Teaching procedures(教学过程) 6.Blackboard designing(板书设计),Six Parts,1. Status and Function(单元地位与功能) This unit is mainly about describing peoples activities. Let the students talk about what people are doing now. The content of this unit is closely related to students daily life, so its easy to encourage them to communicate with others by using what they have learned in this class.,Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material,Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material,2.Teaching Aims(教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): New Words: playing, walking, swimming, dancing, cleaning, lying etc. New sentence patterns: What are you doing? I am watching TV. Ability Aims(能力目标) Emotional Aims(情感目标),Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material,Key points(重点) Learn and master several present participles .(学习并掌握生词的现在进行时形式) Ask and answer by using Present Progressive tense.(会用现在进行时进行提问回答) Difficult points(难点) The usage of the Present Progressive tense.(现在进行时的用法) The correct spelling of the present participles.(正确拼写现在进行时形式),Part 2 The analysis of the students,Teaching methods,Audio-visual teaching method Communicative teaching method Task-based teaching method,Studying Ways,Observation-imitation-practice-production,Teaching procedures,Step 1. Warm up(热身) Step 2. Match the new words and the activities(学习生词) Step 3. Listening house(视听小屋) Step 4. Teach the Present Progressive Tense(现在进行时教学) Step 5. Summary(总结) Step 6. Homework(作业),Warm up,Greet the students Ask and answer What time do you go to school? When does your mother make breakfast every morning? Do you do your homework in the evening? What time does your class begin?,playing,swimming,walking,dancing,cleaning,lying,Listening to the tape in 1b and fill in the blanks in 1a.,A. Introduction of the Present Progressive tense(介绍现在进行时态) B. Forming rules of the present participles(讲解现在进行时的变化规则),go do watch wait eat clean,going,doing,watching,waiting,eating,cleaning,Find out the rules!,write take have make come arrive,writing,taking,having,making,coming,arriving,sit shop cut stop put get,sitting,shopping,cutting,stopping,putting,getting,C. Using the Present Progressive tense(现在进行时的应用),I am You are He is (not) playing ; She is It is,We are You are (not) swimming. They are,Am I writing? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are you dancing? Yes, I am. No, Im not.,Is he/she running? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Are they reading? Yes, they are. No, they arent.,D. Pair work(小组活动),standing,sitting,running,washing,jumping,E. Do the exercise and make self- assessment,-Whats Li Lei doing? - He_. ( read ) -Whats his mother doing? -She_. ( write ) -What are they doing? -They_. ( play soccer) -What are David and Mary doing? -They_. (have dinner) -Whats Jenny doing? -She_. ( run ),Step 5 Summary,Check what the students have learned in this class. Summary the whole class.,Step 6 Homework,Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Make a conversation with your group about whats happening in the pictures.,Part 6 Blackboard Designing,Unit 5 I am watching TV. New words New sentence patterns playing, walking, I am watching TV. swimming, dancing, What are you doing? cleaning, lying,或许,你曾和我一样,花许多时间找资料,但是却找不到高质量的精品文档,所以,我整理了一些精品文档在这里哦!作为福利哦!,精品文档题目,一,英语毕业论文提纲模板 优秀完整详细无敌版 二,英语教案模板范文 英文,中文 三,英语教案最强精品模板,

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