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译林版英语六年级(上)期末复习卷(1)班级_ 姓名_ 学号_一、选出一个划线部分读音不同的选项(15=5)( )1.A mumB car C brother D colour ( )2.A bookB cook C look D noodle( )3.A laughed B walked C looked D wanted( )4.A metroB breakfast C messy D factory( )5.A plantB any C restaurantD yesterday 二、按要求写单词(0.510=5)1.could(现在式)_ 6.carefully(形容词) _2.dry(反义词)_7.any(同义词)_3.go(过去式)_ 8.letter(改一字母成另一单词)_4.I(同音词)_9.there(反义词) _5.buy(过去式) _10.take(过去式) _三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(0.56=3)1. Smoke makes the air d_.2. To k_ the classroom clean, we can sweep the floor.3. These toys m_ the bedroom messy.4. History M_ is very interesting.5. I went to the shopping c_ with my mum last week.6. Bobby likes l_ in the city.四、汉译英。(110=10) w ww.1.为我做新衣服_ 6.许多人_ 2.聪明的人_7.指向那个国王_3.感觉累_8.在森林里_4.浪费水 9.节约能源 5.开如此多的车 10.一封电子邮件_ 五、单项选择。(0.515=7.5)( )1. - What do the signs mean, Yang Ling? -_a small house.A. It means B. It mean C. They mean( )2. - Theres a sign there. It means “ No_”. -Yes, we cant _in the river. A. swim; swim B. swimming; swimming C. swimming; swim( )3. People call the metro “_” in the US. A. subway B. underground C. metro( )4.They watch TV_7:00_the evening. A . on; on B. at; on C. at; in( )5. It means “No parking”. You cannot _.A. litter here B. smoke here. C. park your car here( )6. These signs_ different things. A. means B. mean C. meaning( )7. The sign means the floor is _. You should walk carefully.A. dirty B. clean C. wet( )8.Tom_go home last night. A . doesnt B. isnt C. didnt( )9. Grandma is sleeping. We_ shout.A. should B. shouldnt C. can( )10. -What_ you_? - Im watching TV. A. did; do B. are; doing C. am; doing( )11.Its going to _ my birthday next Monday.A. is B. are C. be D./( )12.Chinese New Year is in January _ February.A. and B. or C. but D. with( )13.Who _ you English?A. teach B. teaches C. teacher D. teachers( )14.What are you going to do on Childrens Day? I _ my friends.A. visit B. am visiting C. visited D. am going to visit( )15.We also call Chinese New Year “ _ ”. w W w . A. Spring Festival B. Thanksgiving C. Mid-autumn DayD. Christmas六、根据句意,将下列单词的序号填写在题前的括号内。(0.56=3)A. sing B. smoke C. watching films D. turn E. why F. know G. sign( )1. Look, theres a _there. It means we cant _in this room. We should be quiet.( )2. The sign in the street means we cant_ right.( )3. -Do you_ the sign over there? - Yes, I do.( )4. -Can I _here? - No, you cant. Look at that sign, please.( )5. I like_ very much.( )6. Tina, _are you so happy today?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(0.516=8) 1.The streets become very_ mess).2. Bobby often_ (throw) rubbish on the ground.3. We should_ (keep) our school clean.4. Helen_ (come) to school by metro every day.5. -Dont_ (park) your car here, Sir. - Oh, sorry.6. Look, the old man is_ (water) the flowers in the garden.7. The sign on the wall_ (mean) “Danger”8. Wang Bing_ (see) some signs in the cinema.9.Is Helen (go) to the countryside the day after tomorrow?10.Today is Sunday morning. We (have) a picnic this afternoon.11. We should take a bus to work (keep) the air clean.12. Rubbish (make) the water dirty.13. No (run) means you cant run here.14. - What (make) the air dirty? -Black smoke from cars.15. someone (smoke)? I can smell it.八、根据英文解释或前后文信息在横线上写出单词(0.58=4)1.A is simple a red envelop(信封) with lucky/gift money in it, which symbolizes(象征) luck and wealth(财富). 2. is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It is also called Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year.3.On the night of National Day we usually watch f .4.If I were r , I will travel(旅游) around the world.5.The children are very e to hear the exciting news.九、根据中文提示完成句子(0.519=9.5)1.你应该将垃圾放到垃圾桶里。You _ _ the rubbish _ the bin.2.汽车尾气使得空气变脏。Smoke _ cars _ the air _.3.树有助于净化空气。Trees help _ the air _.4.我们应该使用玻璃瓶和纸袋w W w .We should and .5.我们应当热爱并保护地球We should and the .6.不要浪费太多的时间.Dont waste .十、按要求改写下列句子。(0.522=11)1. They drink water every day.(改为一般疑问句) they water every day?2. We should not waste water. (改为同义句) We should water.3. He comes from Shanghai. (对划线部分提问) he from?4.My aunt gave me a red packet.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ a red packet?5.It is Mikes birthday today. (用Tomorrow 替换 today改写句子)It _ _ _ _ Mikes birthday _ .6.They are making some tang yuan.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ tang yuan?7. I feel tired and hungry. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ do you_?8. We can plant trees to keep the air clean. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ can we_ to keep the air clean?十一、改错(0.510=5)( )1. I can cleaning the desks. _A B C( )2. What make our classroom beautiful? _A B C( )3. The fish in the water is all dead. _A B C( )4. There arent any factoryes on the farm. _A B C( )5. Theres some fish in the river. _A B C十二、看图,完成对话。((0.510=5))1. A: Look! What are they ? B: Theyre in the river. A: Can we do it? B: No, we . We should the water clean.2. A: Can we down too trees? B: No, we . A: Why? B: Trees can keep the air . A: What can we use the wood to do? B: We can use the wood to tables, chairs and many other things.十三、阅读理解。(0.518+5+5=19分) w ww.A) 根据首字母提示完成短文,并选出正确选项。Sandy i _ my cousin. He is o_ four years old. He likes to touch e_. One day, Sandy and I w_ taking a walk in the park. S_, Sandy s_ some bees on the flowers. He w_ very happy. He w_ on the grass(草地) and c_ them. Then a park keeper(管理员) c_ up to us. He p_ to a sign on the grass and s_, “Cant you see the sign?”Sandy s_, “What does it mean?” “It m_ you s_ walk on the grass. Fine(罚款) ten yuan.” “Oh, sorry, sir. I dont know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one f_ on the grass.” The park keeper l_ and s_, “OK, I wont fine you. Remember dont do it again.”( )1. How old is Sandy? A. Six.B. Five.C. Four.D. Three.( )2. Where are they taking a walk? A. In the school.B. In the park.C. In the zoo.D. On the grass.( )3. Are there any bees on the flowers? A. Yes, there are.B. No, there arent.C. Yes, there is.D. No, there isnt.( )4. What does the sign on the grass mean? A. Dont touch.B. No climbing.C. Keep off the grass. D. No parking.( )5. Which sentence following is TRUE(真实的)?A. The park keeper fines Sandy ten yuan. B. The park keeper fines Sandy five yuan.C. The park keeper gives Sandy five yuan.D. The park keeper doesnt fine Sandy.B) Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles.判断所给句子正误,用“T” 或“F”表示。( ) 1. Wood is used to make tables and chairs.( ) 2. Too much plastic is good for the Earth.( ) 3. Trees can help keep the air clean.( ) 4. Wood comes from trees.( ) 5. We shouldnt use paper bags.十四、写作(5)写一篇日记,介绍自己某个周末或者某个节日是如何度过的。不少于6句话。 w W w . w W w .

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