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初二 (上) 期末测试 (C卷)一、从A、B、C、D 中找出其划线部分与其他单词划线部分读音不同的选项。(188分) 1. A. where B. care C. air D. were 2. A. shout B. about C. south D. group 3. A. party B. young C. yes D. year 4. A. whose B. why C. when D. where 5. A. post B. watch C. stop D. hospital 6. A. shall B. wash C. machine D. school 7. A. cup B. bus C. student D. but 8. A. girl B. bag C. orange D. great二、根据要求完成下列各项。A.写出下列动词的单数第三人称、现在分词、过去式。(0.5189分)1. think _ _ _2. wash _ _ _3. buy _ _ _4. get _ _ _5. do _ _ _6. teach _ _ _B.写出下列词的比较级和最高级。(144分)1. many _2. hungry _3. bad _4. cheap _C.根据音标写出单词。(0.584分)1. She _ ri:tMt the apple on the tree.2. Does he _ indN&i his work?3. Do not _ klaim that ladder!4. Walk _ +l&R the river. You can see that boat.5. Li Ming was ill last Sunday. His mother took him to the_ h&spitl .6. Do you _ n+u that village?7. He lived on the _ f+:st floor.8. We _ k&:l it football.三、选择答案。(12020分) 1. Did you finish _ that letter last night?A. writing B. writeingC. write D. to wirte 2. She is strict _ her work.A. on B. to helpC. in D. by 3. Let us _ the farmers with their work.A. help B. to helpC. helping D. helps 4. Mr. Wang asked the children _ and listen to him.A. to stop playing gamesB. to stop to play gamesC. stopping playing gamesD. stop playing games 5. The third month of the year is _. A. February B. MarchC. April D. September 6. How does your father _ to work?A. goes B. wentC. is D. go 7. Is your sister free tomorrow?No, she is going _ a football game.A. to look at B. to seeC. to watch D. to have a look at 8. Where _ you last Sunday morning?A. are B. wasC. were D. did 9. _ does he go to see his mother?A. How much B. How oftenC. How many D. How long 10. �May I use your chair?�Certainly, _.A. Here it is B. Here they areC. Give you D. Here you are 11. �Must we clean the classroom now?�No, you _.A. mustnt B. may notC. cant D. neednt 12. Does your sister enjoy _ games after class?A. to play B. to playingC. plays D. playing 13. What lessons did you _ yesterday afternoon?A. had B. hasC. have D. having 14. You must look after _ and keep healthy.A. yours B. yourC. you D. yourself 15. Hed better _ English in the morning.A. read B. to readC. reading D. reads 16. Li Ming sings better than _ boys in his class.A. others B. otherC. any other D. the others 17. �Were you tired after the sport meet?�Yes, but only _.A. a few B. fewC. a little D. little 18. There isnt _ at the bus stop.A. people B. some personsC. anyone D. somebody 19. Our English teacher often _ English in class.A. speaking B. talksC. says D. speaks 20. Id like him _ my old friends.A. meet B. to meetC. meeting D. for metting四、填空,(188分)1. This box is _ (heavy) than that one.2. Tom is one of _ (short) in his class.3. There are _ (many) students in our class than in that class.4. Its time _ class.5. Shall we go there _ bus?6. _ my way to school I met Wei Fang.7. He was late _ class last Friday.8. He often helps us _ our homework.五、用动词的适当形式填空。(166分)1. Who _ (carry) the heavy box two minutes ago?2. We _ (come) home from work at half past six last night.3. They _ (play) football tomorrow afternoon.4. She usually _ (go) to bed at ten. But last night she _ (be) late, because she _ (not catch) the train.六、根据题目要求完成下列各项。(3515分)1. Wei Fang Cleaned their classroom yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_2. They had a short rest after school. (变否定句)_3. She went to bed before twenty past eleven last night.(对划线部分提问)_4. They put the baskets of oranges on the truck yesterday morning.(对划线部分提问)_5. Tom is cooking supper with his mother. (对划线部分提问)_七、完成下列对话。(0.52010分)A: What day _ yesterday?B: It _ Friday.A: Do you know the _ yesterday?B: Yes, it was September tenth.A: _ classes _ you _ yesterday afternoon?B: I _ two English classes.A: _ _ you _ after school?B: I went to the park.A: _ did you reach there?B: I reached there _ bus.A: _ did you reach there?B: I _ there _ half past eight.A: _ you _ a good time in the park?B: Yes, I _.A: Are you going there next Sunday?B: No. I _ busy all the time. I have quite a lot of homework _ do.八、阅读理解。A man was walking in the park with his dog. Then he saw his friend with a dog. The two began talking and the dogs ran off together (一起). After a few minutes they became (变得) worried (焦虑). I want to know where Hannibal is. he said. I want to know where Cleopatro is. she said.They went to look for their dogs, but they couldnt find them. Three days later the man telephoned (打电话) his friend. Did your dog come home? he said. Yes. she answered. How did you find it? I put an advertisement (广告) in the newspaper and I got it back the next day. Why dont you try (试) that? I cant put an advertisement in the newspaper. he said. Why not? Because Hannibal cant read.根据上文判断下列句子正误。对画,错画。(1.546分) 1. Two friends and their dogs met in the street. 2. The two friends talked together and their dogs ranoff together. 3. A few minutes later they became worried because they couldnt see their dogs. 4. The womans dog could read but the mans dog couldnt.九、完形填空。(11010分)There is a big tree 1 my house. A black bird 2 in the tree. Every day I 3 some food to the tree. The bird sees me and comes 4 . The food is in my hand. The bird comes 5 my hand and eats (吃) the food. It 6 from my hand. After 7 it goes back into the 8 . I give 9 food to this bird every day. And so the bird 10 me. We are good friends. 1. A.In front B. near C. next D. from 2. A. sitting B. living C. lives D. sit 3. A. take B. bring C. give D. put 4. A. on B. to C. from D. down 5. A. in B. to C. from D. for 6. A. eats B. eat C. sit D. sits 7. A. me B. it C. these D. that 8. A. house B. tree C. any D. field 9. A. little B. some C. any D. a few 10. A. eats B. like C. knows D. glad

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