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译林牛津8B期末测试题I.词汇(10分)A. 根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。1. First, please_(介绍) yourself to us all, OK?2. Something should be done to protect the _(环境) in our hometown.3. After_(检查) the computer, he told me there were no tickets.4. Smoking will_(当然) do harm to your health.5. There will be an exciting football match between China and Japan on _(频道) 5 tonight.B. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Simon said he had a _(please) journey last week.2. Every year many_(tour) come to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.3. We should work hard at English because its important in our_(day) life.4. A mans life will lose its_(mean) if he has no interest. Do you agree with me?5. We all think Jet Lee is a _(success) actor.II.选用所给句子完成对话。(5分)根据上下文从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。其中有两句是多余的。A: Good morning, Miss Smith.B: Hi, Sandy. Where have you been?A: (1)_B: Really? Thats great! Did you talk with Mark and Judy?A: Yes, but only a few words. And Im not sure if they could understand me.B: No problem. (2)_A: But Im afraid of making mistakes when I speak.B: (3)_ You should believe yourself.A: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners?B: Yes, unless theyre busy.A: Well, Im still not so confident. You know my pronunciation is poor.B: (4)_ Try to talk with them as much as you can.A: All right. (5)_A. Thanks a lot, Miss Green.B. Ive just been to the English corner.C. Thats a bad excuse.D. You have made a good start.E. No, Im not.F. We all learn from mistakes, dont we?G. Can I help you?III.单项选择。(15分)1._ they are twin sisters, they dont look like each other.A. Because B. Since C. Though D. However2. Its important_ a foreign language.A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning3. Tom with his parents_ to America. They_ back in two weeks.A. have gone; will come B. has gone; will come C. have been; have come D. have been; come4. The little boy didnt know_.A. Which hat is his B. which hat his is C. which hat was his D. which hat his was5. We havent heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose_ to her?A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened6. He arrived_ London _ a cold winter night.A. at; at B. in; on C. in; in D. ; on7. How long have you_?A. married B. be married C. got married D. been married8. I dont understand _ believe him.A. why dont you B. why you not C. why you dont D. why not you9. We all found_ to play the game.A. that interested B. this interesting C. it interesting D. its interesting10. I_ that there_ an evening party on Saturday evening.A. was told; was going to have B. was told; was going to beC. heard; was going to have D. was said; is going to be11. Do you mind_ here?_.A. me to smoke; Not at all B. my smoking; Yes, I dontC. me to smoke; Certainly not D. If I smoke; No. Please12. I came to your office yesterday morning, but nobody was in.Oh, we_ a meeting in the meeting room.A. have had B. had C. were having D. had had13. Ive never been out of China_. What about you?A. already B. over C. before D. just14. The old man lives in a village_, but he never feels_.A. alone; alone B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely15. Mr. Green is used to_ two apples after lunch every day.A. eat B. eating C. eaten D. ateIV.句型转换。(10分)A.按要求变换句型。1. Amy said, “My favorite food is KFC.”(改为间接引语)Amy said that_ favorite food _ KFC.2. The writer didnt write that book.(改为被动语态)The book_ _ by the writer.3. Shes never been late for school since then.(改为反意疑问句)Shes never been late for school since then, _ _?4. The information is very important.(改为感叹句)_ _ information it is!5. I felt nervous at the beginning.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you_ at the beginning?B.同义句转换。1. The football match was put off. It rained.The football match was put off_ _ the rain.2. I bought the bike ten years ago.I _ _ the bike_ ten years ago.3. Our school has changed greatly in the past several years.There_ _ great changes in the past several years.4. The girl is too young to go to school.The girl is _ young _ she cant go to school.5. When the train arrived, we got on it at once.We got on the train _ _ _ it arrived.V.单句改错。(10分)( )1. We learnt from each other since we became friends._ A B C D( )2. Danny said that he hadnt finished doing his lessons already._ A B C D( )3. She hopes you and I to come back in two days._ A B C D( )4. The teacher often asked us dont speak in class._ A B C D( )5. Those poor children will be happy only if we will help them._ A B C D ( )6. Your knowledge of Chinese are tested when you play the game._ A B C D( )7. This computer was made by Beijing last year._ A B C D( )8. Im sorry I forgot my English book at home? Can I bring it here tomorrow?_ A B C D( )9. I was searching the Internet while my parents watched TV._ A B C D( )10. We are made read English for an hour every morning by our English teacher._ A B C DVI.根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1. 我们为我们伟大的祖国感到骄傲。We _ _ _ our great motherland.2. 我们应该分发传单以请人们捐款。We should_ _ _ _ ask people to donate money.3. 成龙将在那部新戏中出演警察的角色。Cheng Long will _ _ _ _ a policeman in the new drama.4. 这些变化给人民带来了好处。The changes have_ _ _ people.5. 这个机器人会随着音乐跳舞。This robot can_ _ _ _.6. 票已经卖光了。The tickets have_ _ _.7. 请双击“enter”键。Please_ _ the “enter” button.8. 同学们选我做了班长。My classmates _ _ _ _ the monitor.9. 他曾经做过老师。He _ _ _ a teacher.10. 奥比斯将要成立一个新的培训中心。ORBIS will_ _ a new_ _.VII.完形填空。(10分)Mr. Green heard that a certain government department(政府部门)wanted a clerk(职员), 1 he wrote and 2 the position(职位). But while he was waiting for 3 , a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department. And the head at once gave him 4 .Several months 5 , 6 Mr. Green was working in the department, he got a letter from his old address. This letter said:“Dear Sir, We are 7 to have to tell you that we cannot offer you the work in this department because we do not think that you would 8 do the job successfully.Yours Faithfully,”Mr. Green laughed, but when he looked at the letter more 9 he was 10 to see that he signed it himself!1.AbutBsoCorDand2.Ago ready forBlooked forCtookDasked for3.Aan answerBhis friendCthe positionDthe head4.Athe pay Bthe addressCthe workDa letter5.AlaterBagoCbeforeDsince6.AsoBthenCwhileDafter7.AhappyBsorryCsureDpleased8.Ahave toBlove toCbe glad toDbe able to9.AquietlyBpolitelyCcarefullyDquickly10.AworriedBluckyCsadDsurprised VIII.阅读理解。(20分)AToday almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”The first computer was made in 1946. it was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, “People cant live without computers today.”The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writer letters, do shopping, play computer games or make friends.Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They dont know their real names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they cant put their hearts into study. Many of them cant catch up with others on many subjects because of that.We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.1. The Internet can not be used for_.A. studying B. shopping C. thinking D. playing2. When the computer was invented, it was_.A. large and worked quickly B. small and worked slowly C. large but worked slowly D. small but worked quickly3. The Internet was born in about_.A. 1960 B. 1970 C. 1980 D. 19854. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Few students like going into the Internet. B. Students use the Internet to make “unreal friends.”C. These “Unreal friends” often meet each other D. Students know the friends on the Internet very well5. What does the writer think of the Internet?A. It is wonderful B. It can make students study harder C. It is not good for students D. It is helpful, but we cant do everything on it.BUntil a few years ago, only boys could become students at the university of Ruritania (鲁里坦尼亚大学). Later the university decided to take girls in. But one of the teachers, Mr Goller, was not pleased at all. He had not wanted to let girl students in.Mr Goller always began his lessons with the word “Gentlemen!” What could he do now? Well, when the girl students came to his lessons for the first time, he still began with the word. For him the girls were just not there. Then one day there was only one boy in his class among a lot of girls. For a moment, Mr Goller didnt know what to do. Then he began, “Sir! ”Finally a terrible day came when there were no boys in his class He came into the room, looked at the girls and said, “Oh, nobodys here today!” he turned and went out without giving his lessons.1Several years ago, _.Athere was no girl studying in the university.BMr Goller didnt teach in the universityCthe university let girl students inDmost of the students in the university were boys. 2Mr Goller usually said “_”when he began his lessons.ASirBGood morningCGentlemenDHello3When the girls came to his lessons, Mr Goller was _.AsurprisedBafraidCgladDunhappy4The writer wants us to know how Mr Goller _.Aagreed to let the girls inBdidnt like his teachingCalways didnt know What to do with the girlsDonly liked to teach boy students.5We can know from the passage that _.Athe boy students didnt enjoy Mr Gollers lessonsBwe will not see the girl students in Mr Gollers class.CMr Goller was loved by his studentsDMr Goller will not work in the university.IX.书面表达。(10分)根据中文提示,请用英语为班级墙报写一篇稿件。5070字左右。1.中国运动员在2004年奥运会上表现出色。2.全国人民为此骄傲和自豪。3. 希望他们力争在2008年再创佳绩。希望北京奥运会举办成功。4. 我们应更加努力学好各门功课,尤其是英语。5. 自己希望在2008年做自愿者,在北京奥运会期间为国外运动员和来宾服务。牛津8B期末测试题参考答案I.A. 1. introduce 2. environment 3. checking 4. certainly 5. Channel B. 1. pleasant 2. tourists 3. daily 4. meaning 5. successful II1-5BDFCAIII.1-5CBBDC 6-10BDCCB 11-15DCCDCIV.A. 1. her; was 2. wasnt written 3. has she 4. What important 5. What did; feelB. 1. because of 2. have had; since 3. have been 4. so; that 5. as soon asV.1. A. learnt改为have learnt 2. D. already改为yet 3. B. to改为will或can 4. C. dont speak改为not to speak 5. D. will help改为help 6. B. are改为is 7. C. by改为in 8. B. forgot改为left 9. C. watched改为were watching 10. A. read改为to readVI.1. are proud of 2. give out leaflets to 3. play the role of 4. brought benefits to 5. dance to the music 6. been sold out 7. double click 8. chose me to be 9. used to be 10. set up; training centerVII1-5 BDACA 6-10CBDCDVIIIA. 1-5CCBBDB. 1-5ACDDAIXThe Chinese players did very well in the Olympic Games of the year 2004. We Chinese are proud of this. We hope they will do better again in the year 2008. And we hope the 29th Olympic Games will be held successfully in Beijing. As students, we should work hard at every subject, especially English to make contributions to our country. I hope to be a volunteer during the 29th Olympic Games. I would like to work for the players and visitors from foreign countries then.


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