牛津小学英语06-07学期上 3A期末试题.doc

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2006年牛津小学英语3A期末试题 (口试40分,本卷60分,考试时间 40分钟) 学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 得分 _听力部分(40分)一、根据所听内容给图标号。 (听两遍) (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、找出你所听到的内容,填序号。 (听两遍) (5分)( ) A B C ( ) A B C ( ) A B C ( ) A B C ( ) A B C三、根据所听内容给图连线。 (听两遍) (5分) yellow 四、根据所听情景找句子,标序号。 (听两遍) (10分)( ) 1. Lets go to the park by bus.( ) 2. I can see a big watermelon.( ) 3. Good morning.( ) 4. What colour ?( ) 5. Im a Chinese girl.( ) 6. Open the door, please.( ) 7. Look at my new coat.( ) 8. See you.( ) 9. This is my father.( ) 10. Nice to meet you.五、听介绍,判断所给句子意思是否正确, 用或表示。 (听两遍) (10分)( ) 1. My name is Helen. ( ) 2. Im nine.( ) 3. My eyes are blue. ( ) 4. My eyes are not big.( ) 5. Mr Brown is my father. ( ) 6. My father is tall.( ) 7. My father is thin. ( ) 8. His hair is long.( ) 9. His eyes are big. ( ) 10. He is an English man.笔试部分(20分)六、写出字母的左邻右舍。 (6分) Dd Pp Ll Hh Vv Yy七、将下列水果、动物和相应的表示颜色的单词连线。 (3分) Green brown red black white yellow orange八、看图找词组,填序号。 (5分) A. open the books B. get up C. a big basket D. some fruit E. a fat monkey 1 2 3 _ _ _ 4 5 _ _ 九、看图选答句, 在横线上填序号。 (3分)1 2 3 How are you? A cup of coffee? Whats your name? _ _ _A. Im not bad. A. Yes, please. A. Fine, thank you.B. Im not so good. B. No, thank you. B. Im Bobby.十、给图配上对话,填序号。 (3分) 1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 6( ) ( ) ( )A. Lets go to the zoo. Great.B. Open the box, please. All right.C. Turn off the Walkman. Im sorry.D. Look at that woman. Shes fat.E. This is my sofa. Its nice.F. A white car? Yes, please.2006年牛津小学英语3A期末试题听力内容及参考答案听力部分一、根据所听内容给图标号 (听两遍) 1. an ice cream 2. a mango 3. an elephant 4. a pencil 5. a supermarket 6. a shirt 7. a desk 8. a window 9. a telephone 10. a man ( 3 2 6 1 4 5 10 7 8 9 )二、找出你所听到的内容,填序号(听两遍)1. Hello, Im Liu Tao. 2. This is my brother Mike. 3. That is his jacket. Its smart. 4. Lets go to the park. 5. Turn on the tap, please. OK. All right. (A B C C C )三、根据所听内容给图连线(听两遍)1. Im a bird, Im from Beijing.2. Look at my bike. Oh, its small and nice, David.3. A hamburger? No, thank you.4. Im an English girl. My hair is yellow.5. This is Miss Lis Walkman, its nice. ( 12 21 33 45 54 )四、根据所听情景找句子,标序号 (听两遍)A. 请别人给你开门。 B. 建议坐公共汽车去公园。C. 请别人看你的新外套。 D. 早上向别人问好。E. 放学和老师再见。 F. 你看见一个大西瓜说:G. 向老师介绍自己的爸爸。 H. 问别人什么颜色。I. 初次见到同学说: J. 介绍自己是一个中国女孩。 (B F D H J A C E G I )五、听介绍,判断所给句子是否正确, 用或表示(听两遍)My name is Helen. Im ten. Im an English girl. Im from London. My eyes are blue. My hair is long. Mr Brown is my father. He is tall. He is fat. His hair is short. His eyes are big. My eyes are big, too. ( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. )笔试部分六、写出字母的左邻右舍Cc Ee Oo Qq Kk Mm Gg Ii Uu Ww Xx Zz七、将下列水果、动物和与它们相应的颜色连线 13 26 31 47 52 64、5八、看图找词组,填序号 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. D 九、看图选答句,在横线上填序号 1. B 2. A 3. B十、给图配上对话,填序号 1. C 2. A 3. E 4. F 5. D 6. B

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