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学 校班 级姓 名小学二年级英语期末检测卷题号总分得分(40分钟) 装 订 线 内 不 得 答 题听力部分(60分)一、听音标号(10)1、听录音给下列大写字母用数字标号 Q D R T I( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、听录音给下列单词用数字标号English summer read time jigsaw( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、看图,听音,按你听到的信息给下列图片重新排序。(24分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、认真听,Tingting在上午和下午都要学习那些学科,请你在相应的学科下面打“”。(8分)ChineseEnglishMathsMusicScienceMorningAfternoon 四、听一听, 连一连。(10)12345 五、认真听每个句子,注意画线的单词,圈出正确的单词。(8)1. Its my favourite sing / song .2. I get up / go home at half past six .3. We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year / Christmas . 4. Do you want / like this T-shirt ? 笔试部分(40分)六、读一读下面的字母,写出它的左右邻居。(12分) Ee Ll Kk Pp Bb Ww 七、看一看,想一想,排一排。按照26字母的顺序以首字母为准给下列单词用数字排序(10分)weekend bike play train half( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八,选择填空.请将序号写在前面的括号里.(8)( )1.Tom goes to school car. A in B by C at ( )2.We have Music the morning. A in B on C at( )3.I get _ at 7oclock. A up B on C to ( )4. do you go to work? I go to work by bus. A Where B How C That 九、情景反应。请你在B栏中找到相应的答句,将序号填在A栏前的括号里。(10)A栏( ) 1. What do you like? ( ) 2. Does he play the flute ? ( ) 3. Whats the time ? ( ) 4. How do you go to school? ( ) 5. What do you do at the weekend? B栏A、 I go to school by bus.B、 Its 2 oclock.C、 I like English.D、 I go swimming.E、 No, he doesnt二年级英语期末测试卷听力题签听力时间:20分钟一、听音标号(10)1、听录音给下列大写字母用数字标号T I Q D R2、听录音给下列单词用数字标号 summer jigsaw time read English二、看图,听音,按你听到的信息给下列图片重新排序1、I dont like this dress.I like the hat.2、Amy likes this dress.3、Sam doesnt like this T-shirt.He likes the cap.4、Daming likes this T-shirt.5、We eat meat at New Year.6、Do you like noodles?No,I dont.I like rice.7、I like noodles very much.8、What do you like? I like fish.三、认真听,Tingting在上午和下午都要学习哪些学科,请你在相应的学科下面打“”Hello,boys and girls.Im Tingting.I have Chinese and Maths in the morning.And I have English and Music in the afternoon.I like Music very much.四、听一听, 连一连。1.I go to school at 8 oclock.2.I have lunch at 12 oclock.3.I have English at 1 oclock in the afternoon.4.I play basketball at 4 oclock.5.I go home at 5 oclock.五、认真听每个句子,注意画线的单词,圈出正确的单词1. Its my favourite song .2. I get up at half past six .3. We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year 4. Do you like this T-shirt ?


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