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第一单元测试一、选出不同类的一项( )1.A.pizzaB.fishC.eat( )2.A.postofficeB.getC.cinema( )3.A.nextB.whereC.near( )4.A.mapB.GPSC.TV( )5.A.getonB.gostraightC.turnleft( )6.A.nearB.InfrontofC.what( )7.A.onB.BookstoreC.In( )8.A.howB.ZooC.library( )9.A.parkB.WhenC.home( )10.A.excuseB.CinemaC.hospital二、从A、B、C三个选项中选择最合适的一项。( )1.Whereareyoufrom,Amy?_. A.ImAmy.B.Imten.C.ImfromAmerica.( )2.Stopatthe_. A.yellowlightB.greenlightC.redlight( )3.TheScienceMuseumisneartheschool_theright. A.onB.atC.in( )4.Isthereacinemanearyourhome?_ A.Yes,thereisnt.B.Yes,thereis.C.No,thereis.( )5.If you want to buysomebooks,youcangotothe_. A.bookshopB.shoeshopC.postoffice( )6.If you want to seea doctor,youcangotothe_. A.hospitalB.libraryC.cinema( )7.Turnright_theschool,thengo_. A.of,straightB.at,straightC.in,straight( )8.Howdoyougotoschool?Ioftengotoschool_foot. A.byB.onC.in( )9.Excuseme,whereisthelibrary?Its_thecinema. A.nextB.nexttoC.at( )10.你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问:_ A.Excuseme.Whereisthecinema,please?B.Excuseme.Whereistheschool,please? C.Excuseme.Whereisthepostoffice,please? ( )11.想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问: A. How do you go to school? B. How can I go to school ?( )12.想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问: A. How do you go to the park? B. How can I go to the park?( )13.别人跟你说“Thank you!”,你应该这样回答: A. Youre welcome. B. Ok.( )14.“我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问: A. Can I go on foot ? B. Can I go by bike?( )15.想知道别人的名字可以这样问: A. How are you ? B. Whats your name ?三、连词成句:1. can,go,on,I,school,foot,to. 2. do,to,park,how,the,you,go? 3. can,No15,go,bus,you,school,to,the,by? 4. near,is,home,the,my,office,post. 5.go,stop,can,to,bus,foot,we,on,the. 四、选出正确的答语第一组:()1.HowcanIgototheZhongShanPark? A.No,itsnotfar. ()2.CanIgoonfoot? B.Youcangobybus ()3.Whereisthelibrary? C.Itsnearthepostoffice. ()4.Isitfarfromhere? D.Youarewelcome. ()5.Thankyou. E.No,itisnt第二组:( )1.Howdoyougotothesupermarket?A.Sure,ifyoulike. ( )2.CanIgoonfoot? B.Itsnearafastfoodshop. ( )3.Whereisyourhome? C.IgotherebytheNo.15bus. ( )4.Lookatthetrafficlights. D.youcangetthereonfoot.Itsnotfar. ( )5.HowcanIgettothebookstore?E.Wemuststop第二单元测试1、 找出每小题中与众不同的那一个( ) 1. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party.( ) 2. A. north B. party C. south D. east( ) 3. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike( ) 4.A.museum B.postoffice C.music D.library( ) 5.A.plane B.cinema C. bike D.bus( ) 6.A. turnrightB. gohome C. turnleft D. gostraight( ) 7. A. greenlight B. yellowlight C. redlight D. Christmaslight( ) 8.A. shoe store B. supermarket C. get off D. museum( ) 9.A. then B. near C. next to D. in front ofW W w .( ) 10.A. wait B. go C. shop D. buy2、 从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案( ) 1. Sarah: Where is the library? Zhang Peng : A. Its in front of the school. B. Where is the school? C. Is there a library near here? ( )2.Stopatthe_. A.yellowlight B.greenlight C.redlight( )3.TheScienceMuseumisneartheschool_theright. A.on B.at C.in( )4.Isthereacinemanearyourhome?_ A.Yes,thereisnt.B.Yes,thereis.C.No,thereis.( )5.Ifyouwanttoseeadoctor,youcangotothe_. A.hospital B.library C.cinema()6.Howdoyougotoschool?Ioftengotoschool_foot. A.by B.on C.in( ) 8. Go straight for two minutes. Then _ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 9. Please come to my _ birthday party at 6 pm on Sunday. A. two B. twelve C. twelfth ( ) 10. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the _. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office( ) 11. Turn right _ the school, then go _. A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight( ) 12. Excuse me, where is the library? Its _ the cinema. A. next B. next to C. at( ) 13. Now let _ tell you how to come. A. my B. his C. me( ) 14. The museum is west_ the bookstore. A. at B. of C. in( ) 15. Walk straight _ five minutes. A. in B. to C. for三、读一读,将正确答句序号填到题前的括号内()1.Howdoyougotoschool? A.YoucangobytheNo.3bus.()2.HowcanIgettothebank? B.Sure,ifyoulike.()3.Whereisthepostoffice? C.Yes,thereis.()4.Isthereaparknearhere? D.UsuallyIgobybus.()5.CanIgobytrain? E.Itsinfrontoftheshoestore.四、连词成句1. byusuallyItoschoolgobus(.)_2.lightstopaatred(.)_3.bookstoretheisnextthetomuseum(.)_4.ongetthebusNo.1(.)_5.rightturntheatcinema(.)_五、选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话,5分A. next to B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. Go straight E. Youre welcome Amy: _. Can you tell me the way to the post office?Policeman: _. You can see the KFC.Amy: And then?Policeman: Its _ it.Amy: Oh, I see. _Policeman: _第三单元测试1、 选出不同类的单词( )1. A. Visit B. film C. See( )2. A. tomorrow B. morning C. evening( )3. A. art B. music C. lesson( )4. A.tonight B.week park( )5. A. homework B. picture C. draw二、读问句, 选择正确的答语。(每题2分,共10分)( )1. What are you going to do this evening?( )2. When is your sister going to the park?( )3. Who are you going with?( )4. Where is your friend going?( )5. Is she going to have an art lesson?A.Im going to cook a big meal.B.She is going there next Sunday.C.Hes going to the park.D.Yes, she is. E.Im going with my parents.( )1.Whereareyougoing? A.Bytrain.( )2.Whenareyougoing? B.Buyacomicbook.( )3.Whatareyougoing? C.Itseastofthecinema.( )4.Howdoyougotothezoo? D.At3oclock.( )5.Whereisthepostoffice? E.Thefruitstand三、读对话,选出下列划线单词的汉语释义。( )1.A: What are you going to do tonight? A今天 B今晚 C明晚( )2.B: Im going to see a film. A电影 B 电视 C看电影( )3.A: What are you going to do next week? A下周末 B晚上 C下周( )4.B: Im going to Beijing, How about you? A 大约 B关于 C 怎么样?( )5.A: Im going to visit my grandparents. A.看到 B.拍照 C拜访四、从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。( ) 1. I am going to _ my grandparents next week. A. visit B. visits C. visiting( ) 2. -What are you going _ on Sunday morning? -I am going to run in the park. A. to B. to do C. doing( ) 3. Im going to buy an _. A. comic book B. English book C. story book( ) 4. -Have a good time! -_ A. Thank you. B. Good. C. Yes.( ) 5.-How is Amy going tomorrow? -_ A. Beijing B. By plane C. On the weekend( )6.-_ are you going? -Im going to the cinema. A. What B. Where C. When( )7.Im going to visit my grandparents _. A. on Saturdays B. this weekend C. last weekend( )8.Why not _ on Tuesday? A. to go B. go C. going( )9.I am going to buy a comic book_ space. A. and B. with C. about( )10.Sarah _ going to buy a book this afternoon. A. is B. am C. Are第四单元测试1、 找出每小题中与众不同的那一个()1.A.penpalB.pencilcaseC.friend()2.A.violinB.pianoC.bike()3.A.stampB.dictionaryC.magazine()4.A.diveB.swimC.sleep()5.A.libraryB.hobbyC.postoffice二、连词成句。1.his,what.,hobbies,are._2.live,he,does,Sydney,in._3.readingstories,likes,he._4. also,I,like,and,doingkungfu,singing. 5. I,can,be,also,penpal,his. 三、为下列问句选择正确的答语。()1.Whatareyourhobbies?()2.Doesshegotoworkbybus?()3.Whatarehishobbies?()4.DoesJimliveinShanghai?()5.Doyoulikelisteningtomusic?()6.Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?()7.HowdoesyourfathergotoEngland?()8.Wheresyourhome?()9.IsyourmotheranEnglishteacher?()10.AreyougoingtotheGreatWallnextweek?A.Yes,shedoes.B.No,sheisnt.Sheisamathteacher.C.Helikesswimmingandplayingfootball.D.Imgoingtoswim.E.Itsneartheschool.F.HegoestoEnglandbyplane.G.Ilikereadingstoriesandgoinghiking.H.Yes,weare.I.Yes,Ido.J.No,hedoesnt四、单项选择。( )1. -What are your pen pals hobbies?-_ A. He likes doing kung fu and dancing. B. Hes doing kung fu.( )2. -Does your mother teach Chinese?-_ A. Yes, she does. B. No, she isnt.( )3. I _ like listening to music. A. too B. alsoX k ( )4.Tom_listeningtomusic. A.likesB.likeC.likingD.tolike( )5.Ilikeplaying_piano,butIdontlikeplaying_football. A.the,theB.the,/C./,theD./,/( )6.Iwriteanemail_AliceeverySunday. A.forB.toC.atD.Give( ) 7Do you like _? Yes, I do. Aswim Bswimming Care swimming DSwims( ) 8. -Whats your hobby? - _A. He is a student. B. Im reading a book. C. I like watching TV. D. I go to school on foot.( )9.What_yourhobbies?Ilikesinginganddoingkungfu. A.isB.areC.does( )10.Comeandmynewpenpal. A.lookB.seeC.watch( )11.Helivesafarm. A.inB.atC.On()12.CanIalsohispenpal? A.areB.isC.be()13.She_English. A.studyB.studiesC.Studying第五单元测试一、找出不同类的一项()1、A、postmanB、pilot C、taxi()2、A、cinemaB、postofficerC、postman()3、A、eveningB、businessmanC、nextweek()4、A、scienceB、scientist C、worker()5、A、fishmanB、plane C、policeofficer( )6、.A.postofficeB.cinema C.engineer二、选出正确的一项。( )1doesyourfatherdo? A、WhereB、HowC、What( )2、Myfatherisapilot.Heworks. A、inaschoolB、neartheseaC、inahospital( )3、doeshegotowork? -Hegoestoworkbybus. A、WhereB、HowC、What( )4、Wheredoesthemuseumshop? A、Itsapuzzle.B、Itsnearthewindow.C、Itsnearthedoor.( )5、Timisa,andheworksinafactory. A、scientistB、factoryworkerC、postman( )6.Timisgoingto_apoliceman. A.doB.beC.work( )7、.-What_yoursister_?-Sheisanaccountant. A.does;doB.is;doingC.did;do( )8、当你想知道她的职业时,问: A.Whatdoeshedo? B.Whatdoesshedo? C.Whatdoyoudo?( )9、John:Whatdoesyouruncledo? ChenJie:_. A.Hesanengineer.B.Hegoestoworkbybike.C.Helikesreadingnewspapers.( )10、Sarah:Wheredoesyourfatherwork? Tom:. A.HelikeswatchingTV. B.Hesateacher. C.Heworksinahospital.( )11、Amy:Whatdoesyourauntdo? Sam: A.Shelikescollectingstamps. B.ShesanactressonTV. C.Sheiscleaningtheroom.( )12、Tom:DoyoulikeEnglish? Jim:. A.Yes,Iam.B.No,Ido.C.Yes,Ido.( )13、Kate:DoesAlicelikeswimming? John:. A.Yes,Ido. B.Yes,shedoes.C.No,shedoes.三、选出正确的答语()1、WheredoesTomwork? A、Imgoingtoseeafilm.()2、Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow? B、Yes,shedoes.()3、Howdoeshegotowork? C、Heworksatasea.()4、Doesshelikegoinghiking? D、Hesafishman.()5、Whatdoesyourfatherdo? E、Hegoestoworkbybike四、连词成句1.does,father,what,your,do(?)_2.fisherman,is,mother,your,a(?)_3.uncle,a,is,my,factoryworker(.)_4.does,father,where,work,your(?)_5.does,he,how,work,to,go(?)_5、 读一读,补全句子1.- doesshedo? -Sheisa(科学工作者).2.- doeshework? -He atsea.3.-Whatdoesyourfatherdo? - isa .(教练)4.-Whatdoesyouruncledo? -Heisa .(警察)5.- doesyourfathergotowork?-Hetowork.(骑自行车)六、用适当的词补全对话:Jack:_doesyourmotherdo?Lily:Sheis_accountant.Jack:_doesshework?Lily:She_inacarcompany.Jack:_doesshegotowork?Lily:Shegoestowork_bus.第六单元测试1、 选出不同类的单词( )1、A. see B. wear C. Ill( )2、A. cold B. warm C. worried( )3、A. doctor B. exercise C. teacher( )4、A.zoo B.hospital C.wrong( )5、A. hurt B. angry C. chase( )6、A.angry B.run C.worried2、 选词填空。 hungry happy afraid sad ill ( )1. My mother is going to buy me a new computer. I am very _.( )2. I broken my bottle. I feel _. ( )3. I am so _. I want to eat some hot dogs.( )4. I dont feel well. Maybe I am _.( )5. The new teacher is very strict. I am _ of him. 三、选择最佳答案( )1. My little puppy is ill. I am _ A. happy B. sad C. angry( )2.Sarah and her cat are _. A. worry B. worried C. worries( )3. Come _, please. A. here B. to here C. there( )4. We can go _ time. A. last B. next C. on( )5. -How_ Sam feel?-_ is ill. A. do; She B. does; She C. does; He( )6.你想知道卡通片是关于什么的,你会问:_ A. Whats the cartoon? B. Whats the cartoon about? C. How is the cartoon?( )7.猫对老鼠很生气, 应该这样说:_ A. The cat is angry with the mice. B. The mice are angry with the cat. C. The cat is angry to the mice.( )8.你想知道你朋友怎么了, 你会说:_ A. Whats wrong? B. Do you feel ill? C. Are you ill?( )9.朋友的水杯不小心打碎了,你应该对她说:_ A. Dont be happy. B. Dont be sad. C. Dont be angry.( )10.Ifeelill.Ishould thismorning. A.eatsomefruitB.gotoschoolC.seethedoctor( )11.Thecatisangry them. A.forB.ofC.with( )12.Johnsmotherbuyshimanewfootball.Heis. A.angryB.happyC.good( )13.Dont .Iwontsitonyou. A.wrongB.happyC.Worry( )14.Myfatherisafisherman.Heworks thesea. A.inB.atC.on( )15.How Samfeel? A.doB.doesC.is四、根据汉语提示补全句子。1. If you are ill, you should _. (看医生)2. If you want to be strong, you should _. (做更多的锻炼)3. If you feel cold, you should _. (穿更多的衣服)4. If you are angry, you should _(深吸一口气)and _. (数到十)五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Ill go and get some _.(drink)2.Please wait for _.(I)3.Take a deep breath. Then you _ feel so angry. (wil)4. The mice _ not good. (be)5.Maybe our cat is _the mice now. (chase)六、连词成句1、afraid mice the are of the cat(.) 2、 is angry with the cat them (.)

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