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阅读理解训练Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. Aleem Walji works for Google.org - the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the companys first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, Google.org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats. Google.orgs second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says Google.org wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth. Google.org will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars. The creators of Google have promised to give Google.org about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future. 36. The purpose of Googles investments is to _. A) help poor people B) develop new technology C) expand its own business D) increase the power of information 37. According to Aleem Walji, the companys first project is to _. A) set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseases B) find out where infectious diseases develop C) identify the causes of infectious diseases D) cure patients of infectious diseases 38. What kind of businesses will benefit from Google.orgs second project? A) large enterprises B) cross-national companies C) foreign-funded corporations D) small and medium-sized businesses 39. From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Googles money is also invested to help _. A) start more research programs B) make more advanced electric cars C) develop renewable and coal-based energy D) conduct studies related to climate changes 40. From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by Google.org come from _. A) Googles profits and stock value B) some international IT companies C) the companys own interests D) local commercial banks Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. Your boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that. The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development. Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and priorities (优先的事). Observe and understand your bosss work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you. In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style. 41. The main idea of the first paragraph is that _. A) bosses are hard to deal with B) bosses have good character C) bosses determine your career future D) bosses must have similar personality 42. In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder” (Line 2) means _. A) going to work abroad B) changing jobs frequently C) being promoted in position D) pursuing an advanced degree 43. In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will _. A) do your best in your work B) show your management skills C) get along with your colleagues D) write reports to upper management 44. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is _. A) high expectations B) quick feedback C) frequent criticism D) effective communication 45. The best title for the passage might be _. A) How to Take Care Of Your Boss. B) How to Get Along with Your Boss C) How to Accept Your Bosss Criticism D) How to Accomplish Your Bosss Objective答案:36-40:ABDDA 41-45:CCADBAn ebook(also referred to as an electronic book,eBook,or e-book)is a digital version(版本)of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all,when you order an ebook,there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook. 36. From this passage,we learn that an ebook_. A) can be found in any library B) can be read directly from the Internet C) can be read by any one who has a computer D) can be read when special software is installed 37. The Ebook Reader is used for_. A) reading an ebook youve downloaded B) turning a print book into a digital version C) downloading an ebook from the Internet D) copying an ebook onto a portable computer 38. From this passage,we can learn that_. A) you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel B) you Can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader C) the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you D) it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook 39. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) An ebook is ordered in print book is. B) The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed. C) The downloading time is decided by the ebooks size. D) There is less fun reading an ebook than a print book. 40. The passage is mainly about_. A) a better way to download an Ebook B) a new kind of bookthe Ebooks C) the new version of Ebooks D) the fun of reading Ebooks Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. Check-in Requirements Passengers and their baggage must be checked in at least 45 minutes before departure for domestic flights and 60 minutes for international flights. Government-issued photo identification is required for all passengers. Passengers traveling across any international boundary(边界)are responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documents. Passengers may be denied boarding if travel documents are not in order. When check-in requirements are not met,a passenger may be separated from hisher bag. Frontier Airlines will gladly hold the bag in the destination baggage service office for pick-up at the passengers convenience. Passengers must be at the gate 20 minutes before departure for boarding. Free Baggage Allowance for Each Ticketed Passenger Frontier Airlines,Inc. will accept,per ticketed passenger,two free checked bags not to exceed 62 inches and 50 pounds per pieceone carryon bag and one personal item(purse,laptop,etc.). NOTE:A ticketed passenger may check one carry-on bag if it is within established limitations. All carry-on items must be put under a a shared overhead compartment(行李舱). Excessive(超重)Baggage Charges An excess charge will be made for each piece of baggage over the free allowance and for each piece of oversized or over-weight baggage. 41. An international flight passenger should check in at least_. A) 20 minutes before departure B) 30 minutes before departure C) 45 minutes before departure D) 60 minutes before departure 42. What is required of all domestic and international passengers for check-in? A) An invitation letter. B) A companys job offer。 C) An official photo identification. D) An official immigration permit. 43. How much baggage is a ticketed passenger allowed free of charge? A) One piece. B) Two pieces. C) Three pieces. D) Four pieces. 44. What will passengers have to do if their baggage is over the free allowance? A) To pay extra money. B) To carry it themselves. C) To ask for special permit. D) To drop the excessive item. 45. This passage is probably taken from_. A) an advertisement of an airline B) a notice for airline passengers C) a schedule of an international flight D) an introduction to an airline company答案:36-40:DAACB 41-45:DCBABhe iMOVE database(数据库) information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs. Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider. To guarantee high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria (标准). All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions. 36. The iMOVE database is intended for persons who _. A) seek a job as a language translator B) are interested in the German language C) want to be employed by German companies D) wish to work for professional training providers 37. The iMOVE programs are carried out by _. A) language training centers B) German training providers C) special service developers D) overseas employment advisers 38. held in Germany are taught in _. A) German B) English C) French D) Chinese 39. Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards? A) Offering different language courses. B) Providing modern training facilities. C) Starting training courses overseas. D) Developing quality standards. 40. The purpose of the passage is to _. A) advertise the iMOVE database B) make German companies more popular C) hire overseas employees to work in Germany D) encourage people to learn more foreign languages Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. It is so easy to earn rewards! A wide range of partners wherever you go To make traveling even easier, Air France offers you Frequency Plus (常旅客里程奖励计划) through an extensive network of our partners. Together, they give you endless opportunities to earn Miles and a wide choice of Rewards, from airline tickets, hotel room-nights, car rentals and more. Partners in China If you are a Frequency Plus member registered in China, you have even more choices with rewards from our local partners. For more information, please contact your local Air France office. First rewards start as low as 20,000 Miles! Your Temporary Card that will make you get your first Reward, now. a) Show your Temporary Card and simply give your Card number when making a reservation and at check-in for your flight. In this way, you will begin to earn Miles even before receiving your Permanent Card. b) Fill in and return your personal membership (会员) application today. Your application must be received within 3 weeks of your first flight. Remember, you will enjoy an extra 3,000 Bonus Miles (额外奖励里程) for your first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining. Fly today and earn Rewards sooner! 41. Air France carries out its Frequency Plus _. A) through its reduced ticket prices B) through its extensive network of partners C) by providing convenient flight schedules D) by offering excellent services on board 42. In order to get the first reward, passengers must fly at least _. A) for 6 months B) 20,000 miles C) 3,000 bonus Miles D) once in three weeks 43. Passengers can begin to earn Miles _. A) if they reserve tickets at a hotel B) if they buy tickets at the airport C) before receiving the Permanent Card D) after receiving the Permanent Card 44. Passengers should send their application to Air France _. A) upon receiving the application form B) within 3 weeks of their first flight C) before their first flight with Air France D) within 6 months of joining the program 45. The extra bonus Miles for a passengers first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining is _. A) 2,000 miles B) 3,000 miles C) 20,000 miles D) 30,000 miles 答案:36-40:CBBDA 41-45:BBCBBIt is the vision (设想) of the Public Transit Police Department to achieve a transit system free from crime and disorder. are designed to enhance safety, increase riders and preserve the quality of our systems structure. Transit has its own police force committed to the safety of its customers and drivers, serving seven counties and 85 cities in the region. There are 23 full-time officers, 146 part-time officers and five administrative (行政的) staff, devoted to one thing: public safety. Youve probably seen Transit Police officers patrolling(巡逻)bus routes in cars or on foot. During visits with drivers, Transit Police either ride along or they step on board to greet drivers and passengers. Sometimes officers patrol out of uniform one could be on your next bus. The fare inspectors on Hiawatha light-rail trains areTransit Police officers. Every new Public Transit bus has an onboard security camera. Videotapes from these cameras help Transit Police identify and charge criminals. Downtown patrols built up in early 2002 have improved the quality of life for downtown residents and transit customers. Ten full-time police officers are assigned to the Minneapolis and St. Paul downtown areas, to ensure public security. Downtown arrests have gone from 490 in April-September 2001 to 941 during the same period in 2002. 36. The responsibility of the police force of Public Transit is to _. A) enhance public security B) build a free transit system C) control the number of riders D) ensure a convenient transit system 37. Sometimes patrolling officers on because _. A) they look like fare inspectors B) they dont wear uniform C) they are polite to passengers D) they often take a back seat 38. The purpose of installing a camera inside the new buses is to _. A) keep a close watch over the road ahead B) take pictures of the passengers on board C) increase the efficiency of the transit system D) help the transit police detect criminals 39. Two figures are mentioned in the last paragraph to indicate _. A) the Public Transit systems efficiency B) the success of Transit Police program C) the polices emphasis on security of downtown areas D) the worsening security condition of the area 40. The best title for the passage might be _. A) Police and Security B) New Security Measures C) Transit Police Security Program D) Crime-free Public Transit System Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. The White House is the most visited residence in the world. Tours may be scheduled through our Washington DC office. Due to security and scheduling procedures, there are a few things you should know before requesting a tour: Only groups of 10 or more may request a tour. Requests must be submitted with a minimum of one months advance notice from the date of the tour. Notice of whether your application is accepted will be given 10 days prior to the date requested. All tours, even after they have been confirmed, are subject to cancellation due to security interests. Tours are only conducted Tuesday through Saturday from 7:30 am to 11:30 am. To process your request for a tour, please contact our Washington office at (202) 224-5521 and provide the following information: Date(s) requesting. Security information for each person in your party, including: name as it appears on I.D. (I.D. required for ages 14 and up), date of birth, social security number, country of origin, and citizenship (公民的身份). A home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for the designated (指派的) leader of the group. A contact number while in DC for the designated leader of the group. After your request is , our office will contact you with further instructions. 41. This notice is to provide information about _. A) scheduling of Washington DC tours B) the security system of the White House C) application for a tour of the White House D) duties of a tour group leader 42. The White House is open to the public _. A) on weekdays only B) five days a week C) every other day D) on weekends only 43. Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted _. A) exactly on the date of application B) at least 30 days in advance C) any day between Tuesday and Saturday D) 10 days before the date of the tour 44. After your tour request has been confirmed, _. A) it is still possible that your tour may be cancelled B) you are still allowed to change your visiting date C) you can surely visit the White House that day D) it is necessary for you to start your tour immediately 45. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A) teenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White House B) foreigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White House C) separate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitors D) security is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours 答案:36-40:DBDBC 41-45:CBBADMe


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