英语:Unit 2《King Lear》Writing课件(新人教版选修10)

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英语:Unit 2《King Lear》Writing课件(新人教版选修10)_第1页
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英语:Unit 2《King Lear》Writing课件(新人教版选修10)_第3页
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Writing,How to write a play,READING TASK,1 Read or listen to the final part of the play in groups with each person taking the part of a different character. If theres anything you dont understand, ask the group to help you.,Part 6 concludes the play. In this part, Cordelia and Lear are reconciled, but then the French army loses and Cordelia and Lear are taken prisoner. Goneril poisons Regan and then kills herself out of shame. Meanwhile Gonerils husband, the Duke of Albany,故事梗概,finds out that the sisters have ordered that Cordelia be hanged. He tries to prevent it but is too late. After her death, Lear once more goes mad and then dies. Albany then declares that the kingdom will be ruled by the son of Lears friend, the Duke of Gloucester.,2 Read Part 6 again and answer the questions.,1 At the beginning of Part 6 Lear is mad. What happens to make him come out of his madness?,2 When Cordelia and Lear are taken prisoner, why does Lear want to go to prison? 3 While they are in prison, Lear goes mad again, what causes this? 4 At the end of the play, why does Kent stop Albany from trying to help Lear?,5 Why did Albany change sides and try to save Cordelia? 6 What is going to happen to Lears kingdom now that his family is dead? Do you think this will be a good thing? Why?,1 Lear is given medicine by the doctors and his daughter talks to him.,2 Lear wants to live away from the rest of the world with only Cordelia for company. He wants to spend the rest of his life asking for her forgiveness.,3 Cordelia is hanged and Lear once more goes mad.,4 Kent believes Lear no hinger wants to live (“he hates this world and cannot bear to live in it any longer“) and should be allowed to die.,5 Because he hates the cruel way his wife is behaving.,6 The Duke of Gloucesters son will become king. Shakespeare intends us to think this is a good thing because the kingdom will have only one ruler and there will be no more fighting.,Steps to complete a play:,1. 小组讨论,确定剧本题材和类型; 2. 确定故事中的人物,商定故事情节; 3. 完成下表; 4. 编剧; 5. 演出。,How King Lear is organized (in Part I):,1. King Lear wants to retire and decides to give his land to three daughters. 2. He wants to know how much they love him.,3. Goneril and Regan make the king happy by saying they love him very much. They get the land. 4. Cordelia makes the king angry by being honest and not flattering him. She gets nothing. 5. Kent, the servant, makes the king angry by defending Cordelia and begging the king to listen to the truth.,How King Lear is organized (in Part II):,1. Two suitors: the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy 2. The Duke of Burgundy refuses to marry Cordelia after knowing she has no riches to bring.,How King Lear is organized (in Part III):,1. Kent will not abandon his king and disguises himself as a servant. 2. Soldiers tell the King that he is not being treated well.,3. Kent beats Oswald for his disrespectful behaviour. 4. Gonefil is angry with her father. 5. King Lear decides to leave.,King Lear has three daughters. He is old and wants to divide his kingdom among his three daughters; He is going to do this through a “love test“.,How King Lear is organized:,flattery vs honesty; words vs action,His first two daughters flatter him with nice words, but the youngest daughter insists on telling the truth.,Hearing the truth, the king gets very angry. He gives all his land to the first two daughters and leaves nothing to the youngest one.,The youngest daughter becomes Queen of France. After getting what they want, the two daughters treat King Lear disrespectfully.,King Lear realizes that money cannot buy true love and true love is expressed by action not words.,Homework,1.Read the whole play of King Lear and try to understand how Shakespeare compose the play; 2.Try to find an old story from our Chinese history and culture and compose a play, into a tragedy or comedy as you like, in group.,

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