选修九 4.1《Unit 4 Key to exercises in the workbook (I)》PPT课件(新课标人教版-选修9)

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)9-4.1,Listening (First listening) Before you listen to the tape, look at the pictures. One is of a tropical rainforest and the other is of a tropical rainforest that has been cut down. In groups, answer the questions. 1 In which parts of the world would you find tropical rainforests? 2 Why do you think rainforests are being cut down? 3 Why do you think tropical rainforests are important to the world?,1,Suggested answers to Exercise 1: 1 Tropical rainforests occur in three major regions: Asia, Africa and Central and South America. 2 As populations increase, people need more land to live on. There are also mining companies which destroy forests in their search for minerals.,3 Because there are about 10 million species of plant and animal in the world. More than half of these live in the tropical rainforests. The rainforest could provide us with cures for diseases. Also, rainforests absorb a lot of rain so that theres a constant supply of clean water running into rivers and lakes.,Second listening Listen to Ed Walker interviewing Dr Anne Butler about the destruction of tropical rainforests. Number the topics below in the order in which you hear about them.,2,the area of the earths land covered by tropical rainforest reasons why rainforests are being destroyed the rate of rainforest destruction some consequences of rainforests being destroyed the best way to make money from rainforests,Now listen again. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements. 1 Rainforests cover 14% of the earths land surface. 2 More than half of the rainforests have disappeared. 3 150 acres of rainforest are destroyed every day. 4 In 40 years time we might not have any rainforests left on earth. 5 People can make more money from harvesting rainforest plants than from cutting down the rainforests.,3,Third listening Listen again. Write notes under the headings below.,4,深圳:刘超英,to provide land for people to live on to plant crops to start farms to make money from firewood,the loss of thousands of species of plant and animal the loss of the opportunity to find new drugs to treat diseases,深圳:刘超英,to sell wood for building materials, furniture and paper to search for minerals (mining companies),the increase in global warming flooding ( rain cant be absorbed if there are no trees),LISTENING TEXT THE DESTRUCTION OF TROPICAL RAINFORESTS Ed Walker (E) is interviewing Dr Anne Butler (A ) about the destruction of tropical rainforests. E: Anne, we hear a lot these days about how quickly tropical rainforests are disappearing. A: Yes, thats right. Rainforests now cover only 6% of the earths land surface. They used to cover about 14%, so more than half of the,worlds tropical rainforests have been destroyed, and thats in les5 than 50 years. Over 150 acres of rainforest is lost every minute in Asia, Africa, Central and South American. E: Thats unbelievable. A: Yes, its frightening. The last remaining rainforests could be gone in less than 40 years. E: But why is this happening? A: Well, there are a number of reasons. As populations increase, people need more land to,live on. Forests an cut down to plant crops or to start farms. The wood is sold for firewood or building materials, furniture and paper, for example. And there are also mining companies which destroy the forests in their search for minerals. E: I suppose people have to make a living. A: Yes, but you know, people can make more money by harvesting things like fruits, nuts and oils, as well as plants that can be used in medicine than by cutting down the forests.,E. Oh really? I didnt know that. Now, could you outline some of the reasons why its not a good idea to destroy rainforests? A: Sure. You must have heard about the rich animal and plant life in tropical rainforests. Well, there are about 10 million species of plants and animals in the world. More than half of these live in the tropical rainforests. So, destroying rainforests means that thousands of these species are dying out before weve even realized it.,E: Ive heard too that the rainforest could provide us with cures for diseases. A: Yes, there are certainly many new drugs waiting to be discovered. Another problem is that the destruction of foists contributes to global warming. Also, rainforests absorb a lot of rain so that theres a constant supply of clean water running into river and lakes. If the trees are cut down, the rain isnt absorbed and there is flooding.,E: So, what can individuals do to help slow down the destruction? A: Thats a good question . (fade out),Talking Suggested answers to Exercise 1: Buy renewable rainforest products. Support organisations that are fighting to save the worlds rainforests. Tell the government and people around you that you are against the destruction of tropical rainforests. Follow the 3 “Rs“: reduce, reuse and recycle so that not so much new wood and minerals are needed.,Suggested answers to Exercise 2: 1 South Hainan, Yunnan, Taiwan, southeast and some parts of Guangdong, Guangxi, Tibet. 2 Chinas tropical rainforests are rapidly disappearing because of farming practices that cause a decrease in wildlife and degradation of the soil. In the last several decades it is estimated that around 60% of the rainforests in Yunnan and on Hainan Island have been lost.,3 Chinas remaining tropical rainforests need to be protected, because they provide us thousands of species of plant and animal and the opportunity to find new drugs to treat diseases. 4 Answers may vary.,Using Words and Expressions Answer key for Exercise 1: Answers to clues 1 balcony 2 beard 3 crew 4 dove 5 monument 6 odour 7 seaweed 8 pyramid 9 spade 10 ripe 11 fragrant 12 spear 13 string 14 weed,Answer key for Exercise 2: explore _ irrigate _ restrict _ evolve _,exploration,irrigation,restriction,evolution,1 It hasnt rained for months. As a result, the government has put a _ on the amount of water we can use. 2 For a week we _ the coast, camping in the most beautiful places wed ever seen. 3 I am very interested in how plants and animals have changed over time. In fact, I think Ill study _ when I go to university. 4 To save water, Im going to set up an _ system in the garden.,restriction,explored,evolution,irrigation,Using structures 1 They believed that the case contained the treasure stolen from the museum. 2 Sue reminded me that it was Anns birthday in three days time. 3 My parents advised me that I (should) accept the job offer. 4 I promised that I would work hard for the rest of the year.,5 Most audiences consider that she is the best singer in the country today. 6 I suggested that we (should) bring the meeting to an end. 7 Doctors believe that exercise is important to your health. 8 The government ordered that people (should) decrease their use of coal fires.,Suggested answers to Exercise 2: 1 We were told that the exhibition was planned for today but it has been postponed to next week. 2 Id like to find out where that delicate perfume comes from. 3 I daresay youll find the film dull after watching it just for five minutes. 4 She asked me which museums in Paris I liked best. 5 Nobody knows why the conflict / war between the two countries has lasted for so many years.,


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