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卷I听力测试(30分)听力I(20分)温馨提示:听力I共四个部分,分别听完这四部分的材料后,先将各部分的试题在卷I上选做出来,等包括听力II在内的听力材料全部结束后,再将答题卡上与各小题的所选答案对应的答题框涂黑。I、听1-5共五个句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图画,并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。(5分) A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II、听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。每个句子读两遍。(5分)6. A. Thank you. B. Never. C. By bus. 7. A. Mr. Zeng. B. Yes, he is. C. A teacher. 8. A. All right. B. Im all right. C. Here you are. 9. A. Good idea. B. The same to you. C. You are welcome.10.A. Aunt. B. Cousin. C. Uncle.III、听五段对话,根据其内容及各小题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。每段对话读两遍。(5分)11. A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.12. A. 7:00. B. 7:30. C. 8:30.13. A. He was ill.B. He is ill. C. He isnt well.14. A. Last summer. B. Last autumn. C. Last winter.15. A. Playing basketball.B. Playing volleyball. C. Playing footballIV、听一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。短文读两遍。(5分)16.When did Thanksgiving Day begin?A. Almost 300 years ago. B. Almost 400 years ago. C. Almost 500 years ago. 17. Where did a group of people settle down(定居) in 1620?A. In America. B. In Englad. C. In Canada.18. Why did half of them die from diseases? A. Without fresh air. B. Without fresh water. C. Without fresh food 19. Why did they hold a feast(宴会) for after harvest in 1621?A. To show their happiness. B. To show their thanks. C. To celebrate someones birthday. 20. Which day was regarded as a day of thanksgiving in 1863?A. The last Thursday in November. B. The first Thursday in November.C. The last Thursday in December.听力II(10分) 本部分试题在卷II(7175小题)。综合运用(40分)I、单项选择(15分) (从下列各题所给的选项A、B、C、D中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。)21. _ train runs faster than _ bus.A. The; an B. The; a. C. A; the D. A; a22. Lets go shopping, _?A. shall we B. wont you C. will you D. dont you23. You _ read in bed. A. had better not B. had not better C. not had better D. had better24. Work hard, _ you will pass the exam. A. or B. and C. but D. so25. _ hot the weather is today! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How26If Jane _ back tomorrow evening, I dont know if I _ her. A. comes; will visit B. comes; visit C. will come; visit D. will come; will visit27. The number of the gold monkeys in the zoo _ 50. A. are B. is C. has D. have28. It is time _ us _ have breakfast.A. for; to B. to; for C. for; D. to; to29.Many _ people like watching TV.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of30. _ the doctors, my uncle was saved.A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Although D. Thank to31. Would you like coffee or tea? _ . A. Both B. All C. Either D. Or 32. The word is new. You can _ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. look up it C. look it over D. look over it33. _ ants _ bees are hard-working. I like them a lot.A. Such; that B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. So; that 34Please be quiet! I have _ to tell you. A. important something B. something important C. anything important D. important anything35. Do you know the woman over there? Yes, she is _ aunt. A. Lilys and Lucys B. Lily and Lucy C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and LucysII、完形填空(10分) (阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。)Thomas Alva Edison was a great 36 . _ inventor. When he was a child, he was always asking questions and 37 out new ideas. No matter how hard it was, he never _38_ . Young Tom was in school for only three 39 . His teachers didnt understand why this new pupil had 40 strange questions. Most of the questions had 41 to do with his lessons. Then he was away from school. His mother taught him 42 to read and write. And she found him to 43 a very good pupil. He learnt very fast and 44 science.At the age of 22, he became an inventor. During his lifetime, he had 1,093 inventions. He would keep trying out different ideas until he invented 45 he wanted. Thomas Edison said that he thought more of a person who has one idea and makes it work, than of a person who has a thousand ideas but doesnt do anything about them.36. A. GermanB. American C. Australian37. A. tryingB. tries C. tried38. A. gave back B. gave in C. gave up39. A. monthB. months C. year40. A. so many B. so much C. much too41. A. somethingB. anything C. nothing42. A. hers B. her C. herself43. A. is B. be C. was44. A. was interested atB. was interested on C. was interested in45. A. what B. how C. whoIII、情景交际(15分)(1)从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。(5分) A B46. Hello, is that Li Ming? A. My pleasure.47. Thank you for helping me. B. Its only 80 yuan.48. How much is the dress? C. Thanks.49. Next Friday Ill have a chemistry test. D. Good luck! 50. You look cool today! E. Yes, please speaking.(2)从框里选择填入对话相应空白处的适当选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将涂黑(10分) A. Thank you, dad.B. Where have you been?C. Yes, he is.D. Excuse me.E. Whats wrong with him?F. Were you sick?A. Steve, why do you get home so late?B. Sorry, dad.A. _ 51 B. Ive been to the hospital. A. What? 52 B. No, I sent Peter to the hospital. A. Oh, really? 53 B: He suddenly had a terrible stomachache on the way home.A: Is he better now?B: 54 . A. Good for you! my dear. Im very glad you can help others. B. 55 阅读理解(40分)I、阅读理解(20分) (阅读I和II两篇短文,从56-65每小题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。) The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens in 1896. Since then many countries have successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the USA and so on. After more than a century, in 2004 the Games returned to its hometown, Athens. The Olympic Games is held every four years. When people hold it, they always make an emblem(会徽). The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games is a white circle of olive branches in the sky. The coming Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. And China has already made a seal(印章) as the emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games. The emblem has a single Chinese character on the seal and means “Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing” . Below it, there are the words “Beijing 2008”. The character in the emblem is “Jing”. It means “capital” of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer. The running figure(人形)on the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympicsfaster, higher and stronger.56. The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens in _.A. 1896. B. 2000. C. 2004. D. 2008 57. Whats the emblem of the Athens Olympic Games?A. Its a red seal with a single character.B. Its a white circle of olive branches in the skyC. Its a five-ring flag. D. Its a white circle of olive branches in the sea58. Which country will the coming Olympic Games will be held in?A. Canada. B. Australia. C. China. D. The USA.59. The character in the emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games is _.A. “Bei” B. “Jing” C. “Ting” D. “Hai”60. Whats the spirit of the Olympics?A. Many, more and most B. Far, further and furthestC. Good, better and best D. Fast ,higher and stronger Accident Report FormAccidentA bus crashed into a hill.Weather conditionsIt was raining heavily.Date of callMay 27th, 2007.Time of call5:04 p.m.Name of callerMr. Yang.PlaceGuizun Road in Tongren.Conditions of victims(受伤者)Mr.Yang hurt his head.A young girl hurt her right leg.An old man hurt his arms.ActionPolicemen arrived after ten minutes and sent the victims to No.2 Peoples Hospital in Tongren.根据表格内容,选择正确答案。61. What was the weather like that day?A.It was a sunny day. B. It was a rainy day. C. It was a windy day . D. It was a snowy day.62. Who called the police?A. Mr.Yang B. The driver. C. An old man. D. A young girl.63. How many people were hurt in the traffic accident?A. Five B.Four. C.Three. D.Two.64.When did the policemen reach the place that the accident happened?A. At 5:04 p.m. B. At 5:14 p.m. C. At 5:24 p.m.D. At 5:30 p.m.65. Which of the following is wrong?A. The bus crashed into a hill. B. The traffic accident happened on Guizun Road in Tongren.C. A young girl hurt her right leg.D. An old woman hurt her arms.II、阅读判断(根据短文内容判断66-70题的正误。正确的用A,错误的用B,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑) Bill looks worried because he is having trouble in learning English. He likes English but he cant get the pronunciation right. His teacher said listening could help him and lent him some tapes. She told Bill to listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for him. The other problem is that Bill cant remember all the new words. His teacher asked him to write the new words in a notebook and study them at home or on the train to school. She also told Bill to join an English club to practice speaking English. Bill was thankful to his teacher. He joined an English club and even found a pen friend to practice with.66. Bill looks worried because his schoolbag was lost.67. Bill has three difficulties in learning English.68. Bills teacher told him listening could help him learn English well.69. Bill can remember all the new words in a short time.70. Bill was very thankful to his teacher.III任务型阅读(10分) 本部分试题在卷II(76-80小题)卷II听力II(10分)(听一篇短文,根据所听到的短文内容填写表格。答案务必另书写于答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置。)The Water World Swimming PoolBusiness hours: 71_ to 6:30 p.mCost for adults: 72_Cost for students: 73_74_ morning for: Mothers and babiesCaf will be open up: 75_任务型阅读(10分)(阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容填一正确的单词完成7680小题。答案书写于答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置。) We live in the computer age. Computers can help people do much of work. But few people know how to take care of them. Remember the following when you use your computer:1. keep your computer in a dry cool room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Damp(潮湿) is bad for them, too.2. Do not smoke near your computer. Smoking is also bad for them.3. Do not drink and not eat near computers. A little water and pieces of food in the keyboard are also bad for a computer.4. Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. They are bad for your eyes. Make sure the screen is not too far from or too near to your eyes when you use a computer. What can computers do for people?Computers can do 76_ _ _ for peopleWhere should computers be put?They should be put in a 77_ _ _What is bad for a computer?Too much or too little heat, damp in the room;Smoking, 78_, _ near a computerWhy dont we keep the screen of a computer too bright?Because it is bad for our 79_Can computers work well at -3 0C,210C or 360C?80.At _ 书面表达(40分)I.单词拼写(10分)i.根据括号里所给的汉语写出英语单词。答案书写于答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置。81. He wakes up _(早早地) every morning .82. It is our _(责任) to protect the environment .83. Todays _(家庭作业) is Exercise 1.84. Last year we took a lot of _(照片) in Shanghai. 85. Can you tell me the _(路) to the Post Office?ii. 根据句意和空缺处所给首字母写单词。答案书写于答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置。86. People often have a chat on the I_.87. The first day of a week is S_.88. Its a q _ past seven now.89. You can use it to draw a straight line. It is a r_. 90. How often do you go to the school library? O_ week .II.短文改错(10分)下列短文的划线部分是错误的,请将其正确答案书写于答题卡卷II各小题规定的位置。Frank is a schoolboy. She doesnt study hard at his lessons. So his 91 teachers dont like him. But he think he is the cleverest in his class. One 92 afternoon, Frank goes home at school. He is very hungry and says to his 93 mother, “ Mum, Im hungry. Could I have anything to eat?” “Supper 94 is not ready now. But here are two apples, you can eat it first.” says 95 his mother.So Frank takes the two apples in his hands. He looks on the apples 96 and says. “Mum, I has three apples now. Please look, this is the first 97 ones and this is the second one. Isnt one and two three? Im clever, 98 you see.” “Oh, yes, you is very clever, Frank.” says his mother 99 “Now, please gives me the first one. Give your father the second one100 And you eat the third one.”III写作(20分)温馨提示:(短文书写于答题卡卷II规定的位置。)渝怀铁路开通后,有许多外地游客前来铜仁旅游观光。假如你是导游,请你根据以下提示向游客简要介绍我区情况。词数要求:80词左右。1. 贵州东北部,人口380万;2. 梵净山、锦江河和石阡温泉;3. 云海、日出和蘑菇石; 4. 清澈,钓鱼、划船; 5. 洗澡,放松。提示词:Hot Spring in Shiqian; the sea of clouds; the sunrise; the mushroom stone文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Tongren. Tongren is a place with a long history. _ I hope you can have a good time in Tongren! Thank you!2007年铜仁地区高中阶段教育招生统一考试英语听力材料与参考答案I、听1-5共五个句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图画。1. This kind of animal lived on the earth about 65 million years ago.2. You cant see this kind of animal in winter.3. This kind of animal lives only in China.4. We can see this kind of animal only in Australia.5. In China people eat a lot of meat of this kind of animal.II、听五个句子,分别选择其相应的应答语.6. How do you usually go to school, Tom?7. Who is your Chinese teacher?8. Excuse me! May I borrow your dictionary?9. What about going swimming with me?10. What do you call your uncles daughter?III、听五段对话,根据其内容及各小题的问题选择正确选项.11.Hello, Lucy. Do you go to school by bike? No, I walk to school every day.Q: How does Lucy go to school?12.Hi, Tom, Lets go to the Wenbi Mountain tomorrow, shall we? Good idea. When shall we meet? What about eight thirty? Why not come half an hour earlier? OK. See you tomorrow.Q: What time will they meet?13. Hi, Cao Yan. You didnt come to school yesterday. Whats wrong? I was ill in bed. But now I feel better.Q: What happened to Cao Yan yesterday?14. I went to Kunming last autumn. Have you been there before, Uncle Wang? Yes. I went there in November last year.Q: When did Uncle Wang go to Kunming?15.I like playing basketball and running. Could you tell me what your hobbies are, Li Peng? I like many sports, such as basketball, volleyball and football. But volleyball is my favourite. Its interesting.Q: which sport does Li Peng like best?IV、听一篇短文,根据短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案.Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, a group of people went to America by ship, After two months they got to a place in America. During their first winter, over half of the people died because there was no fresh food. Those who didnt die began to plant crops in the first spring. Later, they had a good harvest. To show their thanks they held a feast Years later, President of the United States made the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today. 听力II(10分)(听一篇短文,根据所听到的短文内容填写表格。)The Water World Swimming Pool is open every day from eight oclock in the morning until half past seven in the evening. It costs two pounds sixty to enter the pool. There is special price for students with a student card. The price is one pound forty. But you must bring your student card with you. On Wednesday morning the swimming pool is only open to mothers and babies. So mothers can enjoy themselves in the water with their babies, please leave your older children at home on Wednesday mornings. The new Water World caf will be open up on the 22nd , June. From the caf you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim. Thank you for calling and we look forward to seeing you here.参考答案:1-5. BDCEA 6-10.CACAB 11-15. ABACB 16-20. BACBA21-25. DAABD 26-30. ABADB 31-35. CABBD36-40. BACBA 41-45. CCBCA46-50 EABDC 51-55. BFECA56-60. ABCBD 61-65. BADBD 66-70. BBABA71. 8:00 a.m 72.Two pounds sixty/2.6 73. One pound forty/1.4. 74. (On) Wednesday 75. June 22nd76. much of work 77. dry cool room 78. drinking eating 79. eyes 80. 210C81. early 82. duty 83. homework 84. photos/pictures 85. way86. Internet 87. Sunday 88. quarter 89. ruler 90. Once91. He 92. thinks 93. from 94. something 95. them 96. at 97. have 98. one 99. are 100. give书面表达:略英语试卷第10页共10页


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