Join in四年级下英语单元知识点期未复习总结.doc

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英语Join In 四年级下学期单元知识点总结备注:1. Words1属于“四会”(熟练认、读、背诵、听写)单词,Words2要求能熟练认、读、听、说。2. Sentences1要求能理解,熟练掌握并灵活运用。Sentences2要求能理解,熟练认读,背诵。Starter unitWords1:clothes love many place trousers uniform school uniform衣服 爱 许多 地方 裤子 制服 校服year tree tea flag best boring年级 树 茶 旗帜 最好的 无聊的Sentences 1:1. Where are you from? 你来自哪儿?-Im from Australia. Im new to the class. 我来自澳大利亚。我是新来的同学。2. What about you? 你呢?3. Lets be friends. 让我们交个朋友吧。Sentences 2:1. Have you got a school uniform? 你有校服吗? -Yes, I have. 是的,我有。2. What is your uniform like? 你的校服是什么样的?-It is a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue trousers. 一件白色衬衫,一件蓝色夹克和一条蓝色裤子。3. Do you like the uniform? 你喜欢你的校服吗?-No, I dont. Its boring. 不,我不喜欢。太单调无趣了。4. Do you wear your uniform everyday? 你们每天都穿校服吗?-Yes, we wear it to school. 是的,我们穿它去学校。Unit 1 Time 时间Words1:clock watch half midnight hour minute slow strike钟 手表 一半 午夜 小时 分钟 慢的 敲,报时整点和半点的表达: o clock half past Phrases:(词组)get up go to school have lunch do sport go home go to bed起床 去上学 吃午饭 做运动 回家 睡觉do my homework 做我的家庭作业Sentences 1:1. 询问时间What time is it? =Whats the time? 现在几点了?- Its two oclock. 现在是2点钟。-Its half past twelve. 现在是12点半。2. What time do you ? 你几点做.?-I at half past six. 我6点半做-I .at six oclock. 我6点做例:What time do you get up? 你几点起床? -I get up at half past six. 我6点半起床。What time do you go to school? 你几点去上学?-I go to school at seven oclock. 我7点钟去上学。What time do you have lunch ? 你几点吃午饭? -I have lunch at twelve oclock. 我12点钟吃午饭。What time do you do sport? 你几点做运动?-I do sport at four oclock. 我4点钟做运动。What time do you do your homework? 你几点做你的家庭作业-I do your homework at seven oclock. 我7点钟做我的家庭作业What time do you go to bed? 你几点睡觉?-I go to bed at half past nine. 我9点半去睡觉。3. have/has got (有)当句子主语是第三人称单数(he/she/ it)时,用has got;当句子主语是第一人称I/we,第二人称you和第三人称复数时, 用have got例:Ive (I have got) a clock. 我有一个时钟。 Youve (You have got)got a clock. 你有一个时钟。 Hes (He has got)got a clock. 他有一个时钟。Shes (She has got)got a clock. 她有一个时钟。4. How many are there in a/an ? 一.有多少.?-There are in a 例:How many days are there in a week? 一周有多少天?-There are seven days in a week. 一周有7天。How many hours are there in a day? 一天有多少个小时?-There are twenty-four hours in a day. 一天有24小时。How many minutes are there in an hour? 一小时有多少分钟?-There are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有60分钟。Sentences 2: 1. It is half past three on the clock on the table. 在桌子上的时钟现在是3点半。2. One is the other is.一个另外一个.One is on the floor, the other is on a chair. 一个(钟)在地板上,另外一个在一把椅子上。3. That cant be the time. 不可能是那个时间。4. Your watch is 30 minutes slow. 你的表慢了30分钟。5. Whats the time on your watch, Dad? 爸爸,你的表现在几点了?6. At two oclock my crazy clock strikes four. 2点钟时,我那疯狂的中报时四下。Unit 2 Friends 朋友Words1:music sport spider kite butterfly (butterflies) wolf (wolves) 音乐 运动 蜘蛛 风筝 蝴蝶 狼 rat cap fruit apple pineapple pear banana grape 老鼠 帽子 水果 苹果 菠萝 梨 香蕉 葡萄orange subject Chinese Maths English Science Art PE橙子 科目/课程 中文 数学 英语 科学 美术 体育family name 姓 Words2:group team American football later L.A.Lakers (音乐)组合 队 美式足球 后来,以后 洛杉矶湖人队 Phrases:(词组)my best friend play together at Dianas place a white dog give .to我最好的朋友 一起玩 在Diana 家 一只白色的狗 把给句型1:1. What do you like? I like books and dogs.你喜欢什么? 我喜欢书和狗. 2. What does she/he like? She/He likes music and sport.她/他喜欢什么? 她/他喜欢音乐和运动.3. Whats his name? His name is Terry.他叫什么名字? 他叫Terry.4. Whos your best friend? Anna is my best friend.你最好的朋友是谁? 是Anna5. How old is she? She is nine years old.她几岁? 她九岁.6. How old are you? I am eleven.你几岁? 我11岁.7. When is her birthday? Her birthday is in April./ Its in April.她什么时候生日? 在四月.8. Whats her favourite food? Her favourite food is pizza.她最喜欢的食物是什么? 她最喜欢比萨.9. What has he got? He has got a cat.他有什么? 他有一只猫.句型2:1. He likes basketball best. 他最喜欢篮球。2. L.A.Lakers is his favourite basketball team. 洛杉矶湖人队是他最喜欢的篮球队。3. Can you come to my place this afternoon? No, I cant.你今天下午去我家吗? 不, 我不去.4.Im going to Dianas. 我打算去Diana家.5. Are you all right? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.你还好吗? 是的. /不.6. Whats the matter? Emma is going to Dianas place this afternoon.有什么事? Emma 打算今天下午到Diana家.7. So what? 6. Come on over to Dianas place.那又怎样? 请到Diana的家来吧.8. Is Diana your best friend now? Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.现在Diana是你最好的朋友吗? 是的. /不是.9. Dont be silly! 8. We can play together.别傻了! 我们可以一起玩.语法点:人称代词和物主代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数复数单数复数单 数复 数人称代词主 格Iweyouyouhe /she /itthey物主代词形容词性myouryouryourher/his/itstheir人称代词指代人或物,在句中作主语或宾语,所以有主格和宾格。物主代词是表示所有关系的一种代词,亦称所有格代词。形容词性物主代词为限定词,放在名词或名词短语前作定语。Unit 3 Animal Words1:animal elephant duck pig lion cow hippo snake wolfwolves动物 大象 鸭子 猪 狮子 奶牛 河马 蛇 狼foxfoxes sheepsheep crocodile grass farm eat live fly sing 狐狸 绵羊 鳄鱼 草 农场 吃 住 飞 唱 tiger it on a farm a lot milk老虎 它(指动物、物体、事物等) 在农场 许多 牛奶Words2: Africa Asia other animals 非洲 亚洲 其他的动物Sentences 1: 肯定句 一般疑问句 回答1. It is a sheep. Is it a sheep? Yes, it is. 它是一只绵羊。 它是一只绵羊吗? 是的,它是。 2. It is an elephant. Is it an elephant? No, it isnt.它是一只大象。 它是一只大象吗? 不是,它不是。3. Its brown. Is it brown? Yes, it is.它是棕色的。 它是棕色的吗? 是的,它是。4. Its purple. Is it purple? No, it isnt.它是紫色的。 它是紫色的吗? 不是,它不是。5. It can fly. Can it fly? Yes, it can.它会飞。 它会飞吗? 是的,它会。6. It can sing. Can it sing? No, it cant.它会唱。 它会唱吗? 不会,它不会。7. It has got a long mouth. Has it got a long mouth? Yes, it has.它有一个长嘴巴。 它有一个长嘴巴吗? 是的,它有。8. It has got two big ears. Has it got two big ears? No, it hasnt.它有两只大耳朵。 它有两只大耳朵吗? 不,它没有。9. It eats other animals. Does it eat other animals? Yes, it does.它吃其它动物。 它吃其它动物吗? 是的,它吃。10. It eats grass. Does it eat grass? No, it doesnt. 它吃草。 它吃草吗? 不,它不吃。11. It lives on a farm. Does it live on a farm? Yes, it does. 它住在一个农场。 它住在农场吗? 是的,它是。12. It lives in Africa. Does it live in Africa? No, it doesnt. 它住在非洲。 它住在非洲吗? 不, 它不是。Sentences 2: 1. What a lovely fat pig! 多可爱的小胖猪!2. I love your music. Can you teach me? 我喜爱你的音乐,你能教我吗?3. Lets give the wolf a chance. 我们给狼一个机会吧。4. Come tomorrow. 明天来吧。5. Thats much better. 好了很多。6. Whats in the basket? 篮子里有什么?7. Please, dont eat us. 求求你,别吃我。8. One more song. 再来一首歌。9Then you can eat us. 然后你就可以吃我们了。10. Heres the guitar.这里有吉他。11. We drink its milk. 我们喝它产的牛奶。12.The milk is good for us. 牛奶对我们有好处。13. It eats a lot every day. 它每天吃很多。14. It sleeps a lot, too. 它也很能睡。Unit 4 My RoomWords1:room picture clock chair table lamp soft wardrobe mirror curtain 房间 图画 钟 椅子 桌子 台灯 长沙发 衣柜 镜子 窗帘window look old in on under behind climb bee 窗户 看 旧的,老的 在里面 在.上面 在下面 在下面 爬 蜜蜂of course当然Words2: where land on jump up climb on 哪里 落在.上 跳起来 爬上.Sentences 1: 1.The clock is on the chair. 钟在椅子上。2.The sofa is behind the table. 长沙发在桌子后面。3.The lamp is in front of the picture .台灯在图画前面。4. The mirror is on the wardrobe. 镜子在衣柜上面。5.The curtains are in front of the window.窗帘在窗的前面。6.Is the ruler under the bed? Yes, it is. 尺子在床下吗?是的,它是。7. Is the eraser in front of the book? No, it isnt. 有一块橡皮在书的前面吗?不,没有。8. Where is the pencil? Its under the desk. 铅笔在哪里?在书桌下。9. Where is the ruler? Its in the pencil case. 尺子在哪里?/在笔盒里。10. Where are the desks? They are on the floor. 桌子在哪里?它们在地板上。Sentences 2: 1. Look behind the curtains. Look under the table. Its not there. 到窗帘后面找找。 到桌子下面找找。 它不在那里。 You can find them if you look. 你如果看一看就会找到。2. You are reading a book. You can hear a bee. You look under the bed. No bee. 你正在看书。 你听到蜜蜂的声音。 你到床下找。 它不在那里。 You climb on the wardrobe. You look behind the curtains. Its on your nose. 你爬上衣柜。 你看了看窗帘后面。 它在你的鼻子上。3. Sorry, I cant give it to you. Please give it to us. Heres a bag of gold coins. 对不起,我不能把它给你。 求求你,把它给我们吧。 这里是一袋金币。It looks good. Wheres my pencil case? I cant find my book. 它看起来不错。 我的笔盒呢? 我找不到我的书。We dont like the sofa. Can we have our gold back? 我们不喜欢这长沙发,我们可以要回金币吗?What a nice clock! Its wonderful. 多漂亮的钟啊! 真棒。Unit 5 School life 学校生活Words 1:wear shirt skirt sock sweater cardigan trousers 穿 衬衫 裙子 袜子 毛衣 羊毛外套 裤子jeans blouse blazer shoe tie song story 牛仔裤 女衬衣 运动上衣 鞋子 领带 歌唱 故事class lesson nice best English school uniform班 课 好看的 最 英语 校服Words 2: photo poor later chain poster idea boring chant 照片 可怜的 之后 链子 海报 主意 沉闷的 歌谣 video录像Sentences 1: 1. I come from Rome. 我来自罗马。2. I like the songs/stories /games/chants best. 我最喜欢歌曲/那些故事/游戏/歌谣了。3. Tracey is wearing a blue skirt, black shoes, black socks, a red tie, a white blouse and a grey cardigan.Tracey 穿着一条蓝色的裙子,黑色的鞋,黑色的袜子,戴着一条红色的领带,穿着一件白色的衬衣和一件灰色的羊毛外套。4. Chris is wearing grey trousers, a red tie, a white shirt and a blue blazer.Chris 穿着灰色的裤子,戴着一条红色的领带,穿着一件白衬衫和一件蓝色的运动上衣。5. Im in Class Five. 我在五班。6. Im in Year Four this year. 我今年读四年级。7. At school we wear a uniform. 我们在学校穿一套制服。8. A: Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一类(衣服)?B: I like dresses best. 我最喜欢连衣裙。9. A: Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一类(衣服)?B: I like cardigans and trousers best. 我最喜欢羊毛外套和裤子。Sentences 2: 1. He is on a chain. 他被一条链子拴住了。2. He needs food, water and love. 他需要食物、水和爱。10. I think they look nice. 我认为它们挺好看的。Unit 6 HolidaysWords1:holiday paint dance visit world moon home aunt 假期 (用颜料)画 跳舞 参观;拜访 世界 月亮 家 姨,婶uncle bright on holiday 叔 明亮的 在度假Words2: asleep cool pool sea knock the Great Wall tonight kitchen睡着的 酷的 游泳池 海洋 敲门 长城 今晚 厨房 living room monster bath bathroom bedroom really 起居室,客厅 妖怪,怪物 洗澡 浴室 卧室 极其,非常Phrases动词短语:visit the Great Wall 参观长城ride a horse/bike 骑 马/自行车swim in the sea/pool 在海里/游泳池里游泳play football 踢足球play table tennis 打乒乓球play the piano 弹钢琴play basketball 打篮球eat banana/pizza 吃香蕉/披萨play the guitar 弹吉他have a bath 洗澡watch TV 看电视wash dishes 洗盘子Grammar:(语法)现在进行时: 表示正在进行的动作。构成法: am/are /is+ 动词ing 如:我正在做作业。 I am doing my homework.动词原形 现在分词:1 动词原形ing: (直接加ing)paint- painting read -reading sing- singing play-playing go-goinglisten-listening talk-talking eat-eating stand-standing drink-drinkingstudy-studying learn-learning draw-drawing fly-flying visit-visiting 2. (辅音加e结尾的)去掉最后的“e ” +ing:dance-dancing ride-riding write-writing have-having3. (以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的)双写最后的辅音ing:get-getting put-putting run-running swim-swimmingSentences 1: 1. What are you doing? I am painting. 你正在干什么? 我正在画画。2. What are you doing? I am watching TV. 你正在干什么? 我正在看电视。3.What is Tom doing? He is riding a horse. Tom 正在干什么? 他正在骑马。2. What is Emma doing? She is dancing. Emma正在干什么? 她正在跳舞。3. What are you doing? We are swimming. 你们正在干什么? 我们正在游泳。4. What are Lucy and Mike doing? They are running. Lucy和 Mike正在干什么? 他们正在跑步。5. What are they doing? They are playing the piano. 他们正在干什么? 他们正在弹钢琴。6. What is the cat doing? It is eating spaghetti. 这只猫正在干什么? 它正在吃意粉。7. What are the lion and the duck doing? They are singing. 狮子和鸭子正在干什么? 它们正在唱歌。8. Jane is washing dishes. Jane正在洗碗。Sentences 2: 1. Sue and Tim are reading. Sue 和Tim正在看书。2. The cat is swimming in the pool. 猫正在池里游泳。3. The fox and the hippo are standing on their heads. 狐狸和河马正在倒立。4. We are on holiday in Beijing. 我们在北京度假。5. Were playing football in the park. 我们正在公园踢足球。6. Im visiting my uncle on the farm. 我们正在农场拜访我的伯父。7. Were visiting the Great Wall. 我们正在参观长城。8. She is swimming in the sea. 她正在海里游泳。9. This is LiuLei from China together with his brother. 这是来自中国的刘磊和他的弟弟。10. Were visiting our aunt in the US. 我们正在美国拜访我的姑姑。11. The moon is bright. 月亮是明亮的。12. And theres a party tonight. 今晚有个聚会。13. Have a nice holiday! 祝你有个愉快的假期。14. What do they see? 他们看见了什么?15. In the bathroom a hippo is having a bath. 在浴室里,一只河马正在洗澡。13.In the living room a fox and a snake are playing table tennis.在起居室里,一只狐狸和一条蛇正在打乒乓球。14.In the kitchen the rabbit is washing the dishes. 在厨房,兔子正在洗碗。15.Whos knocking? 谁在敲门?16.The big crocodile. 一条大鳄鱼。 Help! Help! 救命啊! 附:疑问代词:when什么时候 where什么地点 who谁-whose谁的 what什么(事情) why为什么 which哪个 how怎么样 how many多少(个) how much多少钱 how old多大e.g. -When is your birthday? - In May. -Where is my pen? - Its under your book. - Whats this? - Its a map. -Why are you late? - Because I got up late this morning. - Who is that girl over there? - She is Mary, my classmate.-Whose ruler is it? - Its mine. -Which one do you like? -I like the blue one.-How are you? -Fine, thank you.- How many birds can you see in the picture? I can see three.- How much is it? -Its two dollars. -How old are you? - Im ten.15


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