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364KITCHEN&FOOD PREPARATIONJOB CATEGORY WINNERCHIEF STEWARD SHERATON MIRAGE GOLD COASTTASKSHOTEL ORIENTATION DEPARTMENT ORIENTATIONUNDERSTANDING BANQUETS, RESTAURANT & BEVERAGE OUTLET OPERATIONSPLANNING PAR STOCKPEANING FORECAST REPORTSPURCHASE ORDER SYSTEMPREPARING DATA FOR PAYROLL OUTLOOKTIME MANAGEMENTMOTIVATING WORKERSINEVSTIGATING ACCIDENT REPORTSRESEARCHING NEW PRODUCTS/EQUIPMENTPREPARINGCAPITAL EXPENSE BUDGETSPREPARING A DEPARTMENT TRAINING BUSINESS PLAN INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUESCOUNSELING TECHNIQUESPLANNING A KITCHEN LAYOUTSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:HOTEL ORIENTATIONSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:DEPARTMENT ORIENTATIONSTANDARD: PROCEDURE:STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:UNDERSTANDING BANQUETS, RESTAURANT AND BEVERAGE OUTLET OPERATIONSSTANDARD: In order to maintain the Stewards Department as a smooth organized department, the Chief Steward must understand the normal day-to-day operations of all Banquet, Restaurant and Beverage outlets. PROCEDURE:Discuss and confirm with outlet Managers:A) What are the daily requirements.B) Set up of Bussing Procedures.C) Scheduling of cleaning operations.D) System of communication for extra needs.E) Set up and use of storage areas.F) Explanations by outlet Managers on their operations.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:PLANNING PAR STOCKSSTANDARD: Good planning of par stocks in outlets must be maintained for a smooth efficient operation in both outlets and Stewards department. PROCEDURE:A) Planning par stocks is basically controlled by:i) Seating capacity of outlet.ii) Type of food service.iii) Specific use of items in outlet.iv) Storage space.B) Use of ratios as a guideline depending on how many uses a particular item has.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:Reading Forecast Reports is an important function related to good planning and control of staffing levels and should be read daily for accuracy of planning.STANDARD: Good planning of par stocks in outlets must be maintained for a smooth efficient operation in both outlets and Stewards department. PROCEDURE:A) Forecast reports are posted on notice boards in kitchen.i) Note occupancy percentage of Hotelii) Tour movements Food requirements.iii) Functions scheduled.B) Plan staffing levels according to information obtained:i) Reduce quiet shifts to busy shifts.ii) Off days planned on quiet shifts.iii) Additional casual staff if required.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARDHEAD: CHIEF STEWARD G . M . APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PURCHASE OREDR SYSTEMSTANDARD: Purchase order system must be strictly followed using procedures listed:PROCEDURE:A) Purchase Request to be raised by chief Steward by filling in all information required in the Purchase Request Form:i) Date of making purchaseii) Phone of supplier if known.iii) Name and address of supplier if known.iv) Your account code.v) EXACT description of goods requested.vi) Quantity required.vii) Date items required.viii) Reason for request.B) Hand purchase request to purchasing manager for pricing.C) Do not sign Purchase Request till pricing been completed and returned.D) Hand to Food and Beverage Manager for authorization who will then forward to General for final approval.E) Purchase Request is then returned to purchasing Manager for action.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARDHEAD: CHIEF STEWARD G . M . APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PREPARING DATA FOR PAYROLL OUTLOOKSTANDARD: All data for payroll outlook will be prepared following procedures listed.PROCEDURE:On receipt of Payroll Outlook Form the paymaster, which should show number of weeks involved, present of budgeted strength of department and Public Holidays involved.A) Proceed to log in hours per week in columns available in its breakup form.B) Check Function Forecast Sheets for the month concerned and log in extra Casual hours of any required.C) Add sub total in the first half of the form from left to right, and top to bottom, figures should match for both.D) Log in second half of Outlook form according to items required for deduction of hours anticipated for annual leave. Leave without pay or sick leave if figures are available.E) Figures should again match for the grand total.F) Return Payroll Outlook to Executive Chef for approval and returning to Payroll Office.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARDHEAD: CHIEF STEWARD G . M . APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: TIME MANAGEMENTSTANDARD: Time Management must be maintained by proper planning of daily duties and setting of goals/priorities for the day.PROCEDURE:Good time management can be achieved by :A) Daily goal setting .B) Plan for day according to tasks required.C) Anticipate problems and try to avoid management by crisis.D) Do not let others side track you from your plans if you dont have the time.E) Avoid interruptions to your tasks by colleagues.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARD HEAD: CHIEF STEWARD G . M . APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: MOTIVATING WORKERSSTANDARD: Motivating workers is one of the most important tasks of the chief Steward and be achieved by following procedures listed.PROCEDURE:Treat all employees by:A) Continually assuring them that they are a valuable and important part of the team.B) Maintain their self esteem by praise whenever good performance has been done.C) Treat them cordially and show interest in their well being.D) Give additional responsibilities if deserved/capable.E) Avoid boredom of repetitive work.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY: CHIEF STEWARDHEAD: CHIEF STEWARD G . M . APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: INVESTIGATING ACCIDENT REPORTSSTANDARD: Investigation of accident reports must be conducted in detail following guidelines supplied in the Injury and Investigation Form.PROCEDURE:Each accident to be investigated regardless of severity of accident to prevent re-occurrence. Visit scene of accident, interview injured person, witnesses and determine:A) What you consider to be the real cause of the accident .B) Steps to be taken to prevent re-occurrence of similar type of accident.C) What other corrections required to prevent similar accident.D) Record names of witnesses and what they witnessed. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:RESEARCHING NEW PRODUCTS/EQUIPMENTSTANDARD: All research of new products and equipment to be done with Purchasing Manager following procedures listed:. PROCEDURE:1. See purchasing Manager with details/ information of produce/ equipment required.2. Set time limit with Purchasing Manager to come back with details of whats available in the market and cost.3. Obtain sample if possible to try out product.4. Decisions are usually based on:A. Effectiveness of product.B. Cost.C. Time/ labour saving.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:Preparing capital expense budget must be done with the Executive Chef following procedures listed:STANDARD: Preparing capital expense budget must be done with the Executive Chef following procedures listed: PROCEDURE:1. Capital expense budgets are usually done at least a year in advance of future requirements or changes of a major expense.2. Make a detailed list of equipment or changes required.3. With assistance of Chief Engineer, check installation costs or if they are viable to existing structures.4. With assistance of Chief Engineer, check installation costs or if they are viable to existing structures.5. Submit list with compilation of all costs with reasons for requirements or changes to the Food and Beverage Director for approval and submission to the Controller.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:PREPARING A DEPARTMENT TRAINING BUSTNESS PLANSTANDARD: Preparation of a department training business plan must be completed in line with hotel training business plan and needs of stewards department. PROCEDURE:1. Gather topics of training required to be done from total training business plan.2. Add to these topics, training requirements for stewards department.3. This usually done on a half yearly plan and must be adhered to .4. At completion, department training business plan must show topics, month ,training hours.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUESSTANDARD: Good interviewing techniques must be maintained by following procedures listed. PROCEDURE:1. If possible before interview, read all information available from the Applicants form:A. Applicants personal details.B. Work history, type of jobs done, length of stay at jobs.2. At interview as for feedback regarding:A. InterestsB. Family C. Reasons for applying for job.D. Information on previous jobs.E. Future plans.F. Give information about job applied for.3. Try to maintain a relaxed and smooth flow of information.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:COUNSELLING TECHNIQUESSTANDARD: Good counseling techniques must be practised and maintained by following procedures listed. PROCEDURE:A. Speaking in privacy with person concerned.B. Maintain his self esteem.C. Speak about particular subject concerned.D. Get feedback/views from person concerned.E. Give suggestions for possible solutionF. Be attentive and show concern.G. Practice good listening skills.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT:STEWARDING JOB CATEGORY:CHIEF STEWARDHEAD:CHIEF STEWARD GMAPPROVAL: DATE:TASK:PLANNING A KITCHEN LAYOUTSTANDARD: Planning a kitchen layout is crucial to smooth effective operations and should be achieved by following procedures listed. PROCEDURE:A. Effective use of space available B. Clear and easy access for both kitchen and service staff.C. Positioning is crucial to save time if storage areas are not close to the areas using it.

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