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高考英语基础写作,图表类说明文,1,some common charts and graphs,2,根据所给图表,用5句话描写近年来看电影与看电视的人数变化的短文。,a: Number of TV watchers b: Number of film goers,Number of People (in thousands),a b,曲线图(line graph),3,A Percentage of Average Family Expense in 2000,B Percentage of Average Family Expense in2005,Housing 25%,other 57%,Housing 32%,other 46%,Food drink 18%,Food drink 22%,饼状图(pie chart),4,观察下列图表,根据图示描述该市住房产权变化;说 明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响;,%,20,40,60,80,100,1995,2000,2005,State-owned,private,条状图(bar chart),5,请你根据下表提供的信息描述近5年人们饮食的变 化,并说明变化的原因.,表格 (table),6,数字表:曲线图 graph 表格 table 几何图形 figure 图形表:饼状图 pie chart 条状图 bar chart 平面图, 示意图,外形图 diagram,图表作文分类:,7,How to organize the passage and interpret the information?,?,8,图表式作文是说明文的一种。一般可分三个层次来写: 第一按照题目要求描述图表反映的总情况,即概括大意。 第二对数字进行仔细的比较,抓住特点进行分析、归纳并找出产生变化的原因。 第三可写读图表后的想法和评论,从而得出自己的结论。,图表作文三个层次要求,9,如图所知/所示 :,(1) According to the table / chart/ graph, we can see/conclude that ,1、How to begin your passage,(2)The table/graph/data shows/indicates/points out that ,直接点明本图表所反映主题.,10,(3) As we can see from the table, As can be seen from the graph, As is shown in the chart, .,11,e.g. 从2000年至今,发生了巨大的变化,Great changes have taken place in since 2000.,12,分析数据间的主要差异及描述趋势,2. How to interpret the related information,13,表示增加的动词 :,increase / rise / climb /go up / jump / double,表示减少的动词:,decrease / go down / drop / fall / decline / reduce,14,表示稳定的动词:,remain stable go on steadily stay the same,15,表示变化 的形容词、副词:,rapid/rapidly slow/slowly sudden/suddenly gradual/gradually sharp/sharply,steady/steadily slight/slightly significant/significantly dramatic/dramatically,16,数字,数量,80%: 1/2: 3/4 : 两倍: 剩余的:,eighty percent,one/a half,three fourths,the rest,twice/double,17,3/4的学生喜欢体育运动。,_ love sports.,70的地球表面被水覆盖。,_is covered by water.,Three fourths of the students,70 of the surface of the earth,18,今年的房价比两年前翻了一番。,_that of two years ago. (is twice that of two years ago),The price of houses this year doubles,19,描述增减变化常用的句型,-Compared with A,B increased by ,_, (与去年相比)our cost of this year dramatically increased by 11%.,Compared with last year,20,-The percentage of is larger / smaller than that of,The percentage of the students who take part- time jobs in holidays,_ _(在假期做兼职的学生比例)is slightly larger than that of the past.,21,-There was a drop/fall/rise/an increase in,There was_ _ (在教师的数量上有逐渐地增长)go to have further education.,a gradual increase in the number of teachers who,22,多种表达(以免单一),-30% of the students think (hold / share the view) that .,-There are 40% of students who find/insist that .,-It is believed by 20% that .,23,4、图表写作套句精选 1).The table shows the changes in the number ofover the period fromto 该表格描述了在年之年间数量的变化。 2).The graph provides some interesting data regarding 该图为我们提供了有关有趣数据。 3).This is a graph which describes the trend of 这个曲线图描述了的趋势。,24,4).The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that 这些数据资料令我们得出结论 5).The graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in 该图以圆形图形式描述了总的趋势 6)(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in 年急剧上升 7) The number sharply went up to 数字急剧上升至,25,8).The figures peaked atin(month/year) 的数目在月(年)达到顶点,为 9).The percentage ofis slightly larger/smaller than that of 的比例比的比例略高(低) 10). decreased year by year whileincreased steadily. 逐年减少,而逐步上升。,26,12). fromtothe rate of decrease slow down. 从到,下降速率减慢。 13). from this year on,there was a gradual decline /reduction in the,reaching a figure of 从这年起,逐渐下降至,11).The situation reached a peak(a high point at) of%. 的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为百分点,27,3. How to end a passage,In a word ,_ no doubt that _ great changes in peoples diets in the future.,简而言之,毫无疑问人们未来的饮食会有巨大的 变化。,there is,there will be,归纳总结或发表评论。,28,in a word, in short, generally speaking, Its clear from the chart that., We can draw the conclusion that., We can learn/know.,29,It is clear from the chart that as incomes increase people can afford to live more comfortably and eat well. In conclusion, the upward trends suggest that more and more computer users will have access to Internet in the future. In summary, smoking increased three different times and declined twice, with the last downward trend still continuing.,30,写作内容 根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 1.调查时间,调查问题,以及调查对象; 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3.”父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5.你的偶像及理由。,上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:,31,1._ Last week,we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 2._ The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as idols,while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. 3._ As the data shows, “parents” rank the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. 4._ However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. 5._ As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.,范文剖析,Conclusion,Fact,Your opinion,Fact,Fact,数据的表达?,32,Lets practise!,33,下面两幅图表反映的是最近调查你校学生的有关信息: (1)在校学生结构图 (2)中学毕业生去向示意图,(1) (2),34,写作内容: 请根据以上两幅图表,用英语介绍调查的情况,包括以下内容 (讲话的开头和结尾已为你写好):调查的内容,调查的结果。 写作要求:100字左右,35,参考词汇: 图表:chart 职业学院:vocational college 外来务工人员:migrant workers Ladies and gentlemen, Im Li Hua. Today, Im honored to share with you the survey in our school. Thats all. Thank you.,36,Ladies and gentlemen, Im Li Hua. Today, Im honored to share with you the result of the survey in our school. Chart 1 shows us the diversity of the student body in our school. Of the total, the local students make up ninety-one percent, while eight percent are the children of migrant workers, and one percent foreign students.,37,From Chart 2, we can see the students choices after graduation. There are about two thirds of them who intend to go to university. One quarter choose to enter vocational colleges, ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies, and the rest, five percent, would like to go directly into employment. Thats all. Thank you.,38,


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